War Emperor

Chapter 1529: Elder Wanhuo

"Ask the people in the sword house. As the head of the five sword houses, Canggu Sword House has a profound background. There must be a special place to help people break into the fairy king realm and cultivate disciples." Hong Dao.

Every big force will find ways to help disciples break through all major realms.

Canggu Sword Mansion can do this by itself.

Lin Han nodded, feeling reasonable.

"Are you going to break into the fairy king realm?" Ling Xi was surprised when she knew that she and Lin Han had a deep relationship, and Lin Han's strength increased, and she was also happy.

"If you want to break into it in one fell swoop, it's easy. In our Cang Ancient Sword Mansion, there is a "Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Fires" that contains the "Great Burning Heavenly Fire", which can refine and strengthen the realm. Many disciples enter it. There will be huge benefits, but it is very dangerous there, and the disciples below the fairy king realm can hardly bear it." Ling Xi said.

Some elders have done experiments and entered the Ten Thousand Fire Secret Realm. There is a great chance that they can help others break into the fairy king realm!

Because it is too fierce, the people who go to practice are generally disciples of the fairy king realm.

"It doesn't matter, even if it is dangerous, I will try it." Lin Han said with a smile.

After finally reaching the ninth level of Daluo Jinxian Consummation, the opportunity for breakthrough is still there. It is the time to break through in one go. In any case, he cannot miss it.

"Well, we are now looking for "Elder Wanhuo", but Elder Wanhuo has a very good relationship with Palace Master Zuo. You have offended Palace Master Zuo now, but be careful, he will make things difficult for you." Ling Xi worried.

Excalibur Island, not only has three hundred Excalibur disciples, but also some treasures where the elders live.

Wanhuofeng is the spiritual soil of the elder Wanhuo!

This is a volcano, tall and majestic, with wisps of flames gushing into the sky, a piece of scarlet that sets off the sky, and there are some cracks on the ground, and you can see the endless magma below, which is very scary.

It is hard to imagine that there will be people living in this extreme environment.

"Ling Xi, what are you doing?" Lin Han and Ling Xi had just arrived, on a rocky cliff halfway up the mountain, an old man in red, sitting cross-legged there, asked.

He has a flaming elder, and in his eyes, the flames are gushing, like a **** in flames, disdainful of the eight wilderness.

Although his tone was calm, he carried a great dignity.

"Hehe, old man of Wanhuo, I have a friend who wants to enter the Mystic Realm of Wanhuo, please help to open it and let him enter." Ling Xi said with a smile.

Her seniority is very high, but she can be regarded as the same as Elder Wanhuo.

"What friend?" Elder Wanhuo raised his brows and looked at Lin Han. Seeing that he was so young and calm, as if thinking of something, he could not help but coldly said: "Could it be that this kid is in the Sword Mansion recently, with a great reputation? Dry... Lin Wudi!"

Lin Wudi is a genius of swordsmanship, and he has also learned Daewoo God Thunder and obtained the Void God and Demon Picture, even if he is an elder who doesn't care about the world.

It is not difficult to guess that he is so close to Lingxi.

"It's him, this is a good seedling. You help him break through the Myriad Flames, and he will remember your goodness in the future." Ling Xi said.

With Lin Han's potential, the future is limitless. If there is a chance, many elders are naturally willing to approach him.

"Hmph, if someone else, the elder, may be willing to let him in, but this kid can't." However, the elder Wanhuo sank and sneered: "He dared to offend my Senior Brother Lu, I will never see him. , Let him go."

After he waved his hand, the magma was gushing, the mountain trembling, and the momentum was terrifying.

Ling Xi smiled bitterly, and as expected, the opponent would be hostile to Lin Han because of Lu Cangzheng.

"Elder, how are you willing to let me enter the Ten Thousand Fire Secret Realm." Lin Han stepped forward and said.

Elder Wanhuo touched his chin, revealed a conspiracy smile, and said: "It's not impossible, as long as your kid can accept my three wildfires, how about I let you in?"

He wanted to help Senior Brother Lu to teach this kid who didn't know the height of the sky.

"Old Man Wanhuo, you are so deceiving, faceless and embarrassed." Ling Xi was furious and pulled Lin Han to leave.

Wildfire is the old man Wanhuo, a kind of powerful flame cultivated. Any ordinary disciple of the Immortal King realm can't bear it, let alone three wildfires?

The disciples below the fifth floor of the fairy king realm will be burnt to ashes and die.

Lin Han only has the 9th floor of Da Luo Jinxian, how could he be able to bear it.

The old man Wanhuo clearly wants to put Lin Han and death.

"Don't worry, I will be measured. If my life is in danger, I will stop in time. Lin Wudi, you kid dare not pick it up. If you don't dare to pick it up, you will never want to go in this Ten Thousand Fire Secret Realm." Elder Wanhuo grinned Smiled.

He wanted Lin Han to suffer a certain amount of hardship and to taste the lesson.

In his opinion, Lin Han may not have the guts to pick it up!

Even if you can't die, delamination is inevitable.

"If that's the case, then I'll learn it." Lin Han smiled and nodded directly.

"Is this kid crazy?"

There are still some disciples around, using the strong fire element to cultivate here, and they are all surprised by this.

Knowing it is a pit, I have to jump into it.

What exactly is the head made of? Is it because it is not water?

"Okay, the kid has courage, I start to like you a little bit." Elder Wanhuo also laughed out, Lin Han caught him in his arms, and gave him a good lesson today. Even if his brother knew, he would be happy.

"Next, let you see how fierce my wild fire is." He sneered, stopped saying more, and pointed a bit, a khaki flame suddenly emerged, flying towards Lin Han, and Lin Han's body instantly blasted. With a sound, it burned, and a large flame rose!

In an instant, Lin Han felt a sharp pain, which swept through, and every part of his body was experiencing burning and the smell of meat being cooked.

This feeling was really unspeakable, Lin Han couldn't help gritting his teeth.

"Haha, how is it, how does my wildfire taste?" Elder Wanhuo laughed.

The flame is composed of three clusters of light, which are exactly the destructive power of the three wildfires, and the combined destructive power is enough to burn ordinary disciples of the fairy king realm.

Even if Lin Han could bear it, he would definitely not want to live.

He couldn't wait to record this scene and show it to Senior Brother Lu.

"The taste is okay, but it has caused too much damage to me, and it's almost a bit." Lin Han suddenly smiled, and the purple light in his eyebrows was turbulent, like a big river, the endless purple gas overflowed. On the surface of his body, a shining light mask was formed to protect him. In an instant, Lin Han seemed to stand in another piece of time and space, revealing the smell of invading all laws, fierce wildfire, He never hurt him at all.

"How could it be... this is the mental power, or the spiritual power to enter the "human level"!" Elder Wanhuo suddenly shook his body, like a sky thunder smashing the sky in the sky, his expression was dumbfounded, and he was shocked and lost his voice.

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