War Emperor

Chapter 1577: Recognize the master

Lonely Shang, King of War, and Fairy Caiwu were all in a daze. Lin Han's disturbance was too great.

"What happened?"

At this moment, in the entire Canggu Sword Mansion, many unborn old men flew out, one by one, with terrifying auras and gleaming eyes, like a dragon with a body, incomparably powerful.

"Is that Daqiu Shenjun?"

"That is Wushuang Sword Sovereign..."

"No, my goodness, that's the Ice God..."

Many people whispered and looked shocked. The identity of the people who came was too high. They were once famous and famous for an era.

These are the real details in the sword palace, unless something huge happens in the sword palace, otherwise, under normal circumstances, it will never appear.

At the moment, they are all hit.

Many people's hearts are convulsing crazily.

Palace Master Zuo's heart was also beating wildly, and this kid Lin Han was too extraordinary.

"Haha, Jiutian Xingheqin, it's about to recognize the master, great."

Many old people laughed and saw that this was a sign that Jiutian Xingheqin wanted to recognize the lord. It represented the Haoran's authentic treasure and had a relationship with them Canggu Sword Mansion.

If they can get those treasures, the strength of their Canggu Sword Mansion will definitely increase.

Even if they are very excited.

"Lu Cangzheng, who is this junior, looks a bit unfamiliar."

One of them asked Lu Cangzheng.

This is an old man in black, with black flames beating all over, revealing a strong and fiery smell, and the whole figure is like a round of black sky, oppressing people's hearts.

"Uncle Qiqi Hei, his name is Lin Han." Lu Cangzheng smiled bitterly.

There are too many elders, and many of them are higher than his generation, and even when he sees it, he has to bow to the younger generation.

Lin Han's ability to cause such a sensation also made him helpless.

"Lin Han? Huh? I heard that the Void God and Demon Picture was also obtained by a young disciple named Lin Han. Could it be him?"

An old man in white asked.

He is Wushuang Sword Sovereign.

"Yes, it is him." Lu Cang nodded.

Hei Lao, Wushuang Sword Sovereign, Daqiu God Sovereign, Ice God Sovereign, and others couldn't help being surprised.

Obtaining the Void God and Demon Picture, even the Jiutian Xinghe Qin, must recognize Lin Han as the master.

This young man's fortune is too profound.

At this point in their cultivation, it is clear that the cultivator's blessings also largely determine his future achievements.

In today's fairy world, all the giants standing on the top of the eighteenth realms of the fairy world, which one has not been along the way, with endless opportunities and endless adventures, can be called generations of legends?

To Lin Han, they had the same taste.

Could it be that Lin Han can do the same in the future?

This made them look at Lin Han's eyes, and they couldn't help becoming hotter.

If that's the case, this guy really deserves to be cultivated and valued.

After all, this is too important for a sword palace.

Lonely Shang couldn't help feeling a little jealous towards Lin Han.

Even he wouldn't cause so many senior elders to appear.

Among the disciples of Excalibur, he is the big brother, the one with the most dazzling light, how can he tolerate others to be more popular than himself?

He clenched some fists, his determination to get rid of Lin Han couldn't help being heavier.


Finally, the void trembled, and all the visions disappeared. Lin Han stopped plucking the strings. He sat in the void with the nine-day star river piano on his knees, and his eyes were cool, seeming to be enlightened. A sense of lightness.

"He has increased in strength?"

Everyone was surprised. Lin Han's aura is quite strong, and he has reached the level of the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm. Only one step away, he can enter the Immortal Venerable and break free of this state.

The King of War also gritted his teeth and was recognized by Nine Sky Xinghe Qin, and his strength could be enhanced, which was simply annoying.

Lin Han gave a long laugh. It is true. Now Jiutian Xinghe Qin has become his treasure. It has a taste of unity of mind and soul. When Jiutian Xinghe Qin recognizes the master, a very powerful energy enters his body and makes him The strength is also enhanced.

At this moment, his body is full of energy, surging with energy, full of indescribable feeling, as if he can hold everything with his hands and feet, like a god.

Jiutian Xinghe Qin's recognition of the master is indeed too great for him.

"Lin Han, congratulations, let me discuss with you, let everyone see how powerful this nine-day star river piano is, how is it?" At this time, the King of War could not help but sneer and stood up and said.

Lin Han's experience made him feel very unbalanced, and he wanted to beat him.

Many people were stunned, the realm of the King of War had reached the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm to complete, and there was even a tendency to enter the Immortal Venerable Realm, which was far beyond the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm.

He wants to discuss with Lin Han.

This is really bullying the small.

Luo Yan also frowned. Although they were all on the ninth level of the Immortal King Realm, there was indeed a big gap between just entering and completing this realm. To put it bluntly, it was almost the same as the previous four or five smaller realms.

After all, in every big realm, the ninth floor is a big platform, accumulated over many years.

The difficulty of the breakthrough is not comparable to the previous realm.

"Okay, since Senior Brother Zhanwang is interested, I will play with you." Lin Han smiled faintly and agreed.

Wen Fang also frowned, this was clearly a trap, and Lin Han dared to agree so happily, fearing disaster would be imminent.

Fairy Caiwu also sneered and felt that Lin Han was going to die.

With the strength of the King of War, it was no problem to deal with Lin Han with all his strength.

Lonely Shang also smiled lightly, in a good mood, looking forward to this scene.

"Lin Han, you are really brave enough, you dare to agree to my challenge, great, today we count the old and new hatred together." The King of War laughed wildly, his excited body shuddering.

Lin Han beat him terribly in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Fires last time, losing face.

He has always wanted to find an opportunity to find this place back, but the gap in identity and strength between him and Lin Han is really too big, and he loses his identity in the shot.

Now there is a fair and honest opportunity, which makes him very excited.

With his nine levels of perfection in the Immortal King Realm, crushing Lin Han is as simple as an adult crushing a child.

"Today, I will let everyone know that everything about you is bullshit, kill!"

Right now he roared, his body shook, and the divine light burst out like the ocean, the surging light of the vast ocean, when the sole of his feet stepped on the ground, his body was like an evil beast, rushing over, with an incomparable tragic and extremely scent, and the void was all Trembling.

"Dahuang means!"

The king of war is like a dragon, his eyes are shining, he puts all his divine power into his fingers, and clicks.

Suddenly an ancient savage atmosphere erupted, and a magnificent picture appeared beside him, in which there was a vast world and a scene of wild dragons running on the earth, and the sky was very primitive.

Just like the blow of a war king, it hit an ancient land.

"It turned out to be the Great Wilderness Finger?" Many disciples of the Excalibur were moved. This is a great skill of the King of War, which was originally acquired in the great mountains of the Great Thousand Realm.

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