War Emperor

Chapter 1488: Ancient Excalibur?


However, the next moment, a scene of even more horror appeared.

After the seventh level of sword intent, the divine power in Lin Han's hands is still greatly increasing, making the sword intent emanating from the stone cliff even more fierce. Every lightsaber is more substantial and murderous. At a glance, Lin The cold image is wrapped in an endless sea of ​​swords.

Even if that was the case, Lin Han remained indifferent, bearing the attack of those sword intents and did not flinch at all.

"Eighth level sword intent, my goodness."

The surroundings suddenly exploded, and countless people screamed.

A disciple who had just arrived at Heavenly Sword Peak and communicated with an eighth-level sword intent hadn't appeared in the entire Canggu Sword Mansion for at least a hundred years.

This is like witnessing a historical scene, everyone's backs are swishing cold.

Zheng Feng and Ao Dan were even more pale without a trace of blood!

The image of Lin Han suddenly became much taller in their minds, like a mountain insurmountable.

Ming Yangzi also looked stiff as an old tree bark, shocked and unable to speak.

Even if it was him, he had only communicated a sixth-level sword intent.

The eighth level of sword intent is too scary.

The sixth-level sword intent represents that among the disciples of the heavenly sword, you can become a leader, the seventh-level sword intent can reach the level of the disciple of the excalibur, and the eighth-level sword intent can become a man of the wind even among the disciples of the excalibur.

In Canggu Sword Mansion, among millions of geniuses, there are only a handful of people.

Lin Han is one of them, too unexpected.

Liu Feng also had a dull expression. What surprised him most was that even at this point, Lin Han's palm strength continued to increase, his eighth-level sword intent was still strengthening, and he was slowly gaining momentum... Nine Grade sword intent, the trend of marching!

Nine-level sword intent!

Thinking of these four words, a turbulent wave was in his heart.

If Lin Han reached the ninth level of sword intent, he would be able to compete with such a masterpiece like Lonely Shang.

In the entire Canggu Sword Mansion for nearly a thousand years, only Lonely Shang had reached this point.

He can stand on top of many disciples, like a round of sun, shining the endless starry sky.

If Lin Han could really reach the ninth level of sword intent, it would be amazing.

"Nineth-level sword intent, wishful thinking, he can't be compared with Senior Brother Lonely Shang to death." Ming Yangzi sneered disdainfully.

Zheng Feng and He Aodan also nodded.

The eighth level of sword intent is already high enough, and the nine level of sword intent is simply a fantasy.

This kind of genius is so easy to be born.


However, at this moment, Lin Han suddenly shouted, and the divine power in his body poured out like a flood from the gate, this time without reservation.


Above the stone cliff, like the oldest, deep-level prohibition trigger, it suddenly emits a divine light that illuminates the heavens and the earth, and various golden lotuses rise in the void. There are Ten Days Hengkong, the name of the Golden Crow, the phoenix hovering, and the white elephant roaring. The scene emerges.

The whole universe has become colorful and colorful.

"Nine-level sword intent, heaven and earth vision, my goodness, he really did it."


There was a monstrous wave in the surroundings, and countless people's voices were hoarse.

This is a memorable day in Canggu Sword Mansion.

Sword Mansion will once again usher in a genius who can stand shoulder to shoulder, lonely.

"No..." Zheng Feng, Ao Dan, and Ming Yangzi shouted in horror as if they were hit by five thunders, their legs trembling.

This is incredible!

They can no longer describe the shock in their hearts in words.

They were all terrified of Lin Han's talent.

Liu Feng's heart was beating frantically, and his old body was trembling constantly.

This little guy really gave everyone an unparalleled huge surprise.

Ling Xi jumped for joy, admiring Lin Han a little.

"What happened?"

"Heaven descending from the sky, in the direction of the Heavenly Sword Peak, a genius of level 9 sword intent was born!"

Canggu Sword Mansion, the endless spiritual earth, set off a huge shock.

Among the many beautiful mountain peaks, luminous figures flew out, looking shocked in the direction of Tianjian Peak!

Even if you are hundreds of miles away, you can see that the sky is very gorgeous, colorful, and colorful.

This is exactly the scene where the ninth-level vision appears.

Many unborn old people were shocked at this moment, and then the excited old face flushed and flew over.

"This kid is actually?" Elder Flames and Xianjun Tulong were also stunned.

Isn't this Lin Wudi?

On the Peak of Spirit Sword before, he was generous and splendid and showed amazing kendo talent.

Now at Heaven Sword Peak, another level 9 sword intent has been communicated, which is too much to express.

"I don't know what kind of famous sword he will communicate."

"It must be an ancient divine sword!"

Many old people are curious.

The higher the Sword Intent, the stronger the sword that communicates with the Heavenly Sword Peak. According to legend, there are nine ancient divine swords on the top of the Heavenly Sword Peak.

Now Lin Han is also a ninth-level sword intent, and he will definitely communicate with him.

This made them a little excited, wanting to see the appearance of the divine sword.

Ming Yangzi smiled bitterly, and those old men with white hair and beards in the sky randomly scared people with high status.

Now that Lin Han appeared alone, this kid was really too dazzling and eye-catching.

He also wanted to see what kind of ancient divine sword Lin Han would communicate.

After the ninth level of sword intent communication is successful, you can instantly see that the top of Tianjian Peak, the misty place, begins to emit a very auspicious light, and there are horrible lightning flashes, like something terrifying. To be born.

This is exactly the scene where the nine ancient divine swords at the top are communicated with.


Next, a brilliant rainbow light flew down from the top of the mountain, like a meteorite across the sky.

One appeared in Lin Han's hands.

Lin Han was also a little excited.

The Lingyue Sword is indeed too low-level for him now. If he can get a high-level sword, it will also have a huge benefit to his strength.

However, he looked intently and was stunned in an instant. He saw that in his hand, it was a broken sword, full of rust, mottled, and it seemed to be about to weather, and when he rubbed his hand, there was debris and it fell.

This sword is inferior to an ordinary sword, and it can be broken if it is folded gently.

"This is the so-called Excalibur?"

Countless people were also stunned.

"Haha, Lin Wudi, it seems that you are very unlucky and got a broken sword." Zheng Feng laughed, gloating.

Indeed, part of the sword on the Heavenly Sword Peak was damaged.

Lin Han communicated with the ninth level of sword intent, but got a broken sword, which really made them so happy.

Lin Han was also speechless for a while.

He didn't expect to make such a big sensation, only this kind of gain.

This is simply a joke with him.

Liu Feng also smiled bitterly. Today's matter really created a big oolong.

Even on the clouds, many old people don't know what expressions to face.

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