War Emperor

Chapter 1506: Enemy meet

This surprised many people. Two thousand steps, most of the disciples, may not reach this level with all their best efforts, but Lin Han rushed up in one breath, strolling leisurely, really making countless people jealous.

Bai Shaohua was also there. He narrowed his eyes and passed a cold light. The kid was in the Pill Hall last time, but he had shaved his face. He had been looking for opportunities and wanted to find this one. Finally, he saw it.

"So he is Lin Wudi!" At the same time, he felt relieved.

"Boy, stop for me." Right now, he laughed angrily, and also rushed forward, took out a purple long knife, and with a bang, the knife hit Lin Han's head fiercely.

The blazing blade of light tore through the void, and the terrifying energy made many people fly out.

Lin Han sensed the danger, couldn't help but make a mistake in his body, avoided it, and then coldly shouted, "What are you doing?"

He didn't intend to fight with others, he just wanted to rush to the top of Heavenly Sword Peak by his own ability.

"Haha, your kid is in the Pill Hall. Did you forget to save my face? Now you want to go up, let me say, kneel down for me, and climb over from my seat." Bai Shaohua smiled and stood above Lin Han. Stretch out your legs and condescendingly.

Many people laughed, Bai Shaohua's typical humiliation.

After so many people watched the Tianmen Gate Competition, if Lin Han really climbed past his interstitial like a dog, it would be a shame.

"You can't find something?" Lin Han also narrowed his eyes, and said coldly.

Now he has reached the level of the third level of Da Luo Jinxian.

It is not difficult to clean up each other.

"What about looking for something? If you don't climb today, I will hit you on your knees and call Grandpa, and then force you to climb over." Bai Shaohua sneered, looking like Lin Han was eating.

The last hatred, no matter what, this breath must be expressed.

Lin Han's face sank, not to talk nonsense to the other party, immediately sneered, punched Bai Shaohua, just hit him.

This punch was unpretentious, plain, and without the slightest release of supernatural power.

"With this little strength, I dare to take action with me, and I can't help it." Bai Shaohua laughed, feeling that Lin Han's attack was like a baby, without any threat.

He has reached the point where he is in the middle of the ninth floor of Da Luo Jinxian, and a punch like this will tickle him.

Many people also shook their heads, feeling that Lin Han was going to be miserable.

Even if the talent is good, but the time to come to Sword Mansion is too short, it is impossible to be Bai Shaohua's opponent.


However, then, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

I saw that Bai Shaohua and Lin Han punched, the blazing divine light bloomed, Bai Shaohua let out a scream, the whole arm was bent down like an iron pipe, and the bones of Bai Sensen could be seen inside. .

"what happened?"

"how can that be!"

Countless people were in an uproar, with a look of disbelief. Lin Han clearly only had the third floor of the Great Luojin Wonderland.

"It's physique, his physique is terrifying!"

Someone turned pale and horrified.

When Lin Han took the shot, two black magic lines appeared on the surface of his body, and his body's skin became black. If a demon **** possessed the body, it was obviously a manifestation of a strong physique.

This is awe-inspiring. What kind of powerful physique can make up for so many realm gaps.

"Like a magical physique." The elder also muttered to himself.

In the starry sky world, cultivation is all-encompassing, and the magic way is not unrecognized.

On the contrary, the cultivation method of the magic way is so strange that many people are afraid.

The black light on the surface of Lin Han's body was very devilish, and it was the physique of the devil.

It is difficult for a normal person to cultivate such a strong body.

"Even the ordinary Demon Dao physique is not so perverted, right?" Linghu Fei also watched from the side, couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and muttered to himself.

He had gone out to practice, and had fought against the devil way of the Great Thousand Realm. Although their attacks were very strange and their bodies were also very hard, they were far from Lin Han's level.

Under Lin Han's black flesh, even if he felt a palpitating power.

This made him feel a little incredible, after all, the gap between Lin Han and him was even greater.

At the moment, the cold glow in his eyes is even more.

I think Lin Han does have the potential to kill Liu Yan'er!

The fists can't help being clenched, if he really investigates it, Lin Han did it.

He will definitely make Lin Han uncomfortable to die.

"Ah...no, how could this happen!" Bai Shaohua wailed, holding his arm.

This is too unacceptable to him.

A person on the third floor of the Great Luojin Wonderland hurt him, almost like a dream.

Lin Han's physique also made him deeply jealous. The brief fight made him feel like facing a black steel monster, irresistible, only hairy in his heart.

"Get out of my way, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless." Lin Han's eyes were like electricity, and his black hair fluttered wildly.

He just wanted to rush up and try to get the first place. He wouldn't be polite if anyone blocked him.

"Asshole, don't be mad, let you see how good I am." Bai Shaohua gritted his teeth fiercely, naturally it is not so easy to forget. If he does not find this one back, he will have no face to see people in the sword mansion in the future.

"Canggu's thirty-two swords, smash the world, kill me!"

Right now he yelled, and grasped the purple long knife in his hand. Although it was a knife, it burst out with a fierce sword intent. A terrifying sword light rose up into the sky. He held the hilt with both hands and slammed the knife against it. Lin Han's head was just killed.

This sword was several times more terrifying than Shicai, and a vast sword intent swept down, covering Lin Han, making Lin Han unable to move.

"Boy, I have practiced this sword for a full ten years. The entire Tianjian disciple, except for Linghu Fei, few people can compare with me. I still don't believe it, you can't cut your weird flesh." He died. Staring at Lin Han, grinned.

In his opinion, even if Lin Han's body is strong, it will break open with a sharp knife.

When Lin Han loses this support, he will naturally be a toothless tiger, and he can only kill him.

Many people are also full of awe, even if they are far away, they feel the incomparable sword intent, and the whole body is cold.

Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei were even more worried about whether Lin Han could take such a powerful knife.

"The light of the ants also shines? Let's see what is the real smashing heaven and earth." Lin Han sneered, took out the black broken sword, his mind moved, the supernatural power in the body was madly instilled, buzzing, the broken sword Above, an extremely flaming golden light suddenly burst out, as if lead dust was washed away, revealing its true colors.


The terrible sword light was smashed by Lin Han with a sword.

Unlike Bai Shaohua, Lin Han's sword aura is golden, full of solid, immortal and sacred charm.

On the surface of Lin Han's body, there is still an immeasurable golden light, like being in a golden ocean, his sword is more powerful and majestic, and I am invincible, sweeping everything.

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