War Emperor

Chapter 1624: Aggressive

At this level, he really can't use the power of the Southern Royal Family to deal with him, otherwise it will cause a break between the Southern Royal Family and the Canggu Sword Mansion!

Although the Southern Royal Clan is said to be one of the five clans and is very famous in the Great Thousand Realm, it is naturally extremely jealous of the Canggu Sword Mansion.

At this moment, his face could not help but look ugly, Lin Han's move was no less than a loud slap in front of everyone.

"Lin Han, isn't your kid quite capable? If you have the ability, challenge this wolf beast." Then, he sneered as if thinking of something.

The wolf beast has an ancient bloodline and is powerful in combat. He is naturally trying to say that.

"If I succeed in the challenge, what are the benefits?" Lin Leng Leng laughed.

"Hmph, I can give you thirty Immortal Pills." The young master of the Southern Royal Family said proudly.

Originally the reward was only ten, but he will increase it to thirty, naturally to lure Lin Han.

Many people can't help boasting, when others are fools, even if there are a lot of 30 Immortal Pills, normal people will not go up.

The wolf beast is too strong.

If you lose, you will be torn apart.

No one is so iron.

However, Lin Han didn't even think about it, and smiled directly: "Okay, this is what you said, don't regret it."

Everyone suddenly came down, is he crazy?

Lingxuan also nervously said, "Don't mess around."

Worried about Lin Han's comfort.

Lin Han just shook his head, confident in himself.

The young master of the Southern Royal Family laughed loudly and said: "Excellent, Lin Han, go up, I don't charge you, I want to see how you can defeat this wolf beast!"

He was very happy, thinking that Lin Han would not be able to do it.

Lin Han's move was in his arms.

Lin Han only smiled, did not say much, jumped and flew to the top of the ring.

The scarlet eyes of the wolf beast looked at Lin Han instantly, and his roar sounded like thunder!

The surrounding atmosphere became tense.

Many people want to see Lin Han's fate!

Most people think he is going to be miserable.

"Roar!" After the wolf beast's eyes looked at Lin Han for a while, a monstrous blood burst out of his whole body, rushing towards Lin Han, a claw struck out, and the surging killing was like a river impacting.

After stimulating the ancient bloodline, its combat power became too fierce, ten times stronger than when it fought with Hobai just now.

Just the gust of wind made many people's faces hurt and hot.

However, Lin Han smiled indifferently, letting the wind blow, his expression calm, long hair flying, without any movement.

"What is he doing? Don't you want to live?"

Many people are stunned, the wolf beast's speed is so fast, if you don't dodge, it will definitely die.

Many girls covered their eyes and turned their heads, seemingly not wanting to see the **** scene.

The young master of the Southern Royal Family laughed excitedly, feeling that Lin Han wanted to die.

Although he didn't know what blow Lin Han experienced, he was naturally very happy to see this.


However, at this moment, Lin Han gave a sneer, and finally struck a punch. This punch was plain and without any supernatural power, but quickly hit the wolf beast's paw.


Next, the force of horror was released, and the wolf beast's claws burst into pieces in an instant, and the body was like cracked porcelain, cracking thick cracks, and then the sky-filled body instantly exploded and turned into fragments!

Spraying blood, bones, and flesh!

The world suddenly fell into dead silence!

The expressions of countless people were frozen on the spot, as if an egg was stuck in their throat.

The smile on the face of the young master of the Southern Royal Family was also extremely stiff, dumbfounded!

The change in this scene was too much for everyone to react.

How could the wolf beast die like this? how can that be?

What a terrifying force Lin Han's punch contains.

Many people have numb scalp and feel a tremor!

The young master of the Southern Royal Family also turned pale and swallowed.

Only now did I know how terrifying Lin Han was. It turned out that even if the wolf beast displayed the power of ancient blood, it was far from Lin Han's opponent.

Is Lin Han so strong now?

Lin Han smiled faintly, put his palms away, didn't even look at the wolf beast, as if he had killed a wild cat and wild dog on the side of the road.

To the Young Master of the Southern Royal Family: "Thirty Immortal Pills, bring them."

The young lord of the Southern Royal Clan's face turned red, only to take out the pill from his arms and give Lin Han.

The loss was too great and it was ashamed.

Lin Han took the jade bottle and saw that there were many green pills in it, like a pearl and agate, and he couldn't help but smile.

This is indeed the Immortal Zun Pill, very advanced, hard to find.

One will sell at an amazing price at auction.

Thirty can also improve his realm a lot.

Facing the young master of the Southern Royal Family, he said, "Thank you, goodbye!"

After speaking, with Lingxuan and a group of disciples from Canggu Sword Mansion, they wanted to leave here.

He has no interest in gladiatorial fights, just have these pills.

"Wait a minute." However, at this moment, a dull voice sounded.

I saw that a man in black came not far away, with a cold temperament, and smiled lightly: "Your Excellency is Lin Han?"

"Are you?" Lin Han couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and said solemnly.

The man is not simple, there is a very strong fluctuation in his body, and his strength is definitely not weaker than Lin Tian and Dongfang Shuofeng. He does not dare to despise such geniuses.

"Haha, my name is Changbai, I wonder if you have heard of my name." The black-clothed man smiled faintly.

"Changbai, Grand Prince of the Southern Royal Family?"

There was a cry of exclamation all around, the young lord of the Southern Royal Clan was just a dandy boy, and he was totally out of the same concept as the Dong Gongzi Changbai.

This is the genius of the famous party!

No one thought that he would come too.

"Big brother, you are here just right, give me a breath." The Southern Royal Family Young Master said in surprise.

In his mind, the eldest brother is faith, even if Lin Han is strong, how could he be his opponent?

With the eldest brother here, he would definitely be able to vent a nasty anger from Lin Han.

Changbai just smiled at him and nodded, signalling relief.

"It turned out to be Young Master Changbai, what advice can you give?" Lin Han sneered at Changbai.

He has also heard of the other party's name, which is said to be the heart and soul of the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family. He is extremely affectionate and proud.

The patriarch of the Southern Royal Family wanted to kill him at the beginning, and he also killed many of the people of the Guli dynasty. He has always remembered this hatred!

He certainly didn't look good at the son of the big enemy.

"I didn't dare to teach, but I heard that you were in the hands of my father and fled to the immortal world like a bereaved dog, dying and dying to survive. I don't know what it looks like, but now it seems like that." Chang Bai glanced at Lin Han. Sneered slightly.

He said the words "dogs of the bereavement" and "giving back to life" very seriously.

The disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion couldn't help being angry in their eyes.

Lin Han is also a legend in Jianfu, a role model in the hearts of many disciples, and now he is the team leader.

Changbai insulted the senior brother so much, making them unhappy.

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