War Emperor

Chapter 1473: Broken monument

"Lin Wudi, you are too self-conscious. Do you really think you are better than those Wang Jian disciples, even the Heavenly Sword disciples? They can't succeed, but you want to try." Gu Yi couldn't help but sneer. .

Gu Chenhai also sneered, even if he couldn't do it, he tried it before and lay on the bed for several months. From then on, it cast a shadow on the stone tablet.

In his eyes, Lin Han existed like an ant. It was naturally funny to try something he couldn't do.

Lin Han glanced at the two faintly, and did not pay attention, and immediately put his palm on the stone tablet, and his mind began to sense the secrets inside the stone tablet.

Under such induction, as expected, he soon discovered that there was a strong restriction inside the stele, like a layer of rebounding film. If any force enters it, this film will produce a huge reaction. The shock force makes those who can do it instantly suffer trauma.

And this film, although it looks very thin, is actually very hard.

If anyone dares to underestimate, they will not end well.

Lin Han couldn't help being surprised, and secretly thought that the prohibition of the stone tablet was obviously left behind by a certain master.

It may be very difficult for others, but nothing to him.

After all, he has the Eye of Soul Eater, which can see through all falsehoods, which is more advanced than the Eye of Breaking Falsehood.


Next, under the incomparable gaze of countless people, Lin Han's eyes were immediately covered with a thick black light, like two black holes, revealing a wave of horror that swallows the world and absorbs the soul.

This surprised many people and made their scalp numb.

When Lin Han fought Fengjian last time, he was clearly at a disadvantage. At a critical moment, he used this pupil technique to reverse the battle. Many people knew that.

Now it comes out again.

"What kind of pupil technique is this?" Gu Yi and Gu Chenhai couldn't help changing their colors. In Canggu Sword Mansion, there were some people who knew pupil technique, which was far less terrifying and strange than Lin Han's pupil technique. what.

Just looking at it is extremely dangerous, just like those pupils can swallow human souls and make people feel hairy.

Gu Chenhai couldn't help but look at Lin Han with admiration.

This kind of pupil technique, even if you encounter it, if you are careless, you may suffer a big loss.

Right now, he couldn't help but secretly watch out.

Ye Lao couldn't help being surprised, Lin Han was really an unexpected guy.

Not to mention anything else, just this pupil technique, which many disciples never had in their dreams.

Moreover, people who generally have pupil surgery have not low potential.


Looking at it in this way, Lin Han instantly noticed the weakness of the restraint within the stele. It appeared on a certain node like a flaw in the formation. Only by hitting the power on that node can the restraint be broken. , Otherwise, if there is chaos, the only natural ending will be injury.

There was a sure smile at the corner of Lin Han's mouth, and the golden light in his palm swallowed, hitting the nodes with a boom, and then with a click, it shattered like glass.

Then, a group of sacred light immediately overflowed from the stone tablet, covering Lin Han.

In the next moment, Lin Han seemed to have inherited something, the Tianling Gai was shining, and he began to understand something carefully.


"He really succeeded!"


Like a huge boulder falling into the lake, huge waves suddenly appeared all around.

Countless people were horrified and shocked.

The stele has been placed here for so many years, and finally one person has learned the secrets.

Many people expressed deep admiration for Lin Han.

"How is this possible?" Gu Yi and Gu Chenhai were dumbfounded and shocked, which was too unexpected for them.

Especially Gu Chenhai, even if he didn't do it back then, it was incredible for Lin Han to do it.

Ye Lao also looked a little stiff, then sighed, admiring Lin Han.

It is a good thing that Lin Han can do it anyway.

It is conceivable that Lin Han will definitely be able to shine at Lingjian Peak in the future, and learn the Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers. This is something that many Wang Jian disciples have dreamed of.

At this time, Lin Han was indeed very surprised. In the divine light of the stone tablet, he felt a special flow of information.

In his mind, there was a luminous figure who was practicing.

A series of magnificent handprints formed in his palm, bursts of roaring voices spread in the void, and scenes of flashing thunder and lightning, magnificent.

It's like a robbery!

"Shanhe Great Seal!"

In the end, the luminous figure shouted, and there was an extremely dazzling giant seal in the palm of its palm, which was a hundred meters in size and sacred in gold. The magnificent mountains, rivers, and dazzling scenes of the sun and moon emerged in the seal, like a real world.

It was like playing the will of heaven and earth. Just looking at Lin Han, he felt a strong pressure.

This is not a two-star at all, and even Samsung's fairy skills can be compared.

Lin Han couldn't help swallowing, his face was fiery.

If he learns to improve his combat power, it will indeed be of great use.

Finally, after carefully comprehending for about half an hour, he finally opened his eyes. Two golden lights flashed in his pupils, revealing a smell of understanding, and the whole momentum became fierce.

There was silence all around, and countless people looked at him in awe.

The Great Seal of the Mountains and Rivers was learned by others. It was a historic moment at Lingjian Peak.

"Lin Wudi, have you got the secret of Shanhe Dayin?" At this moment, Gu Chenhai frowned and couldn't help but speak.

Even when he mentioned the four words "Shanhe Dayin", he couldn't help but feel hot.

If he can learn this great seal, he will become the first disciple of Lingjian Peak, and he will be promoted to the disciple of Wang Jian without any effort at all.

Soon after, it was the Lingjian Peak Challenge.

He wanted to get this seal and defeat Sima Tian, ​​Feng Wushuang, and Ye Lingfei.

Gu Yi's eyes were sour for a while, and his heart no longer dared to raise the hatred of Lin Han.

This guy Lin Han is too terrifying, as if he really learned how to make a big seal, he is even more of an opponent.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Lianlin laughed and said to Gu Chenhai.

Gu Chenhai's face suddenly looked stunned, this kid is too crazy, dare to confront him, and then smiled: "I can take a thousand Immortal Pills and exchange this secret book with you. You will tell the heart of Shanhe Dayin. How about me?"

Many people are horrified, a thousand Immortal Pills, this is a huge wealth.

Gu Chenhai now "confessed" to Lin Han.

Even if Lin Han is a little hot in his heart, he now needs to improve his strength, the more Immortal Pills treat him, the better.

However, if he wanted to exchange it with the Great Seal of the Mountain and River, he would naturally not agree. This is his hole card and will not let others learn from it. Moreover, it is worth far more than a thousand immortal pills.

"No change." Lin Han shrugged.

Gu Chenhai's face twitched, wishing to slap Lin Han to death.

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