War Emperor

Chapter 1645: Qian Yuan appeared

"Stop talking nonsense, come if you want to do it, wanting to touch my Canggu Sword Mansion disciple in front of me is purely idiotic." Wen Fang's expression was cold and there was no room for negotiation.

This is the dignity of Canggu Sword Mansion.

As Palace Lord You, he must defend even if he died.

Xiangui Xiandi couldn't help but sighed softly, now it seems that he can only do it.

Although they didn't want to offend Canggu Sword Mansion to kill Lin Han, it was already imperative.

The prehistoric sword-forging furnace on this kid really made them hot.

"So, Palace Master Wen Fang, I hope you have a natural outlook for the Jiren." Finally, the Emperor Tiandao shook his head, and his expression was a little gloomy.

Compared with offending the Canggu Sword Mansion, they even wanted to kill Lin Han to get the prehistoric sword forging furnace.

As long as they can succeed and gain too much, they can't take care of so much now.

"Do it!"

At the moment, he gave a sullen cold cry, and then flipped his palms, and there was a large black ink-like seal, surrounded by terrifying black lightning, like a product from a distant age of gods and demons, with a sense of desolation. The long-lasting taste.

A ray of black world-destroying light surrounds the body surface, and there are many visions of stars falling and the sun and moon collapsing, full of a domineering spirit.

"Black Thunder Seal?"

Many people were surprised when they saw this.

This is also a great immortal treasure of Tiandao Mountain. Although it is not as famous as the Tiandao chessboard, it is only strong but not weak in terms of power.

Legend has it that this is Tiandao Mountain, which collected cosmic black thunders and condensed them for tens of thousands of years.

After forming, the black thunder and lightning will destroy the sky and the earth, and there will be many creatures of the age of gods and demons roaring, surrounding the Great Seal, once they are powerful, it can make the universe tremble and the world tremble.

Tiandao Mountain, relying on this black thunder seal, the eighteenth realm powerhouse killed by the killer, I don't know how many, has long become a treasure for many cultivators.

At this moment, seeing the black thunder mark reappearing, many people couldn't help but add a strong feeling of throbbing in their hearts.

It seems that only gently killing them towards their town, more than 90% of the people on the square will instantly become fly ash and cease to exist.

"Wen Fang, are you still obsessed with understanding?" Immortal Emperor Tiandao held a black thunder seal, like a giant **** who controls the black thunder of the universe, standing upright, arrogant to the world, and shouted.

Behind him, there is endless Ruixia blooming, like a brilliant ring of gods, covering him.

The vast expanse of the sky is all shining brilliantly.

The immortal emperor, the immortal emperor Wuliang, and the patriarch of the Nanhuang clan did not use magic weapons.

To fight with Wen Fang, one piece for four people is enough.

Wen Fang didn't speak, but his face was solemn, urging the Wandao Mirror to its extreme. The endless purple gas evaporates from it, and the universe avenue evolves, like purple iron chains, spreading to all directions, locking time and space.

This is his answer, and strive to the end.

"Hands!" Immortal Emperor Tiandao didn't utter too much, and snorted coldly, and immediately urged the black thunder seal with the immortal rule immortal emperor, the immortal emperor Wuliang, and the clan chief of the southern emperor. The black thunder seal burst out with infinite black light, covering a piece of it. Starry sky.

Like a huge black grinding disc on the sky, the town fell.

The grinding discs are all composed of black thunder and lightning, and each one has the bearing of destroying everything.

Just like this, the town was killed, and the power was the most powerful.

Although Wen Fang said that he was unyielding, after all, he was only one person, and there was still a certain gap between the power of the Wandao Mirror and Hei Lei Yin.

Finally, after a fierce collision, he puffed out, and immediately spouted a big mouthful of blood. His body was like a kite with a broken line. When he fell from the sky, most of his bones were shattered. Bleeding fog broke out in many places.

Very miserable.

Many disciples in Canggu Sword Mansion couldn't help crying out in sorrow.

Lin Han was also gnashing his teeth, his canthus cracked.

The four immortal emperors of Tiandao were too damned, and they hurt Wen Fang so badly.

Palace Master Wen Fang has always been fair and just, sheltering him many times in the Sword Mansion.

It's also for him to stand up now, hurting like this, which makes him very sad.

His fists squeaked, and he couldn't help but beat the four immortal emperors of Heaven into flying ashes.

The gap is too big, he can't help much, only forbearance.

"Wen Fang, are you aware of cruelty now?" Immortal Emperor Tiandao said indifferently. With this result, he was not surprised at all. After all, it was the four of them working together, and it was normal to defeat Wen Fang.

Wen Fang didn't speak, but gritted his teeth fiercely, controlled his body, and still stood in front of Lin Han.

The body is straight and stalwart, with a sense of indomitability, unless he dies, he will never shrink.

The four immortal emperors of Tiandao knew that Wen Fang had a straight-tempered temper, and the things they determined would not be changed easily, nor did they say too much.

At the moment, the black thunder seal was mobilized, and another blow was sent out to destroy the world.

This time, it was not just facing Wen Fang, but also covering Lin Han.

They wanted to kill Lin Han completely with this blow.

Wen Fang's life and death have been ignored.

The surroundings fell into silence for an instant, and countless people were shocked. Are you going to witness the fall of an immortal emperor today?

This is definitely a shocking event in the Great Thousand Realm.

At the same time, it can be expected that if Wenfang really died, the Canggu Sword Mansion and the Sanshannan imperial clan would definitely never die.

Even if the Canggu Sword Mansion is no longer glorious from the ancient times, it will be truly powerful, and it will surely shake the world.

The Great Thousand Realm will usher in a great chaos in the future.

"Asshole, did the palace master and proud disciple of my Canggu Sword Mansion be killed by others at will?"

At this moment, an extremely old loud shout suddenly resounded, like an ancient **** of the Chaos Era, manifesting in the universe, a vast and vast majesty, sweeping down the sky.

With a click, without the slightest accident, the attacks of the four immortal Emperor Tiandao were all wiped out.

Then, an incomparable aura caused the black thunder mark, and it collapsed and flew out. The four immortal emperors of Tiandao also suffered a huge backlash, each spouting a mouthful of blood, and their faces became pale.

"Who is it?" They couldn't help but feel astonished and a little surprised.

The incoming people can resolve their attacks and injure them with just one momentum. The strength is really unimaginable.

Lin Han seemed to have thought of something, his expression was a little surprised.

I saw that the endless chaotic light flickered on the sky, and then a sloppy old man in linen fell down.

There is no divine light blooming, like a rural farmer who can't practice, his eyes are dim, his skin is wrinkled, and his back is slightly rickets.

It just appeared, but there was an aura that overwhelming the avenue, making the universe tight.

It seems that as long as he shows off his might, this space and time will be destroyed, and the endless territory will be turned into fly ash.

This unfathomable aura deeply shocked everyone present.

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