War Emperor

Chapter 1465: Wind sword

"Ninth sword, fuck, are you a human or a ghost?" At this time, Simaman also screamed loudly, feeling that his scalp was about to stand up.

Practicing the Ninth Sword in a month simply challenged people's imagination.

Under this sword, he felt a strong smell of danger.

Even if Lin Han's realm was much lower than him, he might be defeated.

Right now, he roared, his whole body burst out with incomparable red light, and his whole body was like a big fireball, with a blood-colored mask on his body, trying to resist Lin Han's sword.

With Lin Han's sword, the killing power he felt was too strong, almost using all his strength.


However, the style of riding the wind and breaking the waves is worthy of the name. After the sword light passed, the huge scarlet mask was instantly shattered, and then Lin Han's long sword was cast unabated, still stabbing Sima Feng.

Too sharp!


Sima Feng immediately let out a scream, and a half-meter-long sword mark was pierced on his chest. The flesh and skin rolled over, and even Yingying's bones were exposed, extremely miserable.

If it weren't for the critical moment, Lin Han would change his trajectory, this sword would be enough to pierce his chest, causing his blood to splash on the spot, and he would die.

Many people are surprised.

Before, I thought that Lin Han would be ravaged by Sima Feng like an ant.

Only now did I know that this newly promoted spirit sword disciple was so unique and abnormal.

The ninth form of Canggu's thirty-six swords was practiced in a month, and it would cause quite a sensation in the sword house.

Now Lin Han completely impressed them.

"Simafeng, you lost." Lin Han smiled lightly, the sword in his hand changed again, and it landed on Simafeng's neck.

At this moment, the wind blew his long hair and fluttering, his clothes were hunting, full of dazzling demeanor.

Many sweet girls showed admiration to Lin Han.

The young man is calm, steady, and superb swordsmanship, too charming.

Sima Feng gritted his teeth fiercely, his whole body trembling in anger, full of unwillingness, but he did lose.

On the blade of Jian Liang, there were strands of cold murderous aura. If Lin Han was willing, he could cut off his head directly.

Right now, he roared: "If you are powerful, but if you offend my Dali Bull God Race, you will not end well. Do you know Brother "Simatian"? If you get his attention, even if you are ten thousand times stronger, you will Was killed by raising his hands!"

Many people were shocked and full of fear when the three words "Sima Tian" came out.

This is one of the Spirit Sword Peak Fengyun genius, ranking fourth among the spirit sword disciples!

What is this concept?

The spirit sword disciples were originally the elite of the Sword Mansion, with a total of hundreds of thousands.

This person ranks fourth, like a sun floating, illuminating endless mountains and rivers, making people look up.

Everyone felt as heavy as a mountain when he mentioned his name.

"Sima Tian?" Lin Han frowned, ranking fourth. This must be a person who is too strong to imagine.

"Yes, kid, if you are afraid, quickly apologize to us." Sima Feng said coldly.

The reason why the people of the Great Bull God Clan are so arrogant at Lingjian Peak is because of the presence of Senior Brother Simatian.

This is their people.

"What about Sima Tian? You lose in my hands. Don't talk nonsense and take out all the resources." Lin Leng Leng smiled, not afraid at all.

Unexpectedly, Simafeng couldn't scare Lin Han like this, gritted his teeth and said, "I see how you die in the future."

He took out a package from his arms and gave it to Lin Han, which was his monthly payment.

This is his resource for a month, so losing it makes him feel very distressed.

Lin Han couldn't help but grinned. With these, his strength will definitely increase a lot.

"Is there anyone who wants to fight with me?" Then he said to the people around.

He found that learning from each other was a good way to earn Immortal Pill.

Otherwise, it will be too slow to rely on resources alone.

There was silence around, no one dared to speak.

Even the thousandth-ranked Sima Feng lost to Lin Han, and most people weren't opponents at all.

"Hehe, arrogant enough, how about I'll fight you." At this moment, someone sneered, walked out from the side, and said lightly.

This is a white-clothed man with an ancient sword on his back and a handsome face. The whole person is like a sword that is fierce, making people feel chills when looking at it.

Wind sword!

Spirit sword disciples ranked the 100th!

Countless people exclaimed.

This is much stronger than Sima Feng.

He actually wanted to come forward.

"Lin Han, aren't you very rampant? Come and compete with Senior Brother Fengjian." At this time, Fengchen laughed loudly.

"What does he have to do with you?" Lin Han frowned.

"Hmph, you really have no eyes, he is a member of my southern royal family, what do you say about it?" Fengchen sneered.

His relationship with Canggu Sword Mansion is also very huge.

Lin Han shook his head, really troublesome.

"Feng Jian, you are a bit deceiving, right." At this moment, Liu Cang couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

In the case of the difference in strength, he naturally would not prevent his disciples from learning.

However, Feng Jian had the strength of the nine levels of the Great Fairyland, Lin Han only had the fifth level of the Fairyland, and he was not in the same world.

He will not agree to this discussion.

"Haha, don't worry, the elder, I will only push the realm to the fifth level of the Great Wonderland, how about it, Lin Wudi, dare you dare to compare?" Feng Jian smiled lightly and provoked.

Everyone is speechless, the fifth floor of the Great Wonderland, which is also a very powerful realm.

Even if Lin Han could defeat Sima Feng on the second floor of the Great Wonderland, he might not be able to defeat Feng Jian.

"Okay, you can do it." However, Lin Han directly sneered and nodded.

His strength has increased a lot, before only showing the tip of the iceberg.

If the wind sword suppresses the realm to the fifth floor of the Great Wonderland, it is a good opponent and can verify his combat power.

"Let's talk about it first, if you lose, how many bets you place." Lin Han said again.

Feng Jian laughed and said: "Crazy enough, I dare to ask such a question, OK, if I lose, I will give you 50 Immortal Pills directly, it will work!"

Many people are surprised.

Fifty immortal pills, normal people can't get so many resources in a year.

This reward is too tempting.

Lin Han also felt extremely deep in his heart. If there were fifty more immortals, he could almost break through the realm to the great fairyland in one fell swoop.

This is indeed very important to him.

"Come on!" Lin Han said with fierce eyes at the moment.

He is about to make the fifty immortal pills.

When he first came to the fairy world, his strength was too low, as long as he could improve his strength, he would not let go of any opportunity.

Feng Jian sneered, feeling that Lin Han was looking for death, and then pulled out the ancient swordsmanship behind him: "Boy, let you see what the real swordsmanship is!"

Although Lin Han learned the ninth sword of Canggu Thirty-Six Swords, he was not afraid. He had been in Lingjian Peak for many years and had already learned other sword techniques.

"Golden Wind Falling Leaf Sword, kill!"

At the moment, he shouted coldly, his body turned like a propeller, spinning frantically, the ancient sword in his hand exuded a dazzling divine light, and he struck out thirty-three swords at Lin Han!

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