War Emperor

Chapter 1666: Chase home

This is also a weapon in the list of artifacts, but it is quite special. The sword light that can radiate can confuse people and cause people to coma.

Even if some powerful masters are careless, they may be caught.

It can be said that among many artifacts, this is one of the most feared items.

He didn't expect that the Great Misty Starry Sky Sword would be in Jian Jiu's hands.

No wonder, this guy always feels dangerous.

There is no excuse for Luo Yan to plant it in his hands without precaution.

Then, Lin Han couldn't help clenching some fists, he and Jian Jiu had no grievances and no grudges, and if he dared to harm himself like this, he wouldn't just let it go.

Among the disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion, more than a dozen died.

This blood debt, he will definitely let Jian Jiu pay it back.

Then, Lin Han stomped the ground with his feet, forming a big pit on the ground, burying the bodies of a dozen disciples in it.

After some mourning, he left here.

He is going to save Luoyan and others now.

In his team, there are more than a thousand elite disciples of the Canggu Sword Mansion, and there must be nothing to do.

Otherwise, he will go back faceless and face the high-level officials and palace masters in the sword mansion.


Lin Hanshi hurried to a place by walking through time and space.

In this direction, he was able to sense that when the more than 1,000 disciples of the Canggu Sword Mansion were taken away, there was some residual aura.

After all, this is a character in his group, he is very familiar.


In a hurry, Lin Han's speed is very fast, coupled with the wind and fire realm he has officially broken into now, using time and space steps, faster than before, you can see that under his feet, time and space shine, It was flickering, and the body rubbed against the air, leaving only a trail of afterimages, spreading dozens of miles away, as if they had turned into thousands of him, the scene looked strange and spectacular.

If you are seen by other geniuses, you don't know what it will be like to be shocked. This is simply abnormal.

After traveling like this, it took almost half an hour before he came to a remote ancient town.

The ancient town is made of gray stones. The area is not large, only tens of miles in radius. The buildings are dilapidated and have a long-lasting taste.

Obviously this is a former resident of Daxu, left over.

In many places, spider webs have been formed.

Lin Han was surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a place within the big ruins.

"Who dared to trespass into the ancient town, don't you know that this place is already occupied by our Shenfeng Academy? Leave quickly."

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a group of people flew to Lin Han with the brilliant sword light.

One of them was carrying a purple long sword, a tall young man, stepping on a giant sword composed of golden energy, floating in the air, and shouting to Lin Han from a high level.

His features are very handsome, and his eyes are sharp. The whole figure is like an out-sheathed sword, with cold light, long purple hair flying, and his robe hunting backwards, floating out of dust.

"I'm Lin Han, let Jian Jiu come out to see me." Lin Han's eyes were like a knife, and there was even a slight flash of lightning in his pupils, and he shouted.


The sound was thunderous, and many mountains shook around the shaking, and many buildings in the ancient town were also shaking and collapsing.

It is as if Lin Han is an immortal young god, stepping here, every move, there is a great bearing, making the world and all things, a little unbearable.

Jian Jiu used despicable means to arrest so many people in his group and killed a dozen of his disciples in the Canggu Sword Mansion. He is now full of anger and is naturally not polite.

"Lin Han?" Hearing this, some of the disciples of the Shenfeng Sword Palace couldn't help but change their expressions. Everyone knows that Lin Han is now a hot genius in the Canggu Sword Palace, who can compete with Lonely Sword for light.

It is the legendary boy who hopes to pull the loneliness down from the altar and replace it, illuminating the endless starry sky.

They couldn't help being a little surprised at seeing it like this now.

Lin Han's aura is indeed very strong, just a word, it makes the universe resonate, the earth trembles, their backs can't help the smell of chills, it is indeed a well-deserved reputation.

They are also elite geniuses, legendary figures in their respective stars, before they joined the Shenfeng Sword House to learn art.

Originally he was so famous for Lin Han, a young man, but he was still a little bit unconvinced.

Only now did I know that Lin Han was really as perverted as the rumors.

"Lin Han?" The young man with the purple long sword couldn't help but raised his brows, then the corners of his lips overflowed with a sneer, and said, "So it's you, so majestic..."

He was also a genius in the Shenfeng Sword Mansion, and besides Jian Jiu, almost no one could compare with him.

Lin Han is not yet a genius at the level of "big brother", he naturally doesn't take it seriously, and even has a touch of provocation in his eyes.

If Lin Han were to be crushed, not only would the Canggu Sword Mansion's face be greatly lost, but also his reputation would be fulfilled.

Maybe, he can be in the sword mansion in one fell swoop, comparable to the point of the sword.

When it fell, he was really exasperated.

"If you are here to play sideways, you will find the wrong place. This is the site of my Shenfeng Sword Mansion. Even if the loneliness comes, you can't be so strong. You want to see our Nine Sword Master Brother, you are not enough for this qualification, go away. "

His tone was not at all polite, and he sneered with contempt.

Secretly, Lin Han, aren't you famous? Today I am going to shave your face.

There are many masters in their Shenfeng Sword Mansion here, and Lin Han is alone, unable to make waves at all.

Some disciples of the Shenfeng Sword Palace also laughed playfully.

I also felt that if Lin Han were to be driven away in this way, the prestige of their Divine Wind Sword Mansion would also be enhanced.

There is also some pleasure in their hearts.

Upon seeing this, Lin Han couldn't help but sneered. He was really a group of people who didn't know how to live or die, and now they dare to grind by themselves.

He does not have this skill.

"Kill!" At the moment, his eyes were cold, and he spit out such a word indifferently. Since these people were not allowed to enter, he had no more time to talk nonsense. When he came, he had no plans. Solve it peacefully with the people of the Kamikaze Sword Palace.


Right now, he took out the sword of loss, and a cold sword light bloomed, and the sound of the sword sounded like the sound of the heavens and the earth, cutting through the beginning, causing the sky and clouds to change color, and the sun and the moon were dark.

Then, Lin Han directly cut down with a sword.

Eight swords of the universe, the fourth sword collapsed!

As the number of casts increased, he became more and more proficient with this sword.

And he has now entered the Wind and Fire Realm, the power of this sword is even more terrifying than before.

The blazing sword light, like a **** sword of heaven and earth, was born, endless purple light, piercing the nine heavens, successive heaven and earth, slashed down fiercely.

The entire ancient town, many buildings collapsed and turned into smoke and dust under this huge momentum.

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