War Emperor

Chapter 1502: All off

"This kid, the physical strength is really abnormal." The three-headed evil scorpion was also secretly surprised. The general first-order spiritual formation is trapped in it, and it is impossible to break it forcefully, but the entire formation that Lin Han hit with this fist shook. , Made him feel a little blood boiled, wanting to vomit blood.

This also made him a little awe-inspiring.

However, it is still useless without breaking open. He sneered and said: "Boy, have you seen it, the strength of the first-order spiritual formation is invincible in the Great Luojin Wonderland, and I don't kneel down and beg for mercy. I will be a follower by my side in the future and swear to be loyal to me forever and I will forgive you not to die."


However, he answered with a stronger and domineering punch. This time Lin Han did not leave his hand at all. He displayed the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak and the War Armor of the Mad God. The breath rose and the boat rose to the extreme, and he punched out. With a click, the extremely sturdy photomask cracked a clear crack in an instant, almost breaking apart.

"God suit... the thing of the deceased emperor Ziwei." The three-headed evil scorpion was struck by lightning in an instant, and the eyes were almost glaring, shocked.

Liu Yan'er was also dumbfounded, how could this kid be so perverted, and there is such a hole card.

Everyone knows that the Celestial Suit has set off endless storms in the eighteen realms of the fairy world.

The crape myrtle land, the old man wore it, and he had few opponents in the eighteenth realms.

Because of an accident, the fierce man died, and Emperor Ziwei put it on the five continents and four seas and passed it on to the destined.

Now it fell into the hands of Lin Wudi, which made her feel incredible.

"Could it be that you are the one emperor who has been troubled by the five continents and four seas some time ago... Emperor Lin Han!" Then, she seemed to think of something and lost her voice.

The three evil dragons couldn't help but take a breath. Everyone knew that a perverted young emperor came out from all over the world. Not only did he dominate the world, his luck was added, but he also directly slaughtered the sky and broke into the fairy world.

What is this concept?

In many small worlds, no one has ever done this.

They all predicted that he was an astonishing genius, and his future was limitless.

The three immortal emperors and the patriarch of the Nanhuang clan personally sent heavy soldiers to besie Lin Han, and everyone thought that he was doomed to escape and would definitely die.

Never thought that he was a good model and good life, transformed into Lin Wudi, and entered Canggu Sword Mansion.

No wonder, his talent is so guarded and amazing.

It turned out that he was the legendary young emperor.

"Yes, now I know, it's a bit late." Lin Lian Lian smiled, after unfolding the Celestial Suit, he was quite invincible, sweeping the world.

This is the pinnacle of the realm he has never experienced before!

After the Celestial Suit arrived in the Immortal Realm, a huge transformation took place.

He felt like the immortal **** of war.

A punch swept out again, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger, and with a bang, the solid first-order spiritual formation finally exploded. With a sound of three evil scorpions, a mouthful of blood was ejected, and the body was shaken out. This blow destroyed its bones. They were all shattered, and my mind was so traumatized that I couldn't stand up anymore.

"Young Lord, don't kill me. I am the nine sons of the Sky Sea Dragon King. You will let go of your life. I will never be your enemy, and I will help you keep a secret." The three-headed evil dragon screamed. Knowing that Lin Han is against the sky, there is another trick, extremely abnormal-Jiuxiang Time and Space!

This is the ancient magical power that makes the fairy giants all talk about changing colors!

Once displayed, who can resist the strong in the same realm?

So he was completely persuaded, knowing that he was not Lin Han's opponent.

"When I exposed these hole cards, I already announced your death penalty." Lin Han sighed and shook his head, protruding his palms, turning the three evil dragons into a pool of pus and blood. Within his dantian, he strengthened his strength.

Liu Yan'er was completely hairy, she understood her fate, her face was pale with no blood.

She smiled bitterly: "I know the threat. It is of no use to you, but I want to tell you that Linghufei, the number one disciple of the Heavenly Sword, is my Taoist companion. If you kill me, you will be killed by Linghufei. I know, he will never let you go."

Linghufei was like a **** among the disciples of the sky sword.

Legend has it that he has the strength to become a disciple of the Excalibur, but he has been accumulating, and if he wants to soar into the sky, he will also shine when he is a disciple of the Excalibur.

Therefore, following the Excalibur disciple, anyone who talks about Linghufei will be in awe.


Lin Han's expression remained unmoved, let alone Linghufei, even if the other party was a lonely Taoist companion, he would still be able to kill him, otherwise his identity would be exposed, and the three immortal emperors and the patriarch of the Nanhuang clan would get close. In big trouble.

At the moment, Huaxian Talisman flashed, Liu Yan'er also turned into a puddle of blood and died.

Although he didn't want to use such a vicious method, he had to admit that it was a very good way to destroy the dead.

Otherwise, someone in the Sword Mansion will find out and suspect that he will still be in trouble.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei finally left the customs one after another. The strength of their two women also improved greatly. Ling Xi reached the fourth floor of the Da Luo Jinxian, and Ye Lingfei reached the fifth floor of the Da Luo Jinxian, making them laugh. Very happy.

"Let's go." Lin Han smiled.

"You still have to be careful, lest we be discovered by the grandson sect, Liu Yan'er, and the three evil dragons. They will definitely not let us return to the sword mansion easily." Ye Lingfei took out a black cloth and suggested that the three of them should cover their faces. Take some remote paths back to Jianfu.

Even if their strength increases, they are still no match for the three.

Lin Han smiled helplessly.

I can't tell the two daughters, the grandson gate, Liu Yan'er, and the three evil floods, all of them were killed by him.

They will definitely not believe it.

Only leave.


Just after the three of Lin Han had left for less than half an hour, a dazzling sword light suddenly flew across the sky in the silent mountains and forests.

The vast sword intent enveloped this place, and there was a tremor around the area, as if there was something terrifying, some of the beasts in the mountains shivered and prostrated themselves.


A man wearing purple clothes flew up, with a momentum like a river, and all the sword intent was caused by him alone.

He saw a pool of blood, his eyes were splitting, his eyes were full of miserable screams.

Behind him, there were some people who couldn't help but be shocked.

The man in purple is the number one genius of the Tianjian disciple-Linghufei!

Even many Excalibur disciples should be kind to him.

The blood is obviously Liu Yan'er.

Who killed her, so cruel, turned it into a puddle of blood.

Liu Yan'er is Linghufei's Taoist companion, so Linghufei will inevitably fall into rage.

"Asshole, who did it, let me find out. I will smash him into thousands of pieces, so that he will never be born again." Linghu Fei's eyes were cold and terrifying, and he shouted.

The appearance is very handsome, with purple hair flying, revealing a clank of killing intent.

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