War Emperor

Chapter 1674: Eyes

Their eyes scanned the surroundings, full of sharpness, and even a mosquito was not allowed to enter.

"Master sister, it's been three days since I searched for the gate of Beifu, and I don't know what happened."

Some disciples were bored, asked.

"It should be fast, don't ask too much, let's stay here honestly, don't be disturbed by others." A woman said.

The other geniuses all nodded and looked a little excited.

The awe-inspiring and authentic Beifu, the treasures are endless, and it took them a lot of effort to learn that the entrance is here.

If Fairy Fenghua really found a portal and entered it, they would send it out.

Even if you only drink a little soup, the benefits will be endless, which makes the people of Dahuaxianfu very excited.

However, not far away, Lin Han heard their words clearly and couldn't help but sneered, secretly thinking Fairy Fenghua, if you want to succeed, it's not that easy.

In order to facilitate things, he did not let Luo Yan and others follow.

Then, he saw a place that was relatively loosely guarded, and immediately used the time and space steps, his body turned into a ghost and entered the mountain behind.

With Lin Han's current strength, the gap between these ordinary guarded geniuses and him was too big, and what he showed was still walking through time and space, and they couldn't find this world-shaking speed at all.

"Huh?" However, when Lin Han entered the mountain, he was stunned, and saw that there was a huge waterfall in the mountain, stretching four or five miles wide, and the rushing water poured down from the mountain. , Like a hanging galaxy, looks spectacular.

Under the pool of the waterfall, he unexpectedly saw a naked beauty bathing in it.

The beauty of jade bones and muscles, the appearance is peerless, a pair of beautiful eyes seems to contain autumn water, and the skin is white like ivory, even if most of the body is covered in the water, it is difficult to conceal the moving style.

Lin Han couldn't help but feel the urge to bleed when he saw it suddenly.

Fenghua Fairy!

Isn't she looking for Haoran's authentic Beifu portal? Why take a bath here.

Lin Han never expected that he would have such a blessing.

Moreover, the lake water is very clear, as transparent, through the waves, you can see the Fenghua Fairy, the jade body hidden in the water.

Lin Han had a sign that he could not bear it.

"This lady is worthy of being a famous beauty among the Five Great Sword Houses. The allure is not under Senior Sister Luoyan." Lin Han could only sigh.

It has been a long time since he has experienced such a charming thing, his eyes are straight, and some cannot be removed.

"Who is it?" However, Fairy Fenghua is a strong man. She is extremely sensitive to any wind and grass around her. Soon, she noticed something wrong. Her pretty face was cold at the moment, and her jade hand slapped the surface of the water. Like an angry dragon, it swept towards Lin Han.

Lin Han couldn't help but his face turned pale, and immediately turned his body, leaving the place, evading it.

The water wave hit the ground where he landed, and he smashed a black lacquer, ten-meter-long pit directly there. It can be seen that Fenghua Fairy is aggressive in his shot. If he is replaced by an ordinary person, he will react slowly and he will be smashed into flesh. Die in the mud.

Lin Han's face turned awkward. Although he escaped the blow, his figure was also exposed.

It was inevitable to be found by Fenghua Fairy.

"Lin Han, is it you?" Sure enough, Fairy Fenghua turned around, took out the white clothes from the spatial ring, and put it on the perfect body. Seeing Lin Han, he couldn't help but bit his silver teeth and said angrily.

She originally thought it was some unknown beast in the mountains.

I never thought it would be this guy.

Isn't her frosty and jealous body all seen by the other party?

Thinking of this, the tips of her ears became hot.

"You are so courageous, you dare to peek at me, how did you come in?" Finally, she stared at Lin Han with beautiful eyes, and said angrily.

Since she just came out of the water, there are still most of the water stains on her tender body, making her clothes wet, which is even more attractive.

"Just come in honestly." Lin Han shrugged and said.

"Being upright?" Fairy Fenghua looked at him with a puzzled look. Outside the mountain, but with many disciples guarding her Dahua Immortal Mansion, she didn't believe that Lin Han would walk in openly.

However, now is not the time to care about this, a cold smile appeared on her beautiful pretty face: "It seems you are getting news, I'm looking for the gate of Haoran's authentic North House, right?"

"Not bad." Lin Han nodded.

"Sorry, you are here wrong, there is no Haoran authentic Beifu gate here. I have been searching for three days and there is no clue." Fairy Fenghua said.

Because of this, she took a bath here, but Lin Han broke in without thinking about it and looked at her completely, thinking about it made her ashamed.

She Fenghua Fairy, as a well-known beauty, I don't know how many young talents dreamed of, so Lin Han looked at her, and it really made him cheaper.

"Really? I don't think so." However, Lin Han smiled.

"What do you mean?" Fairy Fenghua stunned. She felt that her clues should be right. The reason why she could not find it might be because she didn't use the right way. As everyone knows, Lin Han is a person who likes to create miracles and always can Doing something unexpected, she now sees some hope.

"I can try as much as possible." Lin Han nodded and looked at the magnificent waterfall in front of him. When he first arrived here, his Soul Eater was touched and he found some spatial fluctuations, but they were very secretive. Even if he has a very strong mental power, it is not easy to find that Fairy Fenghua only uses the naked eye to find it here, and it is indeed very small if he wants to succeed.

Fairy Fenghua couldn't help but a touch of joy appeared in her eyes. It seemed that Lin Han was really hopeful.

The gate of Haoran's authentic North Mansion was too important, and she was also very interested. If Lin Han could find it, it would have helped her a lot. Now Lin Han is no less than a savior in her eyes.

Shi Cai looked at her own body, and the disgust in her heart was reduced a lot.


Then, Lin Han didn't say much to Fairy Fenghua, and immediately displayed the Eye of Soul Eater. A pair of clear eye pupils were covered with a thick black light, which instantly seemed to turn into two rounds of terrifying black holes. , The bottomless, as if it could lead people into a mysterious space and time.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Fenghua couldn't help feeling a little throbbing in his heart. He really didn't understand that Lin Han was practicing mysterious pupil technique, how could it be so unique.

Even if she was in Lin Han's dark eye pupils, she felt a strong color of danger. It seemed that as long as Lin Han was willing, a pair of eye pupils could send out a powerful attack, which made people unpredictable and was instantly killed. .

At this time, Lin Han really discovered that there was a layer of milky white space barrier on the big waterfall, which was very secret.

At the moment, he uttered a deep cry, and in the dark pupils, two dark eyes shot out.

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