War Emperor

Chapter 1579: Defeated king

The terrible shaking force caused many solid rocks on the square to shatter one after another, turning into ruins.

Countless people were shocked and couldn't speak, the heart beating wildly by this shock.

Is this still an attack from two fairy kings? Even if it is a general Xianzun powerhouse, he must change his color and solemnly.

Many Excalibur disciples looked at Lin Han and King Zhan, and their hearts were filled with deep awe.

Especially Lin Han, who had just arrived at the Canggu Sword Mansion, was able to get to this point. He was really an idol in the hearts of many disciples.


In the end, after a full quarter of an hour, all the light dissipated.

A powerful counter-shock force erupted, Lin Han finally backed a few meters, a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

After all, the realm of the King of War was higher than him, and with his full strength, this collision had a certain impact on him.

But the King of War was even more miserable. He directly uttered a scream, his body fell from mid-air like a kite with a broken line, and now he is all covered with sharp sword marks, bloody, and every body. In places, most of the skin and flesh are rolled up, revealing Bai Sensen's bone stubble.

Even on his chest, there was a sword mark that almost penetrated his heart, causing him to die on the spot. Such a tragic injury caused many people to take a breath, and a little shocked.

This is the King of War, and to many people, the arrogant talent.

Now in front of them, being beaten like this, really dreamy.


Accompanied by the sound of a dull physical body landing, the surroundings became slightly silent.

The King of War gritted his teeth fiercely, his eyes throbbed with anger and he was very unwilling, his expression was distorted because of his injuries, and he couldn't even stand up.

The power of Lin Han's piano sound was too powerful. Just now, he felt like there were thousands of killing swords slashing at him together, and they couldn't resist it.

Fortunately, he was about to step into the realm of Immortal Venerable, otherwise, under the endless sword aura, he would now become a pool of fleshy mud, and he would undoubtedly die.

A lot of his meridians have been cut off, and the origin has flowed seriously.

The last time he was in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Fires, he was injured by Lin Han. This time, he exerted his full strength and ended up so miserably in Lin Han's hands, which made him ashamed, angry and unwilling.

"Zhan Wang, are you not convinced now?" Lin Han said with a faint smile.

Although he was also injured, these were nothing to him. With his hands on the strings and gently plucking, a large swath of holy breath enveloped him. In an instant, his body recovered again. At the pinnacle, her eyes were shining, her complexion was ruddy, and she looked vigorous.

"Jiutian Xingheqin can actually heal people's injuries." Countless people were even more envious, jealous.

Owning this piano is simply a great artifact.

Luo Yan nodded with a smile, Jiutian Xinghe Qin could indeed heal someone, she had also heard of it. Now Lin Han was sitting cross-legged in the void, with the nine-day star river piano lying on his knees, and there was an unfathomable smell between his gestures.

This charm is really charming.

"I'll take your mother..." The King of War wanted to swear. The man among his dignified Excalibur disciples had been deflated by Lin Han again and again, and now he still asked himself if he was convinced.

But Lin Han's nine-day star river piano did make him deeply jealous.

As if this is the most amazing artifact in the world, there is a supreme machine that can break all things.

Even if he did it again, he believed that he would still be defeated.

He lost badly.

"You have the ability, but what if you can beat me? Among the Excalibur disciples, I only rank 20th, and there are a lot of people who are stronger than me. Now that you have the nine-day star harp, you must become them. The coveted object, don't need me to deal with you, you won't have a good life in the future." The King of War said coldly.

Witnessing the power of the Jiutian Xinghe Qin, those disciples who are more enchanting than him will never be reconciled to give such a treasure to a humble young man.

Sure enough, in the sky, there are luminous young figures, and they can't help but see a strange light at this moment, emitting a fiery color.

They also want to get the nine-day star river piano, which will increase their strength to a higher level, which is of great significance to them.

Even if lonely, looking at Lin Han, there is a cold glow, the lost sword, the image of the Void God and Demon, and now with this nine-day star river piano, Lin Han has too many treasures, even if he is Being the big brother among the Excalibur disciples, they are all a little greedy.

As long as you kill him, aren't all these things your own?

Besides, Lin Han still has a Celestial suit on his body, a great sword forging furnace!

At the moment, he couldn't help but expand with a smirk in his heart, secretly thinking about Lin Han, you must not plant it in my hands, otherwise these treasures, all of them are mine...

"Well, since the Jiutian Xinghe Qin has found its owner, let’s dismiss today’s affairs, Lin Han, during this period of time, please take a good look at the Jiutian Xinghe Qin, so that you can open up the awe-inspiring authenticity in the big market. Treasures, strengthen the strength of my Canggu Sword Mansion, and at the same time, eliminate demons and guard the way, and obliterate the hateful guys in the greedy, demon, and demon worlds." Fang Wen waved his hand, said to everyone, and finally told Lin Han. .

Greed, Demon, and Demon have always been malignant tumors among the eighteen realms.

If they grow stronger, it is indeed a disaster for the Great Thousand Realm. If they attack, they will surely be devastated.

"Well, I will." Lin Han smiled and nodded, Jiutian Xinghe Qin, who just recognized him as the master, can explode with such power, I believe that as he continues to dig, the power of Nine Xinghe Qin will definitely change. He got more and more serious, and he gave him more and more surprises.

He looked forward to that scene very much.


In this way, the matter came to an end.

The fiery atmosphere gradually subsided.

Lin Han's name undoubtedly shook again, the entire sword mansion.

Everyone knows that in the future, he will inevitably rise to the point where he will compete with Master Lonely Shang.

Many people are also looking forward to that scene, wanting to see, these two peerless geniuses, who can lead the coquettish, laugh to the last, overwhelming each other's light.

For the next three months, Lin Han's life was extremely peaceful.

He is studying piano skills every day.

The power of the Jiutian Xinghe Qin is far more than that. If his piano skills are more advanced, the power will be stronger, and the attack will be more fierce, tricky and sharp!

His previous attack methods were too crude.

To study the technique of piano is naturally not a matter of overnight. Many people may not have any achievements in this field for a lifetime.

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