War Emperor

Chapter 1616: Kill

Not to mention her?

She couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in her heart.

It's all over.

Even if she died, it was impossible to take Lin Han away.


Sure enough, the prehistoric sword-forging furnace was wrapped around, suppressing the great trend of the universe, and violently collided with the magic furnace. It was like a witch. When the original sword-forging furnace first appeared, the magic furnace was a little trembling. The taste is naturally more invincible now.

Hurry up!

It was knocked out in an instant, smashing a piece of land not far away, turning thousands of miles into ashes.

Then, a strong backlash struck, causing Du Fangfang to let out a heart-piercing scream.

She saw her huge snake body, hit by fierce force, cracking cracks with a thickness of hundreds of meters, blood rushing to the sky like an underground fountain, making the entire fairy mountain and Daze look like the next Play a **** jade.

In the end, Du Fangfang's huge snake body finally exploded directly with a thud, turning it into pieces in the sky.

Bai Sensen's bones and scarlet flesh and blood were everywhere, **** and miserable.

At this time, the surroundings fell into silence.

Du Fangfang is dead and can't die anymore!

The impact alone made her perish in the world.

Lin Han was shrouded in awe eyes, shocking countless people.

The power of the Sword Casting Furnace is really terrifying.

If you use it directly at the critical moment and smash your opponent, it will make you shudder even after thinking about it.

Lonely Shang also twitched, and was extremely jealous of Lin Han's prehistoric sword-making furnace. Make up your mind, if you really face Lin Han in the future, you must pay attention, otherwise, maybe even he will have life worry.

Lin Han smiled faintly, somewhat relieved.

After he entered the immortal realm, Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace had indeed recovered about the same under the nourishment of immortal power every day.

Even with the peak period, it is almost the same.

Now he also feels that he has this thing, which has become his greatest confidence.

However, what made him a little helpless was that it was precisely because the Primordial Sword-forging Furnace was almost restored to its peak. The current rank is too high, far beyond the scope of his current realm, so he just simply urged it. He felt that the divine power in his body was drained by 80% at once, and he felt extremely weak.

In other words, before the critical moment, he still can't easily use this thing.

Otherwise, it is too easy for others to kill him during the period of weakness.

As soon as he thought of this, he cast the predominantly into a sword furnace, and withdrew it into his body amidst the envy of the crowd.

Then, he found a golden pill from the space stone pendant, and after taking it, the energy in the body immediately recovered to about 60 to 70%.

If it's less than 50% of the consumption, using the celestial demon body, you can recover within a single thought.

But this time the consumption reached 80%, only to use healing pills.

At his level, the pill that can greatly recover his injured body is already very advanced and rare, and it is not easy to get it.

This pill was found in the treasure house of the fire ancestor in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Fires.

There are many treasures in the treasure house that can be used by him.

"Lonely Shang, Palace Master Lu, the two of you wanted my wish to come to nothing." Then, Lin Han glanced at Lonely Shang and Lu Cangzheng, smiled faintly, and said with some sarcasm.

Lonely Shang and Lu Cangzheng's faces were not very good-looking, Shicai and the two of them fell into trouble, and now Lin Han has turned away from danger and shaved their face invisibly.

"Hmph, okay, no need to talk about it, go back and prepare for it, and go to Daxu soon!"

Lu Cangzheng also had no intention of entangled in this matter, his face trembled and waved.

Although it is very close to the opening day of the Great Ruins, there are already many geniuses gathered there and it is very lively.

There is no harm in going ahead, and you can get some news.

Don't go too hasty and know nothing.

Lin Han nodded. Originally, he had planned to break into the Immortal Venerable Realm when he went to Daxu. Now that he has finally completed this goal, he should indeed leave.

At the moment, he waved his hand to collect the gift from Heaven, decided to go back and refine it, and then headed to the Daxu.



During this period of time, not only the Excalibur Star, but even the entire Great Thousand Realm, the vast star sea, caused an endless sensation.

Every literary star, countless forces, are all about to move.

Daxu is an ancient battlefield, where many famous superpowers are buried.

The opportunities and treasures inside are numerous.

If all were excavated, it would be enough to cause a sensation in the entire universe!

The enchantment of Daxu is about to disappear now, and it is hard to get in, everyone is naturally very excited.

After half a month, Lin Han finally woke up from the retreat.

In the past two months, he has completely refined the gift of the heavenly path. Not only has his current realm been completely stabilized, he has also smoothly reached the stage of the double heaven of the Heavenly Sovereign realm, and even the physical strength has become much stronger. .

He has a hunch that if he meets Du Fangfang again, he can defeat it without making five moves.

After all, every time his realm improves, his combat power increases very dramatically.

"Today is the day to go to the big market. It's time to go and see." Lin Han stretched out, got out of bed, and looked out the window, as if he could smell the fiery atmosphere of the Sword Mansion today, he couldn't help but smile. Then he stepped out of the living room.

Excalibur Square!

The largest square in Canggu Sword Mansion!

At this moment, on the square, a dense crowd has already gathered.

In the Great Ruins, there will be an exchange meeting of the five major sword palaces. As long as the disciples of the sky sword or above can participate, all the disciples of the sky sword and the **** sword are here today.

When Lin Han came here, he couldn't help but smash his tongue when he saw the black and crushing head. This was the first time he had seen elite disciples in Canggu Sword Mansion for so long.

In the front of the square, there are three hundred disciples of the Excalibur, and behind it are about seven thousand disciples of the Sword!

The wind blows, the clothes are fluttering, every one is full of vigor and heroism, and the scene is a bit spectacular here!

Against this atmosphere, even Lin Han felt a little enthusiastic.

After all, this is the largest exchange meeting of the Five Sword Houses!

Once you become famous, you will truly be famous in the Great Thousand Realm and illuminate the stars.

Everyone is a young man, so naturally we want to gain both fame and fortune.

"Hehe, everyone should be here." At this moment, an old laughter came, and then a humpbacked old man dressed in linen flew down from the sky, standing on the highest point of the square with a pair of vicissitudes of life. , Looked at more than 7,000 young disciples below, smiled slightly.

Lin Han was a little surprised, who is this old man?

At first glance, it looks like an old man in the mountains who can't practice, his clothes are a bit ragged and sloppy, and there are even patches.

Now standing at the highest position of the square, there is a breath of overlooking the heaven and the earth.

Even the palace lord Lu Cangzheng from the left and Wen Fang, the palace lord from the right, accompany them on both sides, with a slightly respectful and predominant appearance.

"Could it be that he is the Master of the Palace-Qian Yuan!"

Then, Lin Han seemed to think of something, couldn't help taking a breath, and said in awe.

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