War Emperor

Chapter 1602: Terrible demon

The general Demon Dao physique is far less powerful. Apart from the celestial demon body, the first divine body of Demon Dao, as recorded in ancient borrowings, what physique is so amazing?

At this moment, she couldn't help but set off a terrible storm in her heart.

The Heavenly Demon Body, millions of years ago, when the Absolute Heavenly Demon Palace was still there, it shocked the eighteenth realms of the fairy realm, and many peak powers were extremely jealous.

According to rumors, in the Absolute Demon Hall, there was once a strong man in a river of blood in the cloud realm, fighting against the three realm masters of the land realm, the flower realm, and the western realm. The strong man directly fought against the realm realm with the demon body. Lord, let the realm master and the great western realm be injured, flee in embarrassment, making a sensation in the world.

You must know that these are the three realm masters, each of whom is an invincible powerhouse who scorns a starry sky world, illuminates the endless stars, and can swallow the galaxy with his hands.

Under the celestial devil's body, he was beaten to one death and two wounded, which shows how terrifying the celestial devil's body is.

In the Absolute Demon Hall, there are so many supernatural powers, this physique is the most feared.

The magic weapon of the magic weapon, in front of it, is like a chicken.

A slight stomping will cause the sky and the earth to fall apart, the sun and the moon are sinking, the ghosts are crying and howling, it is like a nightmare to ordinary cultivators.

Lin Han actually possessed a celestial demon body that had been lost for millions of years. How could she not be shocked?

"Impossible, the Absolute Heaven Demon Hall has long been destroyed, and even the old nest was burned to ashes by many powerful men back then. This must not be a heavenly demon body."

Among them is a man in black.

He is also one of the disciples of the Excalibur, a well-known and well-informed person.

Millions of years ago, the powerful of the 18 realms united and wiped out the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

Because the power of Absolute Heaven Demon Hall is too defying, the strong know that whoever gets it will quickly expand one party's power, causing the eighteenth realm to lose balance and regenerate trouble.

Therefore, they all made a covenant to destroy the Absolute Heaven Demon Hall, and no one can move the secret method inside.

At that time, there were many heroes in the world, and seeing it with their own eyes, there could be no problems.

Unless the Absolute Heaven Demon Hall, there are other secret places that have inheritance...

Du Fangfang nodded, but also felt unrealistic, but Lin Han suddenly displayed this kind of magical physique, which was too terrifying, she thought of the legendary demon body.

After thinking about it carefully, I found it too impractical.

This kind of body against the sky is too far away from the world.

No one would think that a mortal boy would learn it in millions of years.


In the end, a terrifying aura burst out, and Lin Han resurged like a demon **** who scorned the past and the present, and a tall phantom rose behind him, instantly destroying the sealing power of the Fengkong Banner.

I saw that this phantom was as big as a mountain, the whole body was pitch black, and it had a pair of extremely deep eyes, which seemed to be able to penetrate the past, the present, and the future. Seeing the scene here, it gave people a huge mental pressure.

The momentum that was naturally revealed was vast and majestic, boiling like oceans, and collapsed everywhere.


The Fengkong flag was shaken off, and Tian Mubai also instantly felt a huge backlash, causing him to spew out a mouthful of blood, his body flew upside down all of a sudden, his face turned pale, and he said with horror: " This, what kind of physique is this!"

This is the Fengkong flag. The blood burst out of Lin Han's body shook it up. He couldn't even think of it before changing it.

Now Lin Han's eyes are deep, like two black holes, and one black hair is fluttering, with an arrogant smell. If he used to be a boy with a harmless smile and a hearty smile, now he is like a slaughter. All beings, the supreme demon who destroyed a starry sky.

He was shocked.

Especially behind, the huge phantom, unable to see the real face, seems to stand in the long river of years, with stars surrounding him, the scene is too horrible.

He felt like an ant looking up at a sea of ​​stars, the gap was too big.

My mind couldn't help being filled with paste.

What kind of physique is this?

A teenager who was clearly not in his eyes before gave him such a big surprise, which really made him feel too uncomfortable.

Princess Miaomiao was also shocked, feeling that Lin Han's current demeanor is very charming and has a compelling charm!

Domineering, mighty, as if it could stand up to the ground, like an eternal picture scroll, branded in her heart.

"Tian Mubai, is this your method? If you only have these, it's a little too close to want to compete with me." Lin Han couldn't help laughing.

During this period of time, his Heavenly Demon Body was indeed cultivated to a very powerful level, but he had never had the opportunity to display it.

Now he is acting out with an overwhelming pride and self-confidence.

There is a majestic mana in the body, and it can shatter the world with a random shock. This feeling is really wonderful.

Tian Mubai gritted his teeth fiercely, and said: "I don't believe it, I will lose in your hands today, kill!"

Lin Han was in the Immortal King Realm, but he was the pinnacle of the fifth floor of the Immortal Venerable Realm. He couldn't hold Lin Han, so he was too angry.


At the moment, his body exploded like a mountain like a mountain, bringing out all the power of the five peaks of the Immortal King.

This time, he took out a golden long sword, bursting with incomparable golden light, illuminating the world, and then, holding the golden sword, a sword struck Lin Han's head fiercely.

"This is the Seven-Star Immortal Tool-Golden Sun Sword."

Du Fangfang changed color. This sword was more powerful than when Shi Cai Tian Mu Bai and the King of Pterosaurs fought against each other, the golden sword was even more powerful.

The sword is also engraved with cumbersome runes, which makes people look daunting.

This is the Golden Sun Sword!

It is a famous sword in Tianyun Palace, once held by a strong man in Tianyun Palace, swept one side in the Great Thousand Realm and achieved a legend.

The seven-star immortal implements are of very high rank, and even the most prominent among the disciples of the Excalibur, few people can own it.

Now that Tian Mubai is showing it like this, she is awed and envious.

Others were horrified, feeling that the seven-star level fairy sword exuded was too majestic, far beyond the reach of the six-star fairy weapon. At this time, Tian Mubai played out, feeling that this universe is full of vastness everywhere. The sword intent, as if they were caught in a world of sword sea, hairy all over.

The sharp sword light flickered in the sky, causing the wind and clouds to change color, lightning and thunder, the scene was terrifying.

Lin Han couldn't help but change its color slightly. The fairy weapon reached Seven Stars. It was indeed a very high-rank weapon. A weapon that appeared in the Great Thousand Realm at any time could cause a **** storm.

The treasures of the earthquake clan of many families may not have such a high grade.

Now he also felt a dangerous smell.

"Haha, yes, it is the Seven-Star Immortal Tool, Lin Han, it is your honor to die under my sword today, I will cut you alive to death."

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