War Emperor

Chapter 1518: Canghuang Desert

"I made it!"

Lin Han couldn't help grinning, not only that, but his strength has also improved, reaching the level of the seventh level of the Great Luo Jin Wonderland.

Such a blow is indeed fierce.

"Lin Wudi, how have you been here recently." At this moment, a woman's smile came from behind him.

Lin Han looked back and saw that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with snow-white skin came over with a full smile on her face, looking innocent and close.

"Ling Xi, it's fine." Lin Han smiled.

This month, he has been here, it can be described as extremely boring.

He was also a little relieved to have a friend over.

"Hehe, that's good, go, I'll take you to a place." Ling Xi smiled.

She has been cultivating recently, and when she heard that Lin Han was placed in the desolate Leifeng, she was very angry, so she couldn't help but ran over to take a look.

Seeing that Lin Han was innocent, she was relieved.

She knew that Lin Han was arranged here, it was the ghost of Fairy Caiwu.

On Shenjian Island, offending Fairy Caiwu has no good end.

"Where to go?" Lin Han was startled.

"Swire Refining Tower!" Ling Xi smiled.

"The Primordial Qi Refining Tower?" Lin Han's heart was hot. He had long heard that as a disciple of the Excalibur, he could practice in the Primordial Qi Refining Tower. It was a tower of good fortune in the Canggu Sword Mansion, with infinite power. He has also been looking forward to it for a long time.

It has been a while since I became a disciple of the Excalibur, and it is indeed time to get to know it.

Right now, he took a step with excitement, and then frowned: "Can you enter? The Primordial Qi Refining Tower, only disciples of the Excalibur are qualified to enter."

"Hehe, my grandfather is the Supreme Elder in the Sword Mansion, and he has a very high level of generation. Even if the Sword Mansion Palace Master is with me, why can't he enter." Ling Xi smiled and said proudly.

Lin Han couldn't help but slap his tongue. So, isn't Ling Xi's grandfather the master of the current palace lord?

This is too abnormal.

Although it has long been heard that Ling Xi's grandfather is very old, he never expected it to be so scary.

You know, the current palace lord of Canggu Sword Mansion is already a legendary powerhouse. He has been in the Sword Mansion for almost half a year. He has never seen it before. He never thought that Lingxi's grandfather was his teacher. Ancestor!

"Let's go." At the moment, he could only smile helplessly, and followed Ling Xi.

What surprised Lin Han was that the Primordial Qi Refining Tower was not in the Excalibur Island, but in the "Canghuang Desert" outside the starry sky!

According to legend, this desert was once very prosperous and an extremely powerful country. Due to a great battle, it was desolate and dying for so many years.

The Taikoo Gas Refining Tower stands in the center of the Canghuang Desert.

"Outside the desert, why are there people who do not belong to the forces of the Sword Mansion?" Lin Han and Lingxi flew for about a long time, and finally shuttled through the starry sky, on the edge of the Canghuang Desert, frowning.

This desert, suspended in the starry sky, is on a huge meteorite, which is millions of miles away, and it is extremely vast, like a real continent.

The yellow sand is everywhere, the temperature is hot, and a round of the sun is floating there, as if it can melt the ground, revealing a feeling of burning like a stove.

When he first came here, Lin Han unexpectedly discovered that there were many cultivators here, not only some people from the Canggu Sword Mansion, but also cultivators from other forces, making the desert extremely lively.

"You don’t know that the Primordial Qi Refining Tower is the masterless treasure of this Canghuang Desert. It’s just that this area happened to be under the control of our Primordial Sword Mansion, and it was controlled by the Sword Mansion, but other forces refused to accept it and often came over. There are a lot of struggles when you want to enter into it." Ling Xi shook his head.

Many disciples of the forces want to enter the Taikoo Gas Refining Tower.

Canggu Sword Mansion also couldn't refuse everyone, and only opened one eye to these and closed one eye.

Lin Han nodded in relief.

"Canggu Sword Mansion, do you humble disciples still go to practice? Too naive, go away, today the Primordial Qi Refining Tower is occupied by my Heavenly Cloud Sword Mansion." At this moment, an extremely arrogant smile There was a sound, and then a silver-robed man, riding a silver dragon, flew up from the vast starry sky, laughed loudly, stopped in front of him, and shook everywhere.

Behind him there is a group of people, all disciples of the Tianyun Sword Mansion, their eyes are energetic and aggressive, and they are obviously masters.

"Tianyun Sword Mansion?" Lin Han raised his brows, and the other side was one of the five great sword palaces, Dahua Sword Mansion, Tianyun Sword Mansion, Shenfeng Sword Mansion, Canggu Sword Mansion, and Taiwu Sword Mansion.

Never wanted to meet people from Tianyun Sword Mansion!

This person is indeed very strong, has a sense of being square, scornful of everything, and full of blood.

"Huh, Xiao Yuanri, don't be arrogant. Among the five largest sword palaces, our Canggu Sword Mansion ranks first. What is your Tianyun Sword Mansion, and you dare to occupy this place?"

At this time, several disciples of the Excalibur stood up and said coldly.

They are the people who rank behind the 280th of the Excalibur disciples, so they are so tough.

Speaking of Canggu Sword Mansion, his face was full of pride!

After all, Canggu Sword Mansion is the head of the five great sword manions, and it is a very glorious thing to be a disciple of the Excalibur.

"This is the ranking many years ago. It's hard to tell who is the first of the five major sword palaces now." Xiao Yuanri smiled dismissively and said lightly: "Stop talking nonsense, get out of here, rely on you scumbags. , Not worthy to enter the Taikoo Gas Refining Tower."


After speaking, the silver flood dragon he sat down made a fierce roar, and the entire desert was filled with yellow sand and dust.

Puff puff!

When the breath came, the disciples of the Excalibur spouted a mouthful of blood, each stepped back, their faces pale.

Many people are shocked, Xiao Yuanri's combat power is really strong, just like a mount.

"You..." The disciples of the Excalibur were also furious, and the eyes of the people were full. They were injured by a beast, making them feel extremely shameless.

"What I am, strength is the respect, fist is the eternal truth, the disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion, if the cultivation level is not good, they are not worthy to go to the Primordial Qi Refining Tower to practice." Xiao Yuanri sneered.

Some other disciples of Tianyun Sword Mansion also sneered and ridiculed.

The disciples of the Excalibur were blushing. The disciples of the Excalibur were the signature of the Canggu Sword Mansion. Now that they were humiliated by Xiao Yuanri in public, it made them feel uncomfortable.

"Fight with him." At the moment, several people looked at each other to arouse fierceness. They didn't believe it, they shot together, not Xiao Yuanri's opponent.

No matter what, they couldn't swallow this breath.

"Kill!" At the moment, they offered magic swords one after another, emitting brilliant sword light that could reach the sky, and slaughtered towards Xiao Yuanri.

These people are worthy of being disciples of the Excalibur, with strong sword skills. Under the joint hands, a series of sword auras illuminate the starry sky, like a large pillar of light, which is extremely spectacular.

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