War Emperor

Chapter 1551: wake up

He is not a member of Canggu Sword Mansion, and does not know the identity of Ling Xi.

What's more, even if you know it, you can't care about so much now.

His only thought at the moment was to kill Lin Han, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha block and kill the Buddha.

"God of the hole, go to death." At the moment, he sneered contemptuously, pointed out, and pierced the sky towards Lingxi. The bright finger light illuminates the void, like a meteorite, extremely gorgeous .

The murderous aura from above is also very terrifying, if it hits, even a big mountain will collapse, let alone a girl who is only eighteen years old.

Many people shook their heads and sighed, feeling that Lingxi was over, this time he would definitely die.

Mu Mei'er also sneered in time, looking forward to Ling Xi's death, and then dealt with Lin Han.

She wanted Lin Han to see with her own eyes how Ling Xi died, and she felt pain in her heart.

Lin Han indeed gritted his teeth fiercely, trying to break free, but he was still unable to do so. On the huge cliff, an inexplicable motivational mechanism had already locked him, making him involuntarily passively receive the thought of walking through time and space.

For others, it will be ecstatic, but it makes him extremely painful.

If something happens to Lingxi, it will be a disaster!

This is an innocent girl who will live in self-blame all his life.

"Mysterious Talisman, show it to me!" However, at this moment, Lingxi's small face was solemn, and she sacrificed a piece of gold-colored talisman paper, showing a sense of grandeur, majesty, solemnity, and loftyness, floating in the void in!

In an instant, a magnificent aura burst out, allowing Murong to pay the divine power of the cave god's finger, burst into pieces with a crack, and dissipated into fireworks.

"Mysterious Talisman?"

"Who made this for him? It's so strong!"

Everyone exclaimed, this is a kind of talisman, refined by the strong, and placed on future generations to protect future generations at critical moments.

But the ordinary mysterious talisman is far less powerful. Lingxi, the mysterious talisman, blooms like a golden sun, and like a supreme powerhouse, making everyone shocked and wanting to surrender.

"Asshole, little girl, where did you get this mysterious charm?" Murong Fu also changed his face and shouted.

His chest was so painful that he was hit by a heavy hammer, and his ribs broke.

This made him startled and angry, an innocent little girl with such powerful means.

This is impractical.

"This is my grandfather, leaving it to me. If you are acquainted, leave it obediently, otherwise beware of you being killed by this talisman." Ling Xi said.

What was originally a bit murderous, when she said it in her mouth, it was also clear and beautiful.

Many people glanced at each other, not knowing who Ling Xi's grandfather was.

However, judging from the aura of the mysterious talisman, her grandfather must be a super strong, the strength is unimaginable, otherwise it would never be so.

Murong Fu's face turned ugly, and it's fine to eat it in the hands of Lin Han again and again, should he still eat it in the hands of an unknown girl?

He Murong Fu, a famous genius, was too aggrieved.

But the threat of the mysterious talisman to him was too great, and if he continued to fight, he might really be able to kill him, he did not dare to mess around.

Right now, after gritting his teeth, I must give up.


But at this moment, Lingxi's small ruddy mouth couldn't help but squirt out a mouthful of blood, her pretty face became paler, and her delicate body suspended in mid-air staggered for a while and almost fell. .

Murong Fu was startled, then laughed loudly and said: "It's really God who helped me. It turns out that the energy of this mysterious talisman is too majestic. You can't control it at all and you can't use it for a long time. Now the time is coming."

Ling Xi's cultivation base was too low, and this effect was normal.

Lingxi smiled bitterly. It was true. Before leaving, Grandpa told her to practice hard, otherwise she would not be able to use the mysterious charm given to her even in danger.

But she is usually too lazy and doesn't pay attention to cultivation.

"If that's the case, then you go to die." Murong Fu sneered and shot again, and slapped Ling Xi's head with a palm. This little girl hurt him and was almost ashamed. Unforgivable, only death. To wash away this shame.

The air around is quieter!

Countless people are holding their breath. Is this sweet and charming girl really going to die today?

A bitterness appeared in the corner of Ling Xi's mouth. Looking at the background of the young man Xinchang, she sighed silently in her heart and closed her eyes.

She knew she was doomed to escape and was ready.

I only hope that after death, Lin Han can survive this catastrophe smoothly and live well.

"Bastard, stop me!" However, at this moment, a cold drink from a young man suddenly exploded in the world.

Lin Han's closed eyes finally opened suddenly, like two huge planets, emitting a terrifying and flaming light, making the universe lose its color.

An extremely strong aura broke out in Lin Han's body, revealing a strong sense of intrepidity, which made people want to surrender and worship.

"He woke up and his strength increased. This is the fifth floor of the Immortal King Realm!"

Everyone exclaimed, Lin Han's luck is too good, not to mention getting the shuttle time and space step, he even increased his realm a bit, which makes people jealous to vomit blood.

Murong Fu's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't expect Lin Han to wake up in such a timely manner. Now Lin Han's whole person has changed, giving him a strong sense of threat.

If Lin Han was just a baby in his eyes before, now he has undoubtedly become a strong young man, making him feel a little throbbing.

"Lin Han, you are lucky enough, now you wake up."

"Yes, now is your death date, stop attacking Lingxi for me, and obediently die." Lin Han said with a cold expression and indifferent expression.

The surging breath came out in his body like a surging ocean.

This kind of momentum is completely beyond comparison with ordinary people.

"You dream, you really think you can threaten me with your strength? This little girl, today I will kill, I will let you taste what it feels like to watch the death of someone close to you." Murong Fu laughed. , Looked like he was willing to go, and his hatred for Lin Han was exhausted.

As long as he can get revenge on Lin Han, he will do whatever it takes.

As for Lin Han's current strength, he is not afraid. He has cultivated for many years and has many methods. After killing Ling Xi, he is confident of winning against Lin Han.

When Lin Han was killed, he was truly ashamed and let out a big breath.

Thinking like this in his heart, the divine light radiating from his hand became more intense, and he quickly patted Ling Xi.

"You are looking for death!" Lin Han's tone contained anger.

"So what? Can you stop it?" Murong Fu laughed and said proudly.

He is only one meter away from Lingxi. Even if he is a strong person in the Immortal Emperor Realm, he may not be able to stop him. Lin Han is still fifty meters away, and there is absolutely no possibility of stopping him.

Therefore, he is now full of determination.

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