War Emperor

Chapter 1685: Suppress

Now Lin gave a cold cry, and under the shocking eyes of countless people, he directly displayed the Void God and Demon Diagram.


A desolate, magnificent, ancient breath swept the whole world.

In Lin Han's hand, a picture scroll appeared, on which was painted a vast starry sky, in which there was a ghost of gods and demons. Although it was only a portrait, there was a smell of disdain for the ancient and modern future, overlooking the vast land.

It is as if every incarnation carries the spirit of a supreme figure, which makes people surrender.

Ho Ho Ho!

The next moment, Lin Han's divine power poured into it. On the Void Gods and Demons map, the Guanghua masterpiece, a large number of gods and demons, as if to revive, opened the terrifying and deep eyes one after another.

Every pair of eyes seems to be able to reverse chaos forever.

In their bodies, the powerful fluctuations also seem to disrupt time and space.

"This is the image of the Void God and Demon!"

There was an uproar around him.

Who doesn't know, this is the treasure of Canggu Sword Mansion's education and education. Millions of years ago, its ancestor, master, looked down upon the eighteenth realm of immortality.

It was stolen that year and lost for countless years.

Although I had heard it a long time ago and was grasped by Lin Han, it was the first time I saw it now.

Many people have the feeling that ants have seen a blue dragon.

They couldn't help but want to shiver.

"Void God and Demon Picture?" Shepherd Boy's expression also changed drastically and was taken aback.

Although his swordsmanship is very strong, he also has a heart of respect for this ancient treasure. After all, in ancient times, this treasure killed too many big people.

Even he, under this thing, is very small.

He felt an unpleasant smell.


Sure enough, in the next moment, in the Void God and Demon picture, a demon **** showed his might, raised his hand directly, and made a shining and incomparable big seal, like the creation of the power of the origin of time and space.

The shepherd boy's sword light met with it, and immediately exploded and turned into debris in the sky.

Moreover, a majestic force volatilized out, so that the shepherd boy couldn't help but spout a mouthful of blood, screamed, and flew out.

Behind him, the green bull turned into a blood mist and died.

Everyone was amazed. It was indeed a picture of the Void God and Demon, and even the Shepherd Boy was not an opponent.

Lin Han's supernatural power was so strong that they were deeply shocked.

"Shepherd boy, what else do you have to say now, surrender or die." Lin Han held the Void God and Demon figure, as if holding a magnificent universe, and shouted to the shepherd boy.

The shepherd boy couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely. Lin Han was so courageous that he dared to talk to himself like this. Looking at the younger generation of the five great sword palaces, even loneliness would not work.

He couldn't help but said incomparably cold eyes: "Lin Han, you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance, you will reverse your profound skills and return to my peak."

Leng Youyou's voice fell.

I saw that his body burst out with endless brilliant divine light, and then the whole person suddenly became tall, like a **** of prey, towering into the starry sky, full of the smell of coercion.

With a cold drink, he directly displayed the soles of his feet, and stepped down towards Lin Han, as if he had trampled all the ground.

"This is the ancient master power hidden in his body?"

Someone exclaimed, amazed.

It is no secret that Shepherd Boy is the reincarnation of a certain ancient master.

According to legend, if the shepherd boy is forced to a certain level, he can use the hidden power of the ancient master in his body, and his combat power will be shocking.

Shepherd boy, he was really desperate to use this trick.

Needless to think about it, this kind of trick must pay a great price.

Maybe, after the show comes, the shepherd boy may die directly.

This battle has become more intense.

"Lin Han, if you force me to this point, even if I die, you will be dragged to **** first." Shepherd Boy said a madness in his eyes, cruelly.

Even if there is no deep hatred between him and Lin Han, geniuses who reach their level are old enemies.

Only by stepping on the opponent's feet, can oneself be able to go all the way up and break free.

Maybe, he can get lucky, survive again, and his strength will undergo a complete transformation.

Defeating Lin Han is very important to him.

He has regarded Lin Han as a very important sharpening stone on his cultivation path.

Lin Han also noticed an extremely pressing pressure, and felt that his whole body was crushed, and blood overflowed from his pores.

However, he did not yield.

Even if the shepherd boy, how about using terror methods.

He will also defeat the opponent and break free.

This is also a very important training for him.

"Honghuang casts a sword furnace, come out." At the moment, he sighed, his voice like a chant from the Kaitian era across endless time and space.

The Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace flew out from within his dantian in an instant.

There is an endless wild aura erupting from above, and there is also a supreme mighty force that can suppress the immortal world for thousands of years.

At this moment, the entire Daxu was trembling, endless time and space shattered and deriving, as if opening up three thousand great realms.

The great sword-forging furnace is located in the center and is full of supreme power.


In the end, a crowd of people, with horrified gazes, the prestigious cast sword furnace, and the shepherd boy's huge body, violently collided with each other, bursting out a dazzling divine light, like two stars meeting.

The vast energy fluctuations madly overflowed all around.

Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace is worthy of being the oldest treasure in the Immortal Realm. People in the Immortal Ancestor Realm should pay attention to it.

About ten seconds later, the shepherd boy's powerful dharma body instantly disintegrated, and all his energy leaked out.

Shepherd boy, once again returned to the original state.

Now his face was pale without a trace of blood, and his body was constantly trembling, covered with scars one after another, and his face was a little cracked, like porcelain to be broken.

His eyes were dilated, and his heart was full of coldness.

Lost, still lost, even his most powerful method was still defeated in Lin Han's hands.

This result was nothing less than a devastating blow to him.

His original energy is constantly drying up, and his whole person is dead like a candle to be extinguished.

There was dead silence all around.

The shepherd boy's fiasco had a great impact on people.

Lin Han's prehistoric sword-forging furnace is really terrifying.

Even if they are far away, they all have an urge to kneel down and worship.

Lonely Shang also fell silent, and now it is also very uncomfortable for him.

Lin Han's threat to him is even stronger.

Outside the big market, the masters of many big forces were even more dazed.

As Lin Han's strength increased, the power of the prehistoric sword forging furnace was really getting stronger and stronger.

They all had a chilling feeling, and couldn't help asking themselves, if Lin Han carried the prehistoric sword-forging furnace and hit them, even if they were old immortal emperors, could they contend?

They are also uncomfortable, they are really terrifying.

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