War Emperor

Chapter 1574: Nine Sky Xinghe Qin

Right now, he was about to do something to teach Lin Han a lesson.

However, then, a scene that surprised everyone appeared.

I saw that after the endless golden light in Lin Han's palm hit the "Fairy Fenghua", Fairy Fenghua suddenly yelled in horror, and then the whole person burst into a monstrous black mist, and finally turned into a big spider. It was three meters in size and had eight legs, each of which was extremely sharp, with long black hair on his body, and a pair of emerald green eyes, as if from the nether, full of strange and evil feeling.

"Fairy Fenghua, how did it become like this?" Countless people came down in amazement, with an incredible expression.

The expression on the same face of Lonely Shang was stagnant, extremely dull.

Including Zhan Wang, Caiwu Fairy, Zuo Palace Lord, and Right Palace Lord were all surprised.

No one can believe that the Fairy Fenghua, who was peaceful and holy in the last second, turned into such a weird and gloomy appearance in the next second.

"Bold evildoer, are you in the demon realm?" Wen Fang quickly reacted and shouted angrily.

Lonely Shang, King of War, Fairy Caiwu, and Palace Lord Zuo all realized instantly. The Demon Realm is also one of the eighteen realms. Among them, the creatures all know the art of change, making people hard to guard against, even if many people present are cultivating For the advanced generation, they have not seen the problem of Fairy Fenghua.

This makes them a little ashamed.

At the same time, they finally understood that they had misunderstood Lin Han, and they couldn't help but feel flushed.

"Yes, I am under the banner of the Demon Realm, one of the Thirty-six Great Law Protectors. The "Change Law Protector" is really unexpected. My skill of change is unique. Few people can see it, but I was caught by a hairy boy. See through." The **** spider uttered a gloomy laugh, as ugly as Ye Xiao.

The man who had expressed his admiration for Fairy Fenghua before was even more angry and felt like being cheated.

"Boy, can you tell me how do you discern my magical technique?" The **** spider said gloomily to Lin Han.

"How difficult is it to see through the trivial bug tricks?" Lin Lianlen laughed.

What he possesses is the Eye of Soul Eater, the God Eye of the Eighteenth Realm of the Immortal Realm in the Supreme Devil Sutra, how can he not see a small magical technique?

If this is the case, the Eye of Soul Eater will have a name.

Black was annoyed, the kid Lin Han underestimated his transformation skills, and couldn't help but said, "If you weren't there, I would be able to lie to the sky today and deceive everyone here."

Lonely Shang, King of War, Fairy Caiwu, and Palace Lord Zuo felt even more ashamed.

The **** spider is right.

Especially Lonely Shang. If this is the case, what went wrong is the "Fairy Fenghua" he invited, and it will be even more bearable.

"Well, evildoer, what are you doing in my Canggu Sword Mansion?" Wen Fang shouted.

When he was speaking, a mysterious sword appeared in his hands with a fierce murderous intent.

Among the eighteenth realms of the fairy world, only the Great Thousand Realm is a paradise for mankind, and people from other realms will swallow this place.

Whether it is people in the greedy, demon, or demon world, they are very repulsive.

"Hey, I heard that your Canggu Sword Mansion has a "Nine Sky Xinghe Qin", I just want to borrow it for fun." The **** spider smiled lightly.

"Jiutian Xinghe Qin?" Lin Han was blank.

Luo Yan explained to him softly: "This is an ancient treasure. It was obtained by a certain fairy from an ancient star. At that time, people in the Demon Realm had a battle with that ancestor. The ancestor, after nine deaths, escaped back, and this incident will not be resolved. Unexpectedly, after so many years, people in the Demon Realm would still be obsessed with the nine-day star river piano."

Few people know what function the Nine-Tian Xinghe Qin has. Since it was brought back by that ancestor, many people have studied it and have no clue.

"Huh, it is said that this nine-day star river piano is the most authentic treasure in the "big xu", and is a must-have for opening up the authentic ancient relics. You want the nine-day star river piano to open the authentic ancient relics. Remains." Wen Fang sneered.

Haoran is authentic, for the current cultivator, perhaps he has no impression.

But 100,000 years ago, but in the eighteenth realm of the immortal world, a famous super power.

The people inside have a profound cultivation, learn Taoism naturally, and have a global reputation.

The Jiutian Xinghe Qin is even more of a treasure known as the first-class one. One song is broken, the second song is falling apart, and the three song is life and death...

Unfortunately, after the destruction of Haoran's authenticity, many treasures were buried, which countless people wanted.

The Demon Realm would naturally also make sense for this nine-day star river piano.

"Yes, Haoran's authentic treasure, which has shocked the eighteenth realms, how can we not care about our Demon Realm? The people of Canggu Sword Mansion, obediently hand over the Nine Heavens Xinghe Qin, our Demon Realm can let you go, otherwise be careful One day you have a catastrophe, and a large number of masters in my Demon Realm will step down here." The **** spider laughed loudly.

"Hmph, an evildoer, dare to speak up here and look for death." Wen Fang yelled coldly.

At the moment, the sword in his hand struggling to slash a sword, with a terrifying sword light, full of strong awe-inspiring aura, and slew towards the **** spider.

The black giant spider is not cheap, but this is the site of the Canggu Sword Mansion. After the identity was found out, he naturally did not dare to love the battle. He sneered and said: "Old clapper, we will have some time later. One day, when you are still in your Canggu Sword Mansion, our Demon Realm will definitely not let it go. Let's just wait and see, haha!"

The **** spider laughed, and then the body banged, turning into a black blood mist, which disappeared out of thin air like a mist.

The voice also drifted away.

"Bloody exploding? You evil evildoer, if you act fast, you must die here today." Wen Fang snorted coldly.

The self-explosion of blood is just a way to escape in the demon realm.

After the display, the body will decompose in the air, turning into thousands of plumes of smoke, and flee in all directions. As long as one plume escapes, it will succeed.

However, this move caused great damage to oneself.

The **** spider has lost at least five hundred years of cultivation this time, and it can be regarded as getting the punishment he deserves.

At this time, the surrounding atmosphere couldn't help but become strange, and many people sighed.

No one thought that such a thing would happen today.

Thanks to Lin Han, if someone from the Demon Realm swaggered to their Immortal Mansion, and was mistaken by their Sword Mansion for a guest reception, then their Sword Mansion's face would really be lost.

Lonely Shang, King of War, Fairy Caiwu, and Palace Lord Zuo were also a little embarrassed.

"Palace Master is here today, and there is one more important thing to tell you." Wen Fang turned around and smiled: "It's about the Jiutian Xingheqin..."

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