War Emperor

Chapter 1533: Flint

He and Lingxi all the way to the east, and the further east, the more clearly he can feel that the fire element in the air is more vigorous.

Moreover, a dense fiery red forest appeared in front of him. In the forest, the fiery red breath evaporates, making people feel hot. The immortal power in the body is like being tempered, which can increase the strength.

"Fire Crystal, this is Fire Crystal!"

At this time, someone shouted surprise. In a thick tree hugged by two people, there was a fire crystal growing in it, the size of a baby's fist, and the whole body was fiery red, like crimson agate jade, with a strong fire attribute element.

This is exactly the fire crystal, a special fire element crystal in the Myriad Fire Realm.

If you continue to absorb and refine, your cultivation situation will be much better than if you meditate naturally here.

It grows anywhere at will, most of them are relatively secretive, just exposed to the air, it is rare and naturally exciting.

"Haha, this fire crystal belongs to me." A big bald man laughed loudly, holding a big ghost knife, slashed two disciples and ran over, buckled the fire crystal and laughed.

In the fire crystal, I felt the energy that made him greedy!

It is not easy to be able to improve the strength of a disciple of the Excalibur.

Fire crystal is a rare thing.


However, at this moment, an astonishing scene appeared. Above the thick trees, suddenly appeared a snake head the size of a low mountain, covered with scales, and its eyes were green and gloomy. He opened his mouth and opened his mouth. The bald man ate his head, then swallowed his whole body alive, and the sound of smashing bones was heard, making the man scream.

"Fire Lin Python?"

Everyone was surprised, all their colors changed, and they moved back.

Lin Han was also surprised. After inquiring about Lingxi, he learned that the Fire Lin Python is a special monster in the Myriad Fire Realm. It absorbs strong flame attributes and grows. It is one foot long at birth. This Fire Lin Python is about It was ten feet long, and his body was full of strong fire power. It was obviously a fire-lin python that had reached adulthood. Even the strong two or three layers of the ordinary Immortal King realm were not opponents.

Never thought that in this dense forest, there is such a strange big insect hidden!

Visible the danger of mountains and forests.

"Kill it, there are still a lot of fire crystals in its stomach." Ling Xi whispered.

She has a piece of earth-yellow jade in her hand that can sense the number of fire crystals. It is the "spraying stone" she asked for from the elders of the flames. It is specially used to search for fire crystals in the Myriad Flames.

Five red light spots appeared in the stomach of Huolin Python, which means that there should be five fire crystals in its stomach!

One fire crystal is very precious, let alone five?

Hearing this, Lin Han couldn't help but feel hot.

"Haha, a beast, dare to be rampant here, looking for death, paying his life!"

At this moment, a big laugh came, and a man in a silver suit flew up from the sky, holding a silver dragon spear, and riding a colorful Luan bird, with radiance and gorgeous feathers.

If the **** in the God Realm descended to the earth, with a silver dragon spear in his hand, it stabs fiercely, with a bang, a large expanse of silver light bursts out, like a stream of celestial poles, and kills the fire-lin python!

"Roar!" Huo Lin python was furious, a weak human being dared to provoke his majesty, unforgivable.

At the moment, it opened its mouth, spit out a large fire, and counterattacked.

The temperature of the raging fire has reached the limit that Daluo Jinxian can withstand. If it is hit, even people in the Immortal King Realm may be burned to ashes in an instant and die on the spot.

But the man in the silver suit was too strong, and this shot was full of the smell of shattering everything and strangling everything.

Those flame light curtains were directly pierced, and then the flaming spear light passed through the sturdy scales of the fire-lin python, with a puff, pierced its sky spirit cover, and punched its head into a hole full of one meter in size. The **** front and back were translucent. , The picture is terrifying.

Even the skull and brain can be seen clearly.

Huo Lin python suffered such a heavy injury, naturally he couldn't hold on, and died on the spot.

Everyone was shocked, the man in the silver suit was too strong, and slaying the Huolin Python is like killing a chicken!

The wind blew, his silver hair fluttered, and he was full of an arrogant demeanor, making the world lose its color.

"Brother Qin Tian!" Ling Xi whispered.

"Qin Tian?" Lin Han frowned, a little strange.

"Yes, he is Qin Tian, ​​ranked 181st among the disciples of the Excalibur. He is also Qin Rong's older brother. He is much more powerful than Qin Rong." Ling Xi nodded.

Lin Hanshi was outside the ten thousand volcanoes and defeated Qin Rong, and now Qin Tian is here again, and he is probably in trouble.

Sure enough, Qin Tian stared at Lin Han with a pair of cold and handsome eyes, and sneered: "Boy, you are Lin Wudi."

"En!" Lin Han said lightly.

"No need to pretend, we Wuliangshan, we have already guessed that your eighth achievement is Lin Han, the lower realm emperor, boy, you are really cunning enough to deceive all of us and sneak into the Canggu Sword Mansion to learn art. The three great immortal emperors and the patriarch of the Nanhuang clan can't find you." Qin Tian's eyes exuded strange light, as if to see through Lin Han's soul.

Lin Han's expression was calm and noncommittal.

In this regard, he did not want to explain more.

"Speaking of I Wuliang Mountain, I don’t have much hatred with you. Hand over your prehistoric sword-forging furnace and heavenly suit. I will spare you a small life and let you continue to linger in the ancient sword house Go down, otherwise today will be your death day." Qin Tian said indifferently with an arrogant expression.

The tone was extremely cold, like a **** in the nine heavens, talking to a mortal who had no power to bind a chicken, and disobedience was not allowed.

"Idiot!" Lin Han sneered out these two words, disdainful of people who are too superior.

At the moment, he took out an iron sword, stabbed it, and cut open the body of the Huolin Python with a sword. As expected, he saw five fire crystals in its stomach. With a stroke of his palm, he put it away.

The five fire crystals are so precious, since he saw it, he naturally had no reason to let it go.

"Bold, dare to take my fire crystal, you won't die!" Qin Tian was furious, his eyes were about to breathe fire, he asked Lin Han to hand over the prehistoric sword forging furnace and the heavenly suit, this kid didn't care about himself, and went Taking one's own fire crystal is simply despising oneself.

In him, a tyrannical wave swept away, making the mountains and forests like a strong wind, and many plants snapped off.

There are still many disciples around, and the Myriad Fire Secret Realm is open, not only for the Excalibur disciples, but also for the Heavenly Sword disciples.

It seems that Qin Tian will definitely not let Lin Han go today.

They felt that Lin Han was going to be bad this time, and he was too courageous.

"If you want to do it, do it, don't yell out there." Lin Han said indifferently.

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