War Emperor

Chapter 1688: Ding Jie

"Boy, return me the Qingfeng Zhou Fan that this princess likes." At this moment, a young girl's delicate voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a young girl flew in the sky, wearing a colorful dress, riding a colorful peacock, full of supreme aura.

"Qingfeng Zhou Fan?"

Wang Teng couldn't help changing his color. This was the 108th Heaven Soldier in the Heaven Soldier Ranking. It was extremely powerful and extremely powerful.

Legend has it that the power of the whirlwind radiated from it can shock the universe and has a great reputation.

He didn't expect that when he first arrived at the Xuanguizong site, he would be able to meet Qingfeng Zhou Fan. This is really a huge gain.

Then he smiled at the girl and said: "Who are you? When this thing comes into my hands, it naturally means that it is my belongings that are predestined with me. Why should I give it to you."

"You... be bold!" The girl suddenly put her hands on Xiaoman's waist and said: "This princess is a descendant of the kamikaze galaxy. Among the ten thousand lines, who dares to disrespect, you dare to covet this princess's things, don't want it. ?"

"Kamikaze Galaxy?" Zi Ling moved his face. This was the third-ranked galaxy among the ten thousand systems.

You know, among the ten thousand lines, being able to enter the top ten is synonymous with behemoth, enough to make many geniuses awe and fear.

This girl, from the third-ranked Kamikaze galaxy, is indeed spoiled and very noble, no wonder she is so arrogant.

However, Wang Teng smiled faintly. Even if he dares to offend the Jinding galaxy, which is ranked number one among the ten thousand elements, the Kamikaze galaxy is naturally nothing to him.

At the moment, he spread his hand and said, "If I don't give it, what can you do with me?"

The girl Xing stared, but she did not expect that this hillbilly boy would dare to disobey herself.

She couldn't help saying: "Then you are done, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, Xiao Cai, spit fire to this princess and burn him to death."

The little color in her mouth was talking about the colorful peacock under her.

Hearing her words, a cold glow suddenly burst out of the peacock's eyes, and then opened the bird's beak, and as expected, spit out a burst of flame towards Wang Teng.

The difference is that the flame is colorful, like a rainbow, rushing across, the temperature is very high, burning the void into yellow water.

"Colorful fire?" Wang Teng was surprised. This is a very advanced flame among the Peacock tribe. Only when the peacock's level reaches a certain level can it be displayed. He has also encountered strange birds like peacocks in the past. Did not do this step.

It can be seen that the mount of the girl is extraordinary.

For ordinary cultivators, this flame is naturally very difficult to deal with, and if you are careless, it will be burned to ashes.

But to Wang Teng, it was nothing at all. He possessed an immortal diamond body, and he had already reached the point where he was not invaded by different fires and divine waters. Even if the colorful fire was extraordinary, it could not hurt him.

With a faint smile on his lips, he stood in place.

When the flame burned, it could not affect him at all, just like his body, forming a world of its own, completely isolating the damage of that flame.

"How is this possible?" The girl suddenly came down, dumbfounded, dumbfounded.

Originally, Wang Teng stood there and did not dodge, she thought Wang Teng had a broken head.

Now the flames couldn't hurt Wang Teng, making her completely confused.

Is this guy a freak?

How could such a powerful flame not burn him.

Peacock was also in a daze, and he couldn't believe his flame, why couldn't it hurt the young man in front of him.

Is the other party really so perverted?

"Who are you and why do you have such a perverted physique?" Then the girl looked at Wang Teng with a solemn expression.

Among the ten major galaxies, there are also some physical powers that have reached a shocking level.

But it seems that there is no such person as Wang Teng.

Suddenly seeing a young man dressed in plain clothes and holding a donkey, like a soil bun, did this step really made her feel very absurd.

"Who I am, I don't know, do you still want to take me down now?" Wang Teng just smiled, seeing that this girl had some meaning and wanted to tease her.

The girl’s pretty face blushed, and she was helpless. Although she was from the Kamikaze Galaxy, she was also very powerful. She was still far from being able to do so without being hurt by the colorful fire, so she knew that even if she shot , I am afraid it is not Wang Teng's opponent.

In Wang Teng's body, she felt the majestic and majestic aura, so she could be overwhelmingly majestic and look down upon her.

Finally, she grinned her teeth and said: "Even if you are a little capable, so what? I really think this is the princess, why can't you do it? Don't forget, this princess is from the Kamikaze galaxy and wants someone to take care of you. Nothing."


After speaking, she took out a delicate green jade pendant from her arms and crushed it.


Then, the next moment, an extremely ferocious aura came from the horizon, and then a man with a golden crown and haircut flew over and asked in a deep voice: "Sanmei, what happened, who is bullying you?"

The man's whole body is surrounded by endless rays of light, like a **** standing in another world, a pair of deep eyes, and the scene of the evolution of the heavens, with an amazing momentum.

"The Great Prince of the Kamikaze Galaxy!"

A lot of people have been attracted around, and they couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

This person is the great prince of the Kamikaze Galaxy, Ding Jie!

Among the Ten Thousand Elements, he is also a very high-ranked genius, in a realm, already reaching the stage of the Ninth Heaven in the Dongming Realm.

Maybe now, it's not far from Open Void Realm.

At this moment, many people did not expect to meet him.

Looking at him, there was a touch of awe in his eyes.

"Ding Jie." Wang Teng raised his brows, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This was a genius even more powerful than Ge Mishi.

However, he was not afraid. With the study of the giant tortoise shield over the past few days, coupled with the battle with the incarnation of Ge Mishi and Ge Tianwei, his strength was also inspired.

His current realm has reached the level of the Sixth Heaven in the Cave Ming Realm.

Even if the opponent is not far from the Open Void Realm, it may not be able to suppress him.

"Big brother, this kid, he dare to **** my Qingfeng Zhou fan, and ask the big brother to take it down," the girl Ding Linger said with a smile, as if he had found a backer.

"Qingfeng Zhou Fan?" Ding Jie was a little shocked. He knew that his third sister had been looking for Qingfeng Zhou Fan, but it was not easy to find this kind of treasure in Xuangui Sect.

Unexpectedly, she really found it.

This is the one-hundred-eighth heavenly soldier on the list of heavenly soldiers, far exceeding ordinary items.

Even if he was the great prince of the Kamikaze galaxy, he was very moved.

Naturally it is impossible to tolerate falling into the hands of a young man holding a donkey.

At the moment, he sneered at Wang Teng and said, "Boy, hand over the Qingfeng Zhou fan, and then give it to my sister, kneel down and knock your head a few times, and I will let you go."

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