War Emperor

Chapter 1600: Return sign


As soon as he said this, not only Tian Mubai, but the remaining few people's expressions changed drastically, and their eyes revealed fierce anger.

They were here to fight to death, and sacrificed three partners to kill the king of pterosaurs.

Princess Miao Miao had to go to the Fire Crystal Mine?

How can this balance them?

Everyone has a strong hatred in their hearts.

Tian Mubai also clenched some fists, his breathing became heavy, and there was anger in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said: "Hand over all the fire crystals to me."

Every word is like a nail, throwing a sound.

There was also an extremely violent aura on him.

He Tianmubai was so arrogant, how could he tolerate being ripped off by others.

Still Princess Miaomiao.

In order to kill the king of pterosaurs, he paid too much.

There is a claw mark on the back, even the bones are exposed.

At this time, everyone else had already surrounded Princess Miao Miao and Lin Han, looking badly.

Princess Miaomiao is fearless, and Yingying smiled: "The fire crystal is not in my body, most of them are in the hands of this guy. If you want, you can ask him for it."

Slim finger pointed at Lin Han next to him.

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Han. Seeing that Lin Han was so young and a little immature, they couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Princess Miao Miao's strength was sealed, and from the standpoint of her position, she seemed to be bound to Lin Han.

Could it be that this boy did it?

Seeing that Lin Han's humans and animals are harmless, I really don't understand how he has such an ability.

"Boy, who are you? You dare to knock me off, what a bravery." Tian Mu didn't think deeply, took a deep breath, his eyes a little cold.

He is the top ten man of the Excalibur disciple, even if Princess Miao Miao took Huo Jing away, he was unhappy, let alone Lin Han, who was not famous?

So his eyes were extremely cold, as if looking at an ant.

As long as Lin Han dared to say a "no" word, he would immediately take action and kill this kid.

"Haha, my name is Lin Han, I'm just an ordinary disciple, and I have nothing to do." Lin Han smiled lightly and said: "As for the fire crystal mine, this was originally a matter of no owner, and it fell into my hands. I have fate, why should I leave it to you?"

Princess Miao Miao sold him, and he was not surprised.

The little girl's heart was not really toward him.

Tian Mubai's group of people, dead, wounded, and their combat effectiveness dropped sharply. For him, it would not pose too much threat, so his expression was very calm.

"Lin Han?" Du Fangfang couldn't help showing a touch of surprise on their faces after hearing this.

Lin Han's name is extremely large in Canggu Sword Mansion, even they have heard of it.

After all, the Lost Sword, the Void God and Demon Figure, and the Nine-Tian Xinghe Qin are all on the opponent. He is still the descendant of the mortal North Emperor's Piaofeng, and has the world's most treasured Honghuang sword casting furnace. Now it can be said that Lin Han's reputation is really small. A disciple can compare shoulder to shoulder.

Unexpectedly, this kind of young and tender young man would be the one who rose to fame.

In Du Fangfang's charming eyes, there was a hint of interest and interest in Lin Han.

As far as she knows, this little guy was besieged and killed by the three immortal emperors when he soared into the fairy world. They all managed to escape. It is not easy to survive step by step until now.

"It turns out to be the famous Lin Han. It's really disrespectful." Tian Mubai smiled faintly, with a hint of contempt in his tone. Even if Lin Han has a strong reputation, his strength is not the top among the Sword Mansion disciples. He is ranked in the top ten. People in the wind can still look down.

Besides, Lin Han has so many treasures on him, and he has long become a well-known "big fat sheep". If he is robbed and the treasures are obtained, the harvest is simply unimaginable.

There was a hot touch in his heart.

In Xianshan Daze, the outside world does not know that is it the best time to start?

At the moment, his eyes were gloomy, and he smiled: "It is a gift from God to me to meet you. You think I have just dealt with the king of pterosaurs, and now you can't do anything about it, right? Then you are really wrong, let Look at my real trump card, comeback talisman!"

After speaking, he took out a golden talisman paper from his arms, and his fingers urged a flame to make it burn instantly.


Next, in the golden rune paper, a powerful wave of divine power appeared in an instant, wrapping his whole body, and then his body's original aura of malaise, like a huge supplement, suddenly became stronger again, a pair of In the eyes, there was also an extremely blazing light, like two small suns, which looked extremely compelling.

"Return symbol?"

Princess Miaomiao was surprised, with a strange light in her eyes.

Returning Talisman is a very precious talisman paper, which is sealed with a large amount of pure and incomparable mana. When the cultivator’s energy dries up, it is burned, and a large amount of mana overflows, allowing the cultivator’s energy to be instantly replenished. Restore to the peak.

Since this kind of rune paper is extremely difficult to refine, it is extremely rare even in the Great Thousand Realm.

For ordinary practitioners, it is a dream.

At a critical moment, this can save your life and turn things around.

Tian Mubai even owns the Return Talisman, which she did not expect.

Worthy of being the son of Tianyun Palace, his wealth is too rich, and he can show some freely, which makes it difficult for many people to match.

"Returning Talisman?" Lin Han's eyes also showed surprise. No wonder the other party possessed this thing, so calm.

"Lin Han, do you still think I can't help you now?" Tian Mubai sneered, and said every word like a knife: "I can give you a way out, hand over all the fire crystals, and then take your baby Also serve it."

Every time he uttered a word, his aura became stronger, like a big mountain rising steadily, giving people a huge sense of oppression. Just standing 100 meters around him made people tremble and tremble.

Du Fangfang and the others couldn't help but laugh, Tian Mubai recovered to the peak, took Lin Han, and came naturally.

They didn't dare to think deeply about the other treasures in Lin Han.

All I know is that the fire crystal can be brought back.

This is the item they got after fighting to death, and now being able to get it back makes them very happy.

Lin Han's expression was indifferent, but he didn't have much fear. He just sneered and said, "Even if you return to the top, it is not that simple to take me down."

With his combat power, it is not necessarily inferior to the opponent.

"Now I dare to speak hard, then let you see how good I am." Tian Mubai's lips lifted a sarcastic smile, and Lin Han was like this, invisibly contemptuous of him.

In his opinion, it takes less than a year to enter the Immortal Mansion in a small area, and it is impossible to compare with himself when he reaches the sky.


The moment his figure moved, it immediately turned into a flash of lightning, rushing towards Lin Han, and a sword was directly at Lin Han's head, severely slashed.

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