War Emperor

Chapter 1634: auctions

After all, his status is too high, like standing on a mountain.

More and more people began to pay attention to Lin Han.

Lin Han didn't care, so he found an inn and went to rest.

At night, when he took out the orchid in the room, an incomparably pure divine energy overflowed, causing his blood to be hot and a little dry.

This thing was so famous that he wanted to see what effect it had.


After eating, Lin Han noticed that a pure and incomparable divine fluctuation broke out in his body. His whole body seemed to usher in a great flood. Within the dantian, the energetic energy was crazy. The mighty, so that his realm continued to strengthen.

The third floor of the fairyland!

The fourth floor of the fairyland.

The fifth floor of the fairyland...

His realm unexpectedly reached the fifth level of Xianzun realm in just one night!

The overall strength is at least four or five times stronger than before.

Lin Han couldn't help but want to look up to the sky with a long smile, a burst of excitement.

When he arrived at the Immortal Venerable Realm, the progress of his cultivation had become a bit slow.

Under normal circumstances, if he wants to improve the three small realms, even if he needs decades of effort, but now it is so fast, it really makes him happy.

He is full of energy in his body now, as if a palm can tear the sky.

This sense of power is completely different from the previous concept.


Then, he opened the door of the room, and a lot of sunlight poured down, Lin Han couldn't help stretching his waist, feeling relieved for a while.

Today is the time when the Shenbao Palace auction is held.

He could already smell the fiery atmosphere in the city.

"Awake?" Luo Yan was walking at this time, dressed in white, if the fairy was in the dust, with a holy breath surrounding him, smiled.

Because she had just washed her skin, her fair and delicate skin was a bit more supple, with a feeling of no powder and daisy, more delicate than flowers.

Lin Han felt a little surprised. After coming to the fairy world, he hadn't seen Xi Yun for a long time. I don't know how Xi Yun is now?

Luo Yan and Xi Yun's temperament are indeed somewhat similar.

Under the sunlight, he took a sharp look and almost regarded it as Xi Yun.

"Relax, Xiyun owns Taihao Clock. Within my Shangguan Protoss, she is undergoing a mysterious cultivation that the world can't imagine. She must have a good life. You only need to get around outside and strengthen yourself, so that you won’t get time for you. Not good enough for Xi Yun." Luo Yan smiled as if he could see Lin Han's thoughts.

When she mentioned Xi Yun, she couldn't help but admire.

Taihaozhong is the great Emperor Taihao, the ancestor of their Shangguan Protoss, the ancient treasure clock, possessing power against the sky, can subvert time and space.

After so many years of inheritance, Shangguan Protoss has no outstanding descendants, and has won its recognition.

What Xiyun did was of great significance to the entire Protoss.

She is now the treasure of Shangguan Protoss.

It was Lin Han, it was not easy to climb step by step without such a top chance.

Lin Han smiled, knowing that Xi Yun would not be badly treated in Shangguan Protoss.

"Let's go, let's take a look at this auction. It is said that this time the Shenbao Palace is very sincere and has brought out many treasures." Luo Yan said with a smile.

Lin Han nodded, he also wanted to see the excitement.

Daqi Square!

This is a large square in the market city.

It covers an area of ​​seven or eighty li, can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time, and the scene is magnificent.

Legend has it that this was the place where Daxu Immortal Ancestor practiced knights.

On the ground, there are still some unevenness, traces of iron riding, bearing the mark of time.

At this moment, in Daqi Square, there are already crowds of people, gathering countless cultivators.

Shenbao Palace opened this auction, and the momentum was too great.

When Lin Han came here, he couldn't help but slap his tongue when he saw the black and dense heads.

This atmosphere is really hot.

"Well, what?" Then, Lin Han was a little surprised, seeing four geniuses with different styles coming over in awe.

They came side by side, all with an amazing aura, so that many young people were overshadowed in front of them.

They are a girl, two boys, and a child!

"That is the four great geniuses of Dahua Sword Mansion, Shenfeng Sword Mansion, Tianyun Sword Mansion, and Taiwu Sword Mansion, Fairy Fenghua, Jianjiu, Shepherd Boy, and Wu Changkong." Luo Yan introduced to Lin Han with a smile. Tao.

The fame of these four people is not under loneliness.

Lin Han nodded, really there are people outside, there are heaven outside.

Originally, he thought that loneliness was abnormal enough.

Only now I know that the four great geniuses indeed live up to their prestige. They all have vast fluctuations in their bodies, and they are all powerful if they want to show off at will.

Single talk, not under loneliness.

This trip to the market will obviously be more lively.

"Haha, Lin Han, we were watching the battle between you and the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family yesterday. We have been watching and working hard. There is great hope that you will be alone in the future." At this time, Fairy Fenghua glanced at Lin with beautiful eyes like autumn water. Han, said with a smile.

She was twenty-eight or ninety-nine years old, a little mature, but more charming, and her smiles gave people an incomparable charm.

In addition, she is wearing white clothes, which reveals a sense of holiness and beauty, which is more like a beautiful landscape.

Jian Jiu, Shepherd Boy, and Wu Changkong all nodded to Lin Han.

Although Lin Han is still a little behind them, it is not obvious anymore, enough to make them pay attention.

For Lin Han, they did not appear to be too superior.

When everyone heard what Fairy Fenghua said, they couldn't help but slap their tongues, Fairy Fenghua really looked very optimistic about Lin Han.

Even so far, the comprehension of kendo, loneliness is the first known among many geniuses.

This is a big mountain, it is too difficult to surpass.

Fairy Fenghua said that he has hope to surpass loneliness, which is really high praise.

Lin Han smiled and praised the prize.

Fairy Fenghua, Jianjiu, Shepherd Boy, Wu Changkong, and Lin Han didn't talk too much. After all, this trip to the big market was the exchange meeting of their five sword palaces, and Lin Han was still their rival.

After a simple greeting, they left here and sat down in a front position on the square.

"The three immortal emperors are here!"

At this moment, someone in the square exclaimed again.

Huh huh!

Countless numbers just looked over.

Lin Han also looked at it, and his eyes fell coldly for an instant.

I saw that under the eyes of the public, three luminous male figures flew up on the square, all surrounded by a burst of imperial might, like the sun, shining brightly, shining everywhere.

Immortal ruler, immortal emperor immeasurable, immortal emperor heaven!

It was the three of them.

As the masters of the Three Mountains, their status is higher than that of the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family. This appearance naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

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