War Emperor

Chapter 1653: Xianzun eighth floor

In the room, Lin Han woke up and let out a long breath.

On the surface of his body, there are ray after ray of dragon gas transpiring, which sets off him, if a dragon emperor recovers, he can control the ten thousand dragons and be extremely domineering.

There are also scenes of golden dragons hovering in a pair of eyes.

This momentum alone is enough to make countless people surrender.

This is not an ordinary fairyland figure, it can be compared.

"The eighth floor of the Immortal Realm..." Lin Han clenched his fists and couldn't help grinning, extremely excited.

His current strength indeed broke through again, reaching the eighth floor of the Immortal Realm.

When he was on the fifth floor of the Immortal Realm, he was not much different from the first-class geniuses of the five great swordsmen. Now he has reached the eighth floor of the Immortal Realm, which is naturally different.

With confidence, compete with Jian Jiu, Fairy Fenghua, Shepherd Boy, and Wu Changkong.

This kind of pride made him want to roar to the sky.

"My celestial demon body also broke through?" Then, Lin Han unfolded the celestial demon body, and saw that there were five magic patterns appearing on the periphery of the celestial demon body, like a secret containing the power of the immortal world. They are extremely mysterious, with many runes beating.

This excites him.

The celestial demon body has a total of nine magic patterns, and it can become a world-famous divine body in the immortal world.

Someone in the Absolute Heaven Demon Hall had reached this step back then, almost in the fairy world, dominating all directions, making countless people frightened.

There are many powerful people who work together to use heaven, earth and **** furnace, and they are all refining and immortal.

He has now reached the level of five magic lines, which is naturally a huge improvement.

Even if there is a huge gap with Jiuwen, in the Immortal Venerable Realm, it is a big killer, once used, it is enough to shred any opponent.

Even if the powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor Realm is not careful, it will suffer a big loss.

"The rank of the Eye of Soul Eater has also been upgraded again." Lin Han was surprised when he showed the Eye of Soul Eater.

This pupil technique is also a taboo magical power. Once it is used, it can swallow the souls of all things, and the ancient powerhouses are not deeply taboo.

Refining to the highest level, also has the capital to look down upon the immortal world.

Lin Han is now displaying the Eye of Soul Eater, and he can clearly feel that there are strands of black matter in the void, spreading like invisible iron chains. For his use, he can hook the opponent's soul with a single thought. Go, swallow it.

In the battle, he was caught off guard, even a figure several times higher than him, might fall under this trick.

This makes Lin Han happy.

This time the increase in strength can be said to be very comprehensive.

Although swallowing dragon scale grass caused him serious internal injuries, he also got huge benefits after breaking and standing.

Then, Lin Han looked out the window.

I am looking forward to the scene of coming in the Great Ruins, overwhelming many geniuses and becoming the first young master of the Five Great Sword Mansion.

This will be his first stage of complete fame in the fairy world.

In five continents and four seas, a legendary man who came to the fairy world, he will also continue to write.

He will also defeat Lonely Shang, and truly stand at the highest point!

The other party is one of his enemies.

He has to increase his strength quickly and find his mother and father...

In the previous conversation with Tu Longxianjun, he learned that after his father came to the immortal world, in order to find his mother, he should be imprisoned by the Jiuxian clan.

The emperor father is a person he respects very much, and naturally he is not allowed to endure hardship.

Niang is the most important person in his mind, and he wants to reunite with him sooner.

"Squeak..." At this moment, the door was opened, a ray of sunlight poured in, and a woman in white, with a lot of money, walked in, like a fairy, all over the country, beautiful and beautiful, and beautiful. .

Naturally it's lost!

Countless disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion, recognized goddess.

It is also the object of great love, many young talents.

"Cultivation is over?" Luo Yan looked at Lin Han with beautiful eyes cast like autumn water and smiled.

Now that Lin Han's strength has increased, her face is radiant, her eyes are clear, and her temperament is more outstanding, she can't help but admire, a little handsome.

Especially under the delicate silhouette, it has a distinctive and firm taste, and it is more attractive and tasteful than some little white faces with good skins.

"En." Lin Han nodded with a smile.

This practice is of great significance to him.

"That's just right, let's go, the journey to Daxu is about to start." Luo Yan smiled.

Lin Han's heart became hot in an instant, he was really coming, he was looking forward to it.

"Let's go." Right now, he gave a faint smile, stepping out of the room, and between his eyebrows, there was a glowing look.

Luo Yan nodded and sighed slightly, this young man deserved to let Xi Yun look at it.

When I first saw Lin Han, he was just a very weak guy, just showing his head in the sword mansion.

Now it has reached such a high level.

In him, there is a kind of magic power, constantly improving, making people feel that the potential is unlimited.

Now even she is a little curious, wanting to see how Lin Han will behave during his visit to the big market.


To the north of the city, about five thousand miles away, there is a row of tall mountains, each of which stands like an ancient giant.

The starry sky on the sky is shining, and the earth is desolate, a dark gray.

There was a long, desolate smell in the air.

This is the entrance of Daxu.

In the center of many mountain peaks, there is a huge portal, with a gray space rippling open, as if it can lead people into another world.

This is Daxu World!

Over the years, too many treasures have been buried.

At this time, in the plains, there were already tens of millions of people who had gathered a sea of ​​people. Not only the five major sword palaces, but also many forces in the Great Thousand Realm, all sent elite disciples.

After all, there are many opportunities inside, and everyone wants their own disciples to get certain benefits, which will be beneficial to future cultivation.

If you are lucky enough, what else can you get? From then on, you will start a legend and become a peerless powerhouse.

In the history of the Great Thousand Realm, such characters are not uncommon.

When Lin Han came here, he couldn't help but smash his tongue when he saw the flow of people almost like a black ocean, with no end in sight. This was really amazing.

The people and horses of Greed, Demon, and Demon are also very distinct. On the other side of the plain, most of them ride high war horses, revealing a feeling of sullen aura.

Farther away, there are some other realm forces.

This is the first time Lin Han has seen it since he came to the fairy world.

"Well, that's it?" Finally, Lin Han looked in one direction and couldn't help being stunned. On a relatively high hill, he saw that a group of people and horses were special, and their bodies were blooming with the light of the immortal Dao, and each of them was full of energy. Wearing silver armor with majesty.

At the front of the crowd, there was a child, stepping on the hot wheel, wearing a circle of heaven and earth, and wearing a huntian silk, revealing a sense of peerless elegance and disdain for the world.

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