War Emperor

Chapter 1572: Face slap

If you have this footwork, you have an unparalleled advantage when fighting at the same level.

Lonely Shang's face also sank. He didn't expect that Lin Han would have this hand. Originally, he thought that Lin Han would not be able to resist the speed of the Ten Jiantong.

It's a bit hard to talk about now.

"Baixing rotates, kill!"

The ten Jiantongs were shocked. If they didn't defeat Lin Han, Lonely Shang would impose severe punishment on them.

Thinking of that kind of punishment, they shudder and naturally go all out.

At the moment, the ten people shouted together, and the divine light radiating from the whole body was more surging, as if ten stars were recovering, and then, the sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light and covered it towards Lin Han.

This time, hundreds of stars unexpectedly appeared in the blazing sword light, and the vision that smashed down together appeared, the scene was extremely magnificent, and the scene was shocking.

This is the core method of their formation.

Not only is the speed strong, but the attack power is also fierce.

Hundreds of stars smashed down together, unless they reach the realm of Immortal Venerable, they will be hard to resist.

King Zhan and Fairy Caiwu could not help but sneered, knowing that the critical moment was coming, Lin Han would definitely be smashed into flesh.

Even if he is abnormal again, how can he break into the fairyland?

"Hmph, break it for me!" But then, a scene that surprised them appeared.

Although Lin Han didn't break into the Immortal Venerable Realm, his true combat power was much stronger than on the surface. When he shouted, the Heavenly God suit appeared, and his body emitted a divine light illuminating the starry sky. There was a ray of light on the Heavenly Spirit cover, and it rushed straight into the sky. , Extremely bright.

At this moment, Lin Han resembled a war **** possessing his body, full of overbearing and invincible demeanor.

Then, without saying a word, he played Daewoo Thor and played a "Star Dark".

This move was already extremely overbearing, and with Lin Han's current combat power, it was even more powerful than ever.

A thick thunder and lightning descended from the universe, illuminating the eternal years and shattering the immortal time, making everyone tremble from the soul.


Hundreds of stars, like chickens and dogs, are constantly breaking and opening.

The thick thunder and lightning descended like a thunder dragon, strangling everything.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." All ten sword boys yelled sternly. They were scorched by the overbearing thunder and lightning, and their whole bodies were scorched, and even their bones were chopped into pieces, and they felt painful.

Some of the more unlucky people were almost split in half.


Countless people sucked in cold air, their faces shocked.

This is clearly a trick that can only be broken if you have to reach the level of the Immortal Venerable.

Lin Han was only able to do it at the 7th floor of the Immortal King Realm. It was really amazing.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Han is simply a demon, irresistible.

However, what is even more amazing is still to come. After Lin Han broke the big formation, he did not keep the slightest hand, his eyes were like electricity, and he was not forgiving. He stepped on time and space, and flew to the front with a shattered sword. , Emitting a dazzling incomparable light, will kill ten people.

Everyone exclaimed again.

This is the servant of Lonely Sorrow, representing the face of Lonely Sorrow. If Lin Hanruo really killed them, wasn't it slapped Lonely Sorrow's face?

Fairy Caiwu was panicked, not to mention Lin Han, even if she and the King of War did not dare.

Lin Han raised his sword like a chicken and a dog. This spirit was indeed too great, and loneliness would definitely be angry.

"Asshole, what are you doing." As expected, Lonely Shang immediately sank and stood up and said angrily.

He spent a lot of effort to train these ten sword boys, and Lin Han wanted to beheaded, which naturally made him a little angry.

And in full view, this doesn't give him face at all.

"Hmph, you are only allowed to instigate them to kill me, don't you allow me to kill them?" However, Lin Han smiled coldly, and did not hesitate at all. The broken sword in his hand still slashed with an unwavering attitude. Down.

You know, he is now using time and space steps, and the speed is so fast that few people can stop him today.

Therefore, these ten people did not resist at all, all of them puff puff puff... ten poignant blood flowers bloomed, the sword light flashed, ten heads, all flew out like a ball, headless corpses, spraying several feet high. All the blood and water died.


Accompanied by the sound of the body and the ground, the entire square fell into deathly silence.

Many people were surprised on the spot, and it was difficult to recover.

The ten great sword boys are all dead!

Everyone's hearts twitched, and they were lonely among the Excalibur disciples, all alone, illuminating the endless starry sky, who would dare to kill his sword boy.

Lin Han did it, really without taboos, and decisively.

"Big brother, I won."

Lin Han smiled lightly, landed on the ground and said.

Lonely Shang's face became ugly, and for a while, he was shocked in every direction, when he had received such treatment, and the other party was just a humble ant-like existence in his eyes.

Right now, in his body, an extremely powerful aura swept out like a volcano about to erupt, full of an incomparably violent smell.

Many people were shocked and regressed.

The aura of Lonely Sorrow is too amazing, and it can't stand the power of it alone.

Lin Han also had a sense of solemnity in his eyes, but he wasn't worried. When so many people watched, he didn't think that others would watch loneliness, become angry and break the rules.

Sure enough, Fang Wen said indifferently: "Lonely Sorrow, you are the great brother of the Excalibur disciple. Since you have lost, you have to have a certain tolerance. If you shoot yourself, how decent you will be, wouldn't you let others laugh at your mind? "

He is Palace Master Zuo after all, and what he says naturally has weight.

Lonely Shang's face twitched, and only then did the aura of his whole body slowly converge, but looking at Lin Han, his eyes were still as cold as a pool of secluded spring, extremely cold.

Then, he smiled lightly and said: "What a Lin Han, he is worthy of being a person who dares to slaughter even the sky and does not obey the way of heaven. Today, your brother, you are considered dead. Take this sub-sacred fruit. , But, you have to remember that it is not a good thing for anyone to offend me in the Sword Mansion. I have a hundred ways to make his life worse than death. You'd better be careful."

After finishing speaking, he waved his palm and handed Yasheng Guo to Lin Han.

Many people couldn't help being envious. After slapped Lonely Sorrow's face, he could still get Lonely Sorrow's baby. Lin Han was the first for so many years.

Zhan Wang and Fairy Caiwu couldn't help but sneered, knowing that Lin Han was dead.

Lonely Shang remembered him, and there was absolutely no good life.

"Okay, I'm calling everyone here today. In addition to accepting Lin Han as a sword boy, there is another important thing to invite "Fairy Fenghua", Fairy Fenghua, you can come out." Lonely Shang's words changed. Said with a smile.

"Fairy Fenghua?" Many people's breath was stagnant, and there was a deep feeling of love in their eyes.

Fairy Fenghua is the great sister of the Dahua Sword Mansion and also a legend. According to legend, her physique is the "Nine Nether Body".

This is a divine body from the underworld, which is rare in the fairy world.

However, she is not evil, on the contrary, she has a dusty temperament and is regarded as a goddess by many people.

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