War Emperor

Chapter 1461: One Star Magic

However, Lin Han's expression was extremely calm, fighting at the same level, he was not afraid of anyone.

"Boy, I'll let you know, I'm great!" Feng Chen grinned, and Shi Cai ridiculed Lin Han. Lin Han tested the talent of Ding Ding. For him, it was also a disguised face slap.

He was angry, and he had to subdue Lin Han to be happy.

And in Lin Wudi, he felt Lin Han's breath, and he was most uncomfortable with this.


After he finished speaking, he pushed it flat with a palm, and the blue light in his palm was full of horror.

In the blue light, there is a Kunpeng appeared, entering the sea as a Kunpeng, going out to the sea as a Peng, it is huge and majestic, and oppresses people's hearts.

"Kunpeng palm, one-star fairy skill!"

Many people couldn't help but exclaim.

In the fairy world, the one-star fairy skill is already very precious, and many of the children of the power among the small stars have never seen it in their lifetime.

Only some forces with extraordinary strength can have this kind of magical skill.

The fairy skill is divided into nine stars, and one star is also very powerful.

"One-star fairy skill?" Lin Han couldn't help being a little surprised. This was far more powerful than the top-grade fairy skill. Behind the wind and dust, a star appeared faintly, with a magnificent momentum that set off his palm, even more. There is a sense of irresistibility.

"Yes, it's the one-star fairy skill, hillbilly, have you ever seen such an advanced fairy skill? Today I will use this palm to make you surrender." Feng Chen sneered.

One-star fairy skills, even if he cultivates, it is very difficult, which is completely beyond the imagination of the hillbilly.

However, Lin Chong smiled, not afraid at all, just slapped a palm simply, unpretentiously, like a person who can't practice.

"Huh? Is this kid crazy?"

Many people are stunned, how can such an ordinary palm be able to withstand the wind and dust's one-star magic.

"Qing Feng, it seems that your so-called Lin Wudi is just a pustule." Sima Tu also laughed and ridiculed.

Sima Man grinned even more, looking forward to the scene where Lin Han was beaten as a dead dog and got down.

Elder Liu Cang was also a little puzzled, Lin Han's behavior was too weird.


However, just as they thought of this, the next scene that surprised them appeared. When Lin Han's palm and the huge Kunpeng were about to meet, a large expanse of celestial light suddenly burst out of the palm of the hand, which "transformed immortality". The two characters passed away in a flash.

Huaxian Talisman is one of the magical powers in the Supreme Demon Sutra, which once made many big figures in the fairy world hate and jealous.

When the two met, Feng Chen’s fierce palm power immediately melted like ice and snow meeting boiling water, and then Lin Han’s palm hit his palm, causing him to let out a scream immediately. , The palm of the hand is like melting, with large patches of pus and blood dripping down.

"what happened?"

In an instant, countless people were surprised.

Sima Tu, Sima Man, and Liu Cang were also horrified and stunned on the spot.

No one understands how such a powerful corrosive force erupted in Lin Han's palm, and even Feng Chen's fierce palm was instantly defeated.

Especially Elder Liu Cang, clearly in Lin Han's palm, felt the flickering smell of danger, which made his heart palpitations.

He couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring in his heart. He was an elder, with profound strength, a disciple who had just entered the fifth floor of the fairyland, how could he give him this feeling?

It seems that this little guy, not as simple as it seems, has a certain secret.

Sima Man also showed a touch of numbness on his scalp. If Lin Han used this trick against him at the beginning, he might have been turned into pus and blood.

Right now, he no longer dared to be hostile to Lin Han, only fear.

Sima Tu also had a pale face, feeling that Feng Chen would lose in this battle.

"Ah, what kind of weird move are you, let me go." Sure enough, Feng Chen screamed sternly, his voice extremely sharp.

He was too scared. The power of "Transforming Immortals" in Lin Han's palm was extremely powerful. He felt that his entire arm was about to melt, and if he didn't break away, his entire body would collapse.

This made him only feel that he had encountered great horror, with a hint of begging in his tone.

Lin Han smiled, but he didn't really mean to kill Fengchen. He removed the immortal talisman and smiled lightly: "Sorry, I won."

Feng Chen's face flushed immediately, as if being slapped, he was extremely uncomfortable. He was an old disciple of the spirit sword, and he was considered a small name in the entire Canggu Sword Mansion.

It was embarrassing for everyone to lose to a little-known entry disciple.

At the moment, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Asshole, you use weird moves, it's not counted at all, I don't want to kill you."

Annoyed into anger, the aura erupting from his whole body became stronger, and he once again tore at Lin Han.

This time his breath was more than five or six times stronger than before.

Qing Feng's face changed drastically, Feng Chen now clearly displayed the strength of the Great Fairyland, which was not something that the people of Fairyland could contend.

And the shot was too abrupt, even he hadn't expected it, and he couldn't stop it for a while.

There was an uproar in the square in an instant. Everyone knows that, looking at it this way, maybe this matter will be a big deal today, and it will kill people.

Feng Chen also gritted his teeth with a sullen expression. He is the son of the Southern Royal Family, and his status is even higher than that of the ordinary Sword Mansion disciple. Even if he kills Lin Han, a disciple who has just started, it is nothing.

Therefore, he has no fear and will kill Lin Han.

He was embarrassed and unforgivable by daring to be in public.

Lin Han looked angry and naturally wouldn't wait for death with his hands. At the moment, his body shook, endless black light erupted, and the Supreme Demon Sutra was displayed by him. He slapped it over, and the black light rolled, like a great demon descending into the world, full of powerful dominance the taste of.

Under the Supreme Demon Sutra, Lin Han's pupils became jet black, like two black holes, evil and weird.


The terrifying forces collided in the void, bursting out a dazzling brilliance, and even lightning flashing, the scene was extremely terrifying.

Finally, with a puff, Feng Chen was blown out, lying on the ground like a dead dog, with many bones shattered, and he could no longer stand up.

Suddenly, there was silence!

Countless people's expressions were frozen on the spot, all of them couldn't come back.

Everyone was shocked.

how can that be?

Feng Chen clearly displayed the strength of the Great Fairyland, even if there was only one level, it was far from being comparable to the people of the fifth level of the Fairyland.

Lin Han was able to defeat Fengchen in such a range of levels. It was so incredible that many people couldn't believe their eyes.

"You...you..." Fengchen also lay there, his eyes very resentful and unwilling.

Being defeated again made him extremely ashamed.

"You are not my opponent at all, hand over the Immortal Pill." Lin Lianlen smiled, walked closer, and said coldly, stepping on Fengchen's face with the soles of his feet.

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