War Emperor

Chapter 1698: Cloak Fusion


After the two collided, the sword light of the Nangong Sword instantly exploded like a mountain collapsed.

Then, Lin Han's big picture of wind and fire wrapped the Nangong sword and refined it.

"No..." Nangong Jian suddenly let out a heartbreaking roar, unable to accept this reality.

He is a strong man in the Taixu realm, how could he lose to Lin Han.

This result made him cold.

And in Lin Han's big picture of wind and fire, the power is too strong, he smells the threat of death, and he can only beg for mercy, otherwise he will inevitably be refined into a blood mist.

But Lin Han ignored his begging for mercy at all. Feng Huo wanted to increase his divine power, and the Nangong sword was refined into nothingness. Within the entire body, the endless essence nourished the Feng Huo big picture, making Feng Huo big. The picture, the power that exudes, is even stronger.

Everyone is hairy, this big picture of wind and fire is too weird, and it can absorb human essence.

Nangong Sword also died in his hands, it was too powerful.

"Nezha, now it's our turn to settle the account." Lin Han smiled lightly and said to Nezha.

Killing Nangong sword is nothing to him.

After he got the Lost Sword and the Eight Swords of the Universe, he knew that the people in the sword realm would not let him go.

Looking at Nezha, there was endless chill in Lin Han's eyes.

Before entering the big market, the opponent almost killed him.

He will not settle this account easily.

"Lin Han, I didn't expect that your growth would be so fast. It only took a few days to reach the point where it could threaten me." Nezha stepped on the wind wheel and held a blazing sun spear like a god. Go down to earth, the whole body is full of immortal energy.

He looked at Lin Han, with cold light flashing in his eyes, and said with a sneer.

Before Lin Han was really just a humble bug in his heart.

Three simple tricks almost wiped it out.

Now Lin Han really makes him pay attention.

"However, it's still too late to kill you and get the baby on you. You are still just a bubble!"

Nezha laughed and shot directly.

At the moment, he moved the scorching sun spear in his hand, towards Lin Han, just assassinated with one shot.

The majestic strength, like a sea of ​​fire, directly overwhelmed.

Even among the boundless fire spear light, there are scenes of three-legged golden crows emerging, vivid and lifelike, making Nezha even more domineering.

"The big picture of wind and fire, the cycle of life and death, imperial."

There was a solemn look in Lin Han's eyes, Ne Zha was indeed powerful, and a random blow gave him a much more oppressive feeling than Nangong Jian.

Under the domineering spear light, he felt that his skin was a little hairy.

Then, his face was solemn, his hands were imprinted on his chest, and the wind and fire began to rotate on top of his head.

You should know that this big picture of wind and fire is thousands of miles long, just like this, the scene is magnificent, it is really unspeakable.

Countless people feel that the world is going to be turned upside down, like the world is falling apart.


In the end, the big picture of wind and fire formed a light mark, resisting Lin Han, and Nezha's domineering shot hit it, igniting endless brilliant fire light, like a sea of ​​fire hitting the mountain, Lin Han did not suffer any harm. .

"Block it."

Everyone exclaimed, admiring Lin Han for a while.

You know, Nezha's strength has reached the level of the Supreme Void Realm, which is far more powerful than the Nangong Sword that has just entered the Supreme Void Realm and has not stabilized.

Lin Han can still stop it, really powerful.

"Huh?" Nezha raised his brows. He thought that even if Lin Han could do it, he would have to pay a lot of money, but he was surprised if he did it.

Then his eyes were cold, and he smiled grimly: "Lin Han, the more extraordinary, the more determined I want to save your heart."

The hatred between him and Lin Han is insoluble, only one person can live in this world.


This time, a monstrous fire broke out all over his body, and his aura was several times stronger than before.

The Hot Wheels crushed the void, turning into a phoenix and a phoenix, two sky birds, radiant and bright, making him even more detached.

With the help of Hot Wheels' power, Nezha issued another blow.

The scorching sun fire-point spear directly fell from top to bottom, and the void was directly cut into black lines.

The blazing flame power made it difficult for Lin Han to breathe.

"The power of Hot Wheels?"

Luo Yan was amazed that Hot Wheels is not only a flying magic weapon, but also an extremely powerful fetish.

It evolved from a true phoenix and a true phoenix, which contained the majestic sea-like mana, once all exploded, it could shake the world.

Once Nezha is mobilized, his breath will rise instantly, unstoppable.

Now it seems that it is so.

In the hearts of other people, Nezha is now like an invincible giant.

However, Lin Chong smiled, not afraid, and also displayed the Celestial Set. This time, on the cloak of the Great Thousand Blood Flame, there was a ray of light black light, as if it was mixed with the power of the origin of the magic way, which made the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak. The power emanating from it became stronger, and Lin Han's breath grew, making it even more majestic.

"That is... the breath of the demon cloak?"

Everyone was surprised.

On the cloak of the Great Thousand Blood Flame, they clearly smelled like a demon cloak.

Could it be that the Demon Cloak and the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak have been combined into one?

Outside the Great Ruins, the masters of many great forces are also dumbfounded. Both the Great Thousand Blood Flame Cloak and the Demon Cloak have reached a very advanced level. It can be described as extremely difficult to integrate, even though the most famous swordsmith in the entire fairy world, It may not be possible.

"How did you do it?" Nezha also screamed, puzzled.

This is incredible. Two weapons like this have different original attributes, and ordinary fusion is absolutely impossible.

Then, he thought of Honghuang Forge Sword Furnace, his face was cold.

I'm afraid that only the Sword Casting Furnace in the world can do this.

Lin Han owns a prehistoric sword-forging furnace, which is really a great advantage.

Just like this, in these few days of retreat, Lin Han is not only increasing his strength, but also integrating the demon cloak into the cloak of the Great Thousand Blood Flame, making the latter even more powerful.

Now he has displayed it like this, and his power is several times stronger than before.

"Kill!" He roared, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger, and directly displayed the black coffin, squeezing it, like a big brick.


A spark blooms.

The scorching sun's spear was fluttered out directly by the shock, and Nezha's tiger's mouth was bleeding.

Nezha was frightened, Lin Han's current methods were really too strong, and he felt that he had some signs of being unable to suppress it.

Everyone also discovered this, and couldn't help being more in awe of Lin Han.

The trip to Daxu seemed to have become a performance stage for Lin Han alone.

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