War Emperor

Chapter 1451: Sheng Sendai

Lin Han seemed to be such an unlucky ghost now.

Lin Han was in a daze. He was treated like this when he first came to Immortal Realm. If he couldn't find a prosperous star, he would indeed be finished.

"However, this is also good, the Southern Emperor Clan Chief, Law Enforcement Immortal Emperor, Wuliang Immortal Emperor, Tiandao Immortal Emperor, they must send people to station at many Shengxiantai, as long as they see me, I will definitely die. I was teleported to this remote death star, I'm fine for now."

Lin Han muttered to himself.

Even ascending into a fairy is very difficult.

But there are too many stars in the universe, and there are still a steady stream of Ascendants, entering the fairy world, providing a lot of fresh blood.

The Southern Royal Family, Xiangui Mountain, Tiandao Mountain, Wuliang Mountain, and the Great Thousand Realm of Megatron are naturally capable of this.

He teleports to the Death Star and is a good haven.

"Now I can only take one step and see one step." Hong nodded: "You can recover from the injury first. This state is too weak. If there are some powerful star beasts on the Death Star, they will directly treat you as food. Eat it."

In the fairy world, even if the dead star is dead, there are likely to be creatures that survive, and are powerful and breathtaking.

If Lin Han is unlucky, he will be even more unlucky if he encounters a star beast that can move the world.

Lin Han sighed, it seemed that the immortal world was more cruel and dangerous than he had imagined, and he had to be vigilant at all times.

At the moment, he dragged his weak body, sat up with difficulty, circulated the chaotic good fortune art in his body, and began to frantically absorb the Qi of the world, warming his body.

The injury in the hands of the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family was so severe that even if he had the supreme emperor, it would be difficult to recover in a short time.

"Huh, these heavens and earth's auras are so advanced?" Lin Han took a while and asked in surprise.

Around him, a strand of golden gas entered his body, and he immediately felt that his body was nourished. The broken meridians, bones, and flesh and blood were all healing at an astonishing speed.

This is faster than healing injuries in the five continents and four seas, I don't know how much faster.

"This is nature, this is immortal energy, which is nowhere higher than the air of heaven and earth." Hong corrected.

This is a death star, and the immortal energy is not strong. If you go to some big life stars, the degree of immortal energy will be more eye-opening.

To put it bluntly, even a pig can become a master in that environment.

Lin Han secretly wondered that countless masters in ancient times had to sharpen their heads and enter the immortal world. The cultivation environment here was so superior. It's no wonder that people in the immortal realm look high above all beings from all over the world, like ants.

Those who live here do have capital.


As strands of golden fairy aura entered Lin Han's body, more and more golden light radiated from Lin Han's body.

At the same time, the aura on his body is even more majestic. When he cultivates for about three hours, he returns to the peak and breaks through an unprecedented realm, with two incomparably thick golden lights shooting out of a pair of eyes.

"I have entered the fairyland?" Lin Han said excitedly.

Now his body and soul seem to be sublimated, and his body can float autonomously in the starry sky.

This is the sign of Wonderland, which can travel in the starry sky.

Otherwise, no matter how strong the Emperor Realm is, it won't be possible.

"Yes, it seems that your accumulation is really deep, reaching the level of the fifth floor of the fairyland in an instant." Hong smiled.

The fairyland is divided into nine levels, which is the first realm of fairyland cultivation, followed by "Great Wonderland", "Golden Wonderland", "Daluo Golden Wonderland", "Xianwang Realm", "Xiandi Realm"... and so on.

Coming to the fairy world, Lin Han is equivalent to stepping into a new starting point.

The fifth floor of the fairyland is very powerful for those who have just ascended.

Many people have soared, and the accumulation is not deep enough, even the first level of the fairyland can not reach.

Lin Han has broken through five small realms in a row, which is a good thing many people dare not dream of.

Lin Han smiled bitterly. As the number one master of the past in the five continents, his demeanor illuminates the past and the present. In the big world of stars, he is like a rookie, his strength has become so low. This sense of gap really makes him a little uncomfortable. .

However, he has always been a person who likes to chase.

The environment with many masters and a higher level of cultivation can stimulate the fighting spirit in his heart!

He believes that he can create a legend in the five continents and four seas, and he can definitely do it in the fairy world.

Here, the sky is high and the sea is wide, which is more suitable for him to soar on the stage.

"Haha, yes, don't worry, with me assisting you, you will surely rise again soon." Hong laughed.

Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace, as the first ancient artifact in the immortal world, he has many magical powers and profound meanings, which can only be displayed here.

Therefore, he is more confident here, and cultivates Lin Han into a peerless powerhouse. One day, the patriarch of the Shoujiannan royal family, the emperor of law enforcement, the immortal emperor Wuliang, and the emperor of heaven are not dreams.

"For so many years, has this Shengxiantai finally attracted immortals? It's really surprising. Come, let me see what kind of person it is."

At this moment, a scene that surprised Lin Han happened, and an old voice came not far from him.

Lin Han turned his eyes, dozens of miles away, there was a dead tree, already decayed, and there was a "clay figure" underneath. He didn't know how many years he had been sitting there. His body was covered with starry sky dust. At first glance, it looked like a sculpture. Like.

Shicai's breath is dead, and there is no life fluctuation.

Now that he came alive, such words came out.

Lin Han was extremely surprised.

"Who are you?" Lin Han asked, for some reason, he felt that this old man was a bit difficult.

The breath of the whole body is not leaking, and there is the breath of years circulating in a pair of vicissitudes of eyes.

"I am your guide, specializing in attracting the immortals who fly to "Canggu Shengxiantai". It is not easy. There have been no immortals here in this Sendai for 100,000 years." The old man made an ancient voice, like many Like nothing in the year.

Lin Han is dizzy, one hundred thousand years? Isn't this old man sitting here cross-legged for 100,000 years?

However, people in the fairy world are very abnormal, and it is not impossible for some people to have a long life.

"What should I do?" Lin Han asked. When he first came to Immortal Realm, he was like a young man who knew nothing.

"Stand on the stage, it will test your talents. According to your talents, the old will give you a certain "immortal reward", which contains a lot of knowledge in the fairy world, as well as some elixir, spiritual tools, etc." The old man Gujing Wu Wave road.

Lin Han noticed that not far from the old man, there was indeed a mud platform, black and looking dilapidated, like a small mound.

Without knowing it, no one can tell that this is a so-called Shengsentai.

Lin Han couldn't help but muttered: "This rise to Sendai is too broken."

Even if he didn't know anything about other places, he felt it was a defeat.

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