War Emperor

Chapter 1463: Training resources

"This is a "celestial demon body", also known as a physical killer. It has made many people in the immortal world frightened." Hong also sighed.

The Absolute Devil Scripture is indeed too broad and profound. After Lin Han's practice, every aspect of his body has undergone qualitative transformation, which is completely different from that of five continents and four seas.

He is now more than ten times stronger than before.

Lin Han was also excited, the immortal world is a gathering place for masters, and the speed of growth here is indeed very fast.

With the Devil's Sutra, he believes that his path in the immortal world will also be a Pingchuan, and the future is unlimited.

"Next, it's time to practice this Canggu thirty-six sword."

Lin Han got out of bed, took out a wooden sword casually and started practicing.

Although the Canggu Thirty-Six Swords were only the introductory swordsmanship of the Canggu Sword Mansion, they were equally mysterious. Generally speaking, the spirit sword disciples were very powerful when they could practice the seventh sword. Most of Wang Jian disciples can only practice the seventeenth sword, the fairy sword disciple can practice the twenty-fifth sword, the heavenly sword disciple can practice the thirty-third sword, and the last three swords can only be practiced by the Shenjian disciple. to make.

Among the disciples of the Three Hundred Excalibur Swords, no one has practiced this sword.

This sword technique, if cultivated to great success, can also become a master in the Great Thousand Realm, leading to the path to the strong.

Lin Han is naturally very concerned about this swordsmanship.

His previous attainments in swordsmanship were not superficial, and coupled with the guidance of Hong Hong, he was able to practice swords very fast. After only about a month, he practiced Canggu swordsmanship to the tenth sword!

If someone sees this scene, they don't know what they will be shocked. Even if many spirit sword disciples have been immersed for decades, it is difficult to achieve such an achievement.

Lin Han achieved it in just one month, which was a shocking achievement.

After practicing the tenth sword, Lin Han clearly felt that he had reached the bottleneck, and it was not easy to improve again in a short time.

He stretched and stopped.

"Tomorrow is the day of the monthly payment. It's time to go and see." Lin Han grinned, a little excited and expectant.

The disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion can receive a certain amount of cultivation resources every month. The higher the level, the more abundant the resources.

As a disciple of the Spirit Sword, he has a lot of resources, so he is naturally concerned.

In this way, he hurried away early the next morning.

Monthly donation square!

It is the place where the disciples of the spirit sword come to receive the monthly instalment.

It is located halfway up the mountainside on the south side of Lingjian Peak. At this moment, the square is crowded with many people, dense, noisy and noisy.

Most of the spirit sword disciples are waiting here eagerly.

Cultivation is inseparable from resources, and the help of resources can save a lot of effort.

Every time a resource is released, many spirit sword disciples are excited.

Lin Han slapped his tongue and came to Spirit Sword Peak. It has been a month since he was cultivating in the hut every day. This is the first time he saw so many Spirit Sword disciples. At this moment, countless white clothes fluttering in the square, full of vigor and vitality. Spectacular meaning.

It is worthy of the fame of Daqian Daqian, and the place of learning and arts from all over the world is simply incomparable.

Next, Lin Han lined up and finally received his monthly payment, three immortal pills, ten healing pills, one thousand low-grade immortal stones, and a one-star immortal weapon—the Spirit Moon Sword!

This is the fairy weapon that will be issued after becoming a disciple of the spirit sword for the first time.

Lin Han couldn't help but feel happy, the spirit moon sword, the whole body is crystal clear and white, and the snow is as bright as a waterfall. With a random wave, the sword is filled with air, cold and extremely sharp.

With this sword, his combat effectiveness will increase a lot.

As for the ten healing pills, named "Jubao Pills", they specialize in traumatic injuries. After eating, normal wounds will heal instantly.

There are also three "Refining Hua Dan", which can treat internal injuries and help repair the vitality of meridians, bones, and viscera.

Each of these medicinal pills is of great value. Staying on your body can save your life at the critical moment.

Lin Han had to sigh, it is really good to be a disciple of Canggu Sword Mansion.

These resources alone are enough to make many people jealous and envy.

Three Immortal Pills can further increase his strength.

He couldn't help but get excited.

"Big brother, this kid!" At this moment, a voice full of smirk came, said.

Immediately afterwards, not far away, a group of people approached violently, full of unkindness towards Lin Han.

Lin Han raised his head and frowned. The person here was Sima Man, and beside him was a burly young man with long head and double horns. His eyes were open and closed, and there was flashing electric light, and his aura was pressing.

"Simaman, what are you doing?" Lin Han asked.

"Haha, what are you doing?" Sima Man laughed out loud and said, "How can it be so easy to give up after you hit me before? This is my elder brother Sima Feng, ranked as a disciple of the spirit sword, ranked the thousandth, I naturally I asked my eldest brother to come and give me a head start."

He looked arrogant and looked at Lin Han with contempt.

As a member of the Strong Bull Protoss, he would not let Lin Han go so easily.

"Boy, you are the so-called Lin Wudi? I dare to provoke me to the Divine Bull Protoss. I am so courageous. Don't talk nonsense. I will hand over your monthly payment. Then I will kneel down and knock my head for three days and nights. I won't be embarrassed by you." The burly, horned man said indifferently.

The black light on the body flickered, full of blood, and a pair of eyes intertwined with lightning, giving people a very terrible feeling. Just as if they were powerful, they could move the sky and oppress people's hearts.

Many people laughed and gloated.

Lin Han had just arrived at Spirit Sword Peak, but Sima Feng was a one-thousand-ranked disciple of Spirit Sword, the gap was too big.

Everyone thought there was a good show.

"Kneel and kowtow?" Lin Lianlin laughed, Sima Feng felt too good about himself.

"What are you worthy of being so arrogant?"

Many people were taken aback, but they didn't expect Lin Han to be so tough.

"You're looking for death!" Simafeng's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of anger, the disciple who had just arrived at Lingjian Peak, dare to be so violent with him.

From him, an extremely bright divine light erupted suddenly, like a volcano about to erupt, and the entire square that was blowing was full of smoke and dust, setting off a hurricane.

"This kid is really troublesome, he can find out wherever he goes." At this moment, Feng Chen was not far from the side and couldn't help but sneer.

Sima Feng has reached the second floor of the Great Wonderland.

Lin Han is only on the fifth floor of the fairyland, he knows that Lin Han is finished, and he is happy.

"What happened?" Just at this moment, an old voice came and shouted coldly.

An old man in grey clothes came from not far away.

It is Elder Liu Cang who has a not low position in the Canggu Sword Mansion.

Many people looked respectful and saluted immediately.

"Elder, I want to challenge him. If I lose, I will give him all my resources this month." Sima Feng said angrily.

In this square, there is an arena for disciples to learn from each other.

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