War Emperor

Chapter 1440: Dissolve

Witnessing Lin Han's supernatural power at this moment, many immortals admired that after tens of thousands of years of silence, it is finally about to usher in another peerless evildoer.

This young boy, entering the fairy world in the future, will inevitably have a great future.

Now they have all seen behind it, there is a dazzling divine ring shrouded in it, dazzling.

"I...I... unexpectedly lost!" Heavenly Dao's body was lying in a pool of blood with two halves. It was difficult to accept the result, and his body was trembling slightly.

He who regarded all beings as ants, never thought that he would lose.

His current mood is no less than falling into an abyss.

"No, I didn't lose, Lin Han, you want to defeat me, but it's not that simple." Then, his eyes suddenly became fierce, and a fierce flame burst up all over his body, rushing towards Lin Han , Roared: "Even if the Dao of Heaven is dead today, I will die with you."

"What is he going to do?"

"It seems to blew up!"

Many people were surprised.

As the corpse of the heavens flew over, the body began to swell, with an endless atmosphere of heaven, like a river and sea, sweeping towards the surroundings.

This is obviously a sign of self-destruction.


Thinking of this possibility, the masters of many major forces were shocked.

Ordinary cultivators can explode, and they can display immense power. Can the heavens explode?

It is a disaster for the world.

Lin Han is just a body of flesh and blood, it is impossible to resist.

"Heaven, are you crazy?" Lin Han's expression also changed wildly. He didn't expect Heaven to make such an extreme move.

Under the swelling corpse, he also felt a strong and extremely dangerous fluctuation. If it really exploded by itself, he would also be dangerous.

After all, it was too terrifying to blew the way of heaven. Nothing like this happened in ancient times.

"Haha, I'm just crazy, you humble reptile want to go to the Dao, dream. Even if I blew myself up, countless years later, it will be a lot of business to read the Dao, you are not worthy!" Tian Dao laughed.

This is the dignity of being a heaven.

If human beings came to the Tao of Heaven, it would be a blasphemy against "Heaven", even if he died, he would not agree.

Lin Han couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed, God's way is really hateful.

"Nine elephants in time and space, rotate, give me a hold of him." At the moment, he almost displayed the power of his whole body, and sacrificed the nine immortal pictures again. Each immortal picture exudes a terrifying light, trying to stop the corpse of the heavens. near.

And in the nine immortal pictures, there is also a huge swallowing force, wanting to lead it to another time and space.

In this way, even if he blew himself up, there would be no threat to himself.

"If Heavenly Dao really blew up successfully, I am afraid that all five continents will be destroyed."

Many leaders of great powers also solemnly talk to themselves.

This destructive power is too strong, and the world may fall into a new cycle by then.

Human beings are extinct, and after a few years, everything will come back to life.

The act of heaven is almost the same as destroying the world.

"Lin Han, your nine-elephant time and space can't stop me at all. I will definitely burst open. All sentient beings, including you, will all die with me." Heavenly Dao said cruel and cruel.

He did not hesitate to let everyone bury himself, and he did not want to make Lin Han.

Sure enough, Lin Han noticed that the swelling trend of the corpse of the heavens was still intensifying, and it was approaching him.

He feels like a ghost is closing in to cover him.

"Hong, can you do anything?" Lin Han couldn't help but sweat profusely on his forehead and said to Hong.

He is really aware of the danger now, and there is no effective means.

"I can try to swallow it, but I can't guarantee that it will succeed. If it fails, it will cause tremendous harm to me." Honggu smiled.

He couldn't just watch, the creatures of all continents were destroyed by heaven!

"You mean, you are likely to explode again?" Lin Han asked in surprise.

"It's very possible." Hong said. He has not yet recovered to the peak, and he is not sure whether he can withstand the immense explosive power. No matter what, he has to try it. This is the only way to save Lin Han and sentient beings, otherwise the heavens will explode and all sentient beings will be destroyed. , Five continents and four seas will become the past.

Lin Han felt sorrow and grief in his heart. If Honghuang's sword-making furnace really had a problem, he would blame himself. For these years, Hong has been by his side, teaching him and assisting him. Without Hong, he would not have been today.

But this is the end of the matter, and he can't say anything to stop Hong. It's too much.

"It doesn't matter, even if I break again, I won't recover slowly." Hong smiled comfortingly.

Then, he automatically flew out of Lin Han's dantian, flowing with a hazy atmosphere of black and yellow, revealing a lofty, immortal, mysterious aura.

"Honghuang Casting Sword Furnace, what are you going to do?" Tiandao couldn't help changing his tone, and said with some fear.

The Sword Casting Furnace is the most terrifying weapon in all continents and seas. Even in the immortal world, it has a supreme position.

At this juncture, Lin Han's sacrifice of the prehistoric sword-forging furnace did make him aware of something wrong.

If there is something between heaven and earth that can prevent him from exploding, it must be a prehistoric sword forging furnace.

"Tian Dao, you are too narrow-minded. In order to preserve your position, you will not hesitate to let all spirits be buried with you. With a heaven like you, it is a disaster in all directions. If you want to explode now, I will completely swallow you." Hongfei came out with cold eyes and shouted.

At the mouth of the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, a large swath of Ruiguang was also sprayed out, as if a big swallowing mouth opened to swallow everything.

"Hong, if you want to die, do you know the trauma to you!" Tiandao hissed in a sharper voice.

He could see that Hong's injury had not healed yet, so it was very likely that he would be destroyed again.

"I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell, as long as I can save Wan Ling and Lin Han, even if I destroy again, it will be worth it." Hong sighed slightly. If he can survive and swallow the power of heaven, he can let him The rank has been improved a lot again, and he has obtained amazing benefits.

It can be said that this is an adventure.

"I absolutely can't let you succeed." Tiandao roared, he blew himself up, he would not be reconciled if he didn't kill Lin Han and Wan Ling.

At the moment, an extremely powerful wave erupted from his corpse, trying to bypass the prehistoric sword-forging furnace and rushed towards Lin Han again.

However, Hong smiled faintly. There is nothing that can change what he believes, not even the way of heaven.

"Swallow!" At the moment, he spit out such a word, and the huge furnace mouth of the prehistoric sword-forging furnace suddenly opened, like an evil beast, swallowing the corpse of the heavens.

No matter where the corpse of the Heavenly Path is left, there is no way to avoid it.

At this time, the world calmed down again, and hundreds of millions of living creatures breathed a sigh of relief, literally fleeing after disaster.

If it weren't for the prehistoric sword-making furnace, the five continents and four seas would have been destroyed.

Some princes and ministers of the Guli dynasty were also extremely grateful to Honghuang forging a sword furnace.

The sword-making furnace is equivalent to doing a great deed to save sentient beings.

"Hong, how are you?" Lin Han couldn't bear it and said with concern.

It was too miserable to know Hongjiang’s strong explosion and to bear it alone.

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