War Emperor

Chapter 1690: Tianbao Medicine

But the blood cloud sword threatened them too much.

After their faces changed, they only sighed helplessly and gave up.

Lin Han's combat power was too strong, and their ordinary people went up, just to die.

After a while, Lin Han came to the side of the Golden Dragon Cliff Vine, smelling the fragrance, and his heart was extremely excited. If he absorbs it, his strength will inevitably increase and his body will undergo incredible changes.


However, when Lin Han’s palm was only an inch away from the Golden Dragon Cliff Vine, a brilliant sword light suddenly shot and killed him from a short distance. It was so sharp that he almost cut Lin Han’s entire arm. Drop.

Lin Han couldn't help but his expression changed, and he dodged quickly. A scar appeared on the back of his hand. Jian Guang was too fast. If he didn't react fast enough, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Who is it, dare to move me, and I won't be able to die." Lin Han shouted with a cold electric shot in his eyes.

With his current power, in the big market, who else would dare to attack him?

"it's me!"

An icy voice spread, in the shocking eyes of countless people, Lonely Sorrow flew over, with long gray hair flying, eyes as cold as electricity, revealing a powerful and incomparable spirit.

Around him, there were even sword lights floating, as if he were the emperor of ten thousand swords, all swords in the universe would surrender to him.


Many people are hot.

Lin Han had defeated too many geniuses, and everyone felt that perhaps only loneliness could suppress him.

Everyone wanted to see who was better than Lonely Shang.

In secret, Fairy Fenghua and Shepherd Boy were also watching with scorching eyes.

The battle between Lin Han and Lonely Shang represented the first genius among the five sword palaces.

They are also looking forward to it, this is a battle among young people.

"Lonely sorrow, you are finally going to make a move." Lin Han smiled with cold lightning in his eyes.

There will be a battle between him and Lonely Shang.

This was his biggest enemy after entering the Canggu Sword Mansion.

It was finally about to usher in this moment, and at this moment he couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation.

"Lin Han, my biggest mistake is to watch you grow up to the present step by step, but it's okay, today is the moment when I completely end you." Lonely Shang nodded, the brilliance flashed in his hand, and a handful of extremely dark appeared The sword, as if condensing the endless evil spirit between heaven and earth, when Hajime appeared, the space was shaken, and many people were uneasy.

"Mo Shangjian!"

Everyone exclaimed.

This is Lonely Sorrow's famous sword, obtained from the Heavenly Sword Peak of Canggu Sword Mansion. It is an ancient divine sword with unpredictable powers of ghosts and gods.

Lonely Shang has defeated too many geniuses with this sword over the years, even if some of the long-established strong men are not his opponents.

Seeing this sword again, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

As its name suggests, Mo Shang Jian is everywhere in the world.

Lin Han clenched the Blood Cloud Sword tightly, and wanted to compete with Lonely Shang. He had been longing for it for a long time on this day.

He must win and establish his reputation as the number one genius in the five major sword palaces.

Genius is like raising Gu, if you want to constantly transform, you must defeat the same level and become yourself.

He and Lonely Shang have reached this point, it can be said that they have reached the point of endless death.

Otherwise, he will only become the "nourishment" for the other party and help him get to the next level.

"Kill!" At the moment, Lin Han did not procrastinate at all. He chose to take the lead. His body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the lonely man. A sword pierced straight through. This sword did not have the slightest momentum to move the sky, but there was a forward move. The general trend is like a pop falling from the sky, and an extremely sharp noise is drawn in the void.

Behind Lin Han, there was even a brilliant red tail light, which was hundreds of meters long.


However, Lone Shang's face was calm and he blocked Mo Shangjian in front of him. The sharp tip of the blood cloud sword and the body of Mo Shangjian collided fiercely, and immediately burst out a group of incomparable sparks. Brighten the earth.

An incomparable majestic force, like a mountain torrent, pouring towards loneliness.

Lonely Shang always stands still in place, with long gray hair flying, robe hunting and hunting, and his complexion is calm, revealing the scent of letting you surpass the sky, and I am immortal.

Many people were surprised. No way, Lin Han's sword was so amazing that it didn't have the slightest impact on him, and it was flat to resist it.

This is too dreamy for everyone.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can hardly believe your eyes.

Lin Han also frowned, feeling that there was a peculiar "potential" in the lonely Mo Shang sword. If it could be released, the strong energy between heaven and earth would be like this.

However, he wasn't worried. When the palm of his hand was turned over, a bright and incomparable big seal appeared, and he smashed it down again toward the door of Lonely Sorrow.

Xuantian Baoyin!

With Lin Han's current strength, the Profound Sky Seal that burst out was even more powerful.

This seal fell, no less than a primordial divine mountain, falling from the nine heavens, endless radiance, crowded with the universe.


Lonely Shang was still indifferent, like a prehistoric sword god, with an unfathomable taste. When the Mo Shang sword in his hand was turned, the Xuantian Baoyin was immediately shaken out, and then a majestic force, shaking Lin Lin Han couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest, kicking... after a few steps back, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone sighed, it is worthy of loneliness, the swordsmanship has really reached the point of extraordinary.

Lin Han's attack, in front of him, was like a child playing house, and it had no effect on him at all.

From this point of view, there is still a big gap between Lin Han and him.

Fairy Fenghua and Boy Shepherd were also heartbroken. Originally, Lonely Sorrow was so strong, and even they were a bit incomprehensible in the current swordsmanship situation. It was indeed terrifying.

When the five of them stood side by side, the other party had five geniuses, known as the number one master. They were a bit dissatisfied, but now they are finally convinced.

The swordsmanship of Lonely Sorrow is indeed far from what they can compare.

"Lin Han, are you capable of this? If that's the case, then I'm sorry to tell you that you are dead today." Lonely Shang smiled faintly, standing there holding the Mo Shang sword, calmly said.

From beginning to end, he did not show any domineering scene, like a round of unfathomable sea.

This makes people feel more oppressive.

Lin Han wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked solemnly down. Lonely Shang is indeed a great enemy, and none of the geniuses he encountered before can compare to him.

However, he was not discouraged, and along the way, he also developed an invincible confidence in himself.

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