War Emperor

Chapter 1524: Lu Shuo

"But why is it here?" Lin Han felt like a dream, a little puzzled.

Since it is the most inherited treasure of Canggu Sword Mansion, it should be cherished.

"I heard that the image of the Void God and Demon was stolen by a traitor from the Canggu Sword Mansion in the later generations. The senior officials of the Sword Mansion were furious, using the power of the whole mansion to capture the traitor, and finally found it near the Primordial Qi Refining Tower, but they did not find it. The Void God and Demon Picture, now it seems that the Void God and Demon Picture was placed here by the traitor, and it was obtained by you countless years later. This is really the will of God in the dark." Hong laughed.

If such a good thing is encountered by others, it is estimated that you will wake up in your dreams.

This is rewarding, and Lin Han is really lucky.

Lin Han was excited and grinned. Although the image of the Void God and Demon was a little broken and could not be used millions of years ago, the true supreme power was still an extremely powerful magic weapon, and it was indeed a good thing that he got it.

In the future battles, he unfolded this picture, even if the Sword Mansion's three hundred Excalibur disciples, how many enemies are there?

There is no doubt that he is harvesting a great treasure now, and he loves it.



"Lu Bin, is it true that you said Lin Wudi came to the Primordial Gas Refining Tower?"

At this moment, outside the tower, a group of people had arrived. Among them was a man in purple clothes, looking at the 33rd floor of the Primordial Qi Refining Tower with his hand, and said in a deep voice.

He is tall and straight, his eyes are dazzling, his purple hair is draped around his waist, and he is full of heroic and heroic posture, like a **** descending to the world, which is daunting.

"Yes, big brother, I have received the news that he has indeed come here." There was a thin man beside him, replied respectfully.

He was exactly Lu Bin who was taught by Lin Han before in Leifeng.

During this period of time, he could not swallow this breath, and wanted to find a chance to cut Lin Han.

After waiting for nearly two months, the eldest brother finally left the customs and pulled his eldest brother over.

Next to him is his elder brother Lu Shuo, a figure who has broken through the fairy king realm for three years, and has reached the second level of the fairy king realm, much better than ordinary fairy kings.

Now that he has his eldest brother, he is full of confidence and feels that Lin Han is about to die, with a grinning face.

"Dare to bully my second brother, he is really tired and crooked. I heard that he has even practiced Daewoo Divine Thunder. He really helped me. He must get these secret techniques." Lu Shuo smiled coldly and squeezed. Tighten your fists, Daewoo Thunder God, as a high-ranking magical technique, is infinitely powerful. If it is practiced, it can be lonely against the master of the Excalibur disciple, and he has a showdown. His heart is extremely hot.

"What floor is this kid on?" Lu Shuo said.

"Hey, with his realm, it is only on the fourth level at most, where the pressure of the immortal energy is already the limit of Da Luo Jinxian." Lu Bin said.

"Well, you can check it exactly and get him out." Lu Shuo nodded.

Taking the order, Lu Bin took out a jade plate, pinched a special seal in his hand, and shouted, "Lin Wudi, now!"

Inside the jade plate, there is a pattern of the Primordial Gas Refining Tower, and there are many light spots in it, representing the disciples of cultivation.

After his voice fell, a ray of light suddenly sounded on the eighth floor.

"The eighth floor, how is this possible?" Lu Bin was instantly surprised, somewhat disbelief.

Lu Shuo was also a little stunned. Even if he wanted to cultivate on the eighth level, it was not easy. How could a new disciple be able to withstand the pressure of the eighth level of immortal energy?

"It seems that there are a lot of secrets in him, elder brother, we must do a good search on him today, maybe there will be some other gains." Lu Bin pleased.

In his opinion, Lin Han must rely on some magic weapon to reach the eighth level.

By himself, it is impossible.

Lu Shuo nodded, and a pair of eyes flashed with purple light, and he was more concerned about Lin Han.


At this time, Lin Han had already descended to the third floor, found Lingxi, and walked out together.

This time I have made great progress. In a short period of time, there will be no improvement and I can leave.

"What's the matter?" As soon as he walked out of the tower gate, Ling Xi saw Lu Shuo and a group of disciples surrounded there, staring at Lin Han with unkind eyes, showing a cruel smile.

There are some other disciples around, waiting to see the excitement.

Lin Han frowned and said, "Are you waiting for me?"

When he saw Lu Bin, it was not difficult to guess that this person was Lu Shuo.

Last time at Leifeng, Lu Bin once said that his elder brother Lu Shuo would not let him go.

"Yes, kowtow to my brother Lu Bin and apologize, and submit the Daewoo Divine Thunder Secret Technique obediently, and I will let you go." Lu Shuo raised his head and said proudly.

As a genius on the second floor of the fairy king realm, he didn't pay attention to Da Luo Jinxian's junior.

These are creatures of two worlds.

Therefore, his tone is full of unquestionable and conceited.

Lin Han didn't pay attention to him at all. He pulled Lingxi and was about to leave. He dismissed such people who feel good about themselves.

"Bold, you dare to ignore me." Lu Shuo's eyes suddenly became angry, and he shouted coldly.

"What about ignoring you, what can I say to arrogant people?" Lin Han said lightly.

"Good boy, you don't know how good I am, now let you taste the taste of my fist and kneel down for me!"


Lu Shuo smiled angrily, and punched Lin Han's head with a terrifying force, causing a huge arc to rise in the void.

He smiled cruelly, and wanted to beat Lin Han to his knees like a dead dog.

Lu Bin also had a look of gloat, feeling that his feud could be repaid.

"Looking for death!" However, Lin Han narrowed his eyes, the second floor of the Immortal King Realm, which may be very strong for others, but nothing to him.

I saw that he also squeezed his fist and punched it out, the flaming fist light, like a volcano erupting in situ, set off an aura of destruction.

Lu Shuo's attack was disintegrated in an instant, and then his face paled with a powerful force, he spouted a mouthful of blood, and went back a dozen steps.

"How is this possible?" The laugh on Lu Bin's face instantly solidified, as if he was slapped, directly dumbfounded.

Those Lu Shuo's followers, originally gloating over misfortune, also looked shocked!

No one thought that Lu Shuo would be knocked back by Lin Han?

This is just like an ant, overwhelming an elephant, incredible.

"Why is this..." Lu Shuo was also cold all over, in disbelief.

With the tremendous strength of his fists, his arm was aching, almost breaking.

He is a genius on the second floor of the fairyland, losing to a small figure in the great Luojin fairyland, which is too absurd.

"This is your strength? With this ability, you dare to yell at me." Lin Han sneered lightly, without taking a step back.

These words were like a slap in the face, making Lu Shuo's face flushed instantly. It was unreasonable. In his eyes, he was injured by a lowly disciple of Luo Jinxian. It was a shame to him.

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