War Emperor

Chapter 1705: Suck dry

Right now, he reached out his big bone hand, and slew towards Lin Hanzhen.

You must know that his realm is much stronger than the black-clothed man in the Heaven-Through-Sky realm. Even now, many divine powers are urging the ancient banner to fight against the Chaos Wood. A random blow is also devastating to Lin Han. Blow.

The vast black air swept in, like a black star, coming to the town.

The majestic momentum made Lin Han almost feel like his body exploded.

It's amazing.

The aftermath of the light was unbearable.

Some people watching around were not strong enough, and they had already crumbled away.

The earth is also overturning and the mountains and seas resonate.

A single blow of the black skeleton is really capable of destroying the world.

"Want to kill me is so simple." Lin Han couldn't help but sneered. If the opponent is in his heyday, he is indeed far from an opponent.

But the power that is being exerted now is probably less than one percent.

He may not be unable to compete.

And the black skeletons belonged to the undead, so appearing like this is against God's will.

He has a way to clean up.

"The mighty heavenly dragon, the earth respects the world, the Prajna Buddhas, and destroys evil spirits."

At the moment, Lin Han pinched an orchid seal in his hand, and the whole body instantly burst out with golden light, like an ancient **** and Buddha descending to the world, a powerful force swept the world, so many people could not help but want to be right. He surrendered and worshipped.

He is like an inconceivable giant Buddha, and his faith is very strong.

Then, he hit out with a palm, and the infinite Buddha nature surged, as if it could purify all the evil spirits between heaven and earth.

The palm strength of the black skeleton was instantly melted away, and a large piece of it disappeared.

Moreover, the palms of the black skeletons were corroded a little, and black light appeared.

"Dawei Tianlong divine art?" Black Skeleton couldn't help being taken aback. This is the most powerful technique in the Buddha realm. It is overbearing and has appalling power.

Even if he is an old antique who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he is a little afraid.

After all, this kind of power is a lot of restraint for him.

He didn't expect Lin Han to learn this skill.

Even for Buddhism in ancient times, there are very few eminent monks who can learn it.

"Yes, Dawei Tianlong Divine Art, today, I will subdue demons and demons, and plunge you into hell."

Lin drank coldly, with awe-inspiring power, spread all over the sky.

With a bang, he once again made a palm print, and this time the palm print was even more magnificent, and the golden light filled the sky.

A huge hand emerged, like an ancient Buddha standing on top of the earth, standing out of the field, shooting out against the stars, and the sky was extremely full, and the roads of the five continents and four seas were resonating, as if they could not bear it and were about to collapse.

"Bastard!" The black skeleton couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely. He was a strong man who was famous hundreds of thousands of years ago, and is almost synonymous with invincibility in the immortal and common worlds today.

A young boy who is still young, dare to be so arrogant.



At the moment, he temporarily broke free of the Chaos Tree, freed up more power, and hit Lin Han with a punch.

This time, the boxing power is domineering, unparalleled, the sky changes color, the road resonates, and even patches of black lotus drop down between the sky and the earth, which is truly shocking.

Lin Jiao'er, Jin Wang and others couldn't help but worry.

The black skeleton, after freeing up some power, was too terrifying.

It was almost impossible for Lin Han to resist.

The gap between the two is too big.

"Your real opponent is me." However, at this moment, Chaos Wood caught the flaw, and the endless branches glowed like a resurgent dragon, shaking off the ancient banner, and one branch killed the black skeleton.

With a click.

The branches are invincible, like the strongest spear of heaven and earth.

The black skeleton, the hard bone, was passed through the hole immediately, punching a big hole in the chest.

At the same time, the other branches of Chaos Wood also shook slightly, and the black skeleton slammed into Lin Han's attack, and instantly shattered and opened like a chicken.

Lin Han helped it win a good fighter, and it would naturally protect Lin Han from being killed.

Lin Jiao'er, Lin Fenghuang and others breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was Chaos Wood, otherwise Lin Han would be in danger.


The black skull couldn't help but let out a scream, his body was so pierced by the branches of Chaos Wood, it was too painful.

Inside the chaotic wood branches, there is also a divine power that absorbs power.

He realized that his power was being absorbed by Chaos Wood frantically, and even the hard bones became a little dim and crisp.

As long as he is absorbed cleanly, he will inevitably turn into a mass of dust.

"Chaotic Wood, you want to absorb my power?" he cried out in horror.

Having lived for hundreds of thousands of years, I have never experienced the fear of death.

Now he really noticed it.

In any case, he couldn't get rid of it, making him even more frightened.

No matter what, his power can't be absorbed just like that.

"So what..." A vicissitudes and majestic voice came from within the Chaos Wood, with a slight contempt: "I'm just at the critical moment of Nirvana, otherwise you are far from my opponent. If I am the peak, kill You are like squeezing the ant to death, and now it’s justified to use your power to nourish me."

The tone is very domineering.

You know, the black skeleton, but the old antique, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, is almost invincible in the fairy world.

In the eyes of Chaos Wood, it is still like an ant.

How powerful Chaos Wood is, it is really scary.

Puff puff……

In the end, the black skeleton bones uttered the sound of being drained.

The soul fire in the black skull eyes gradually dimmed, completely drained of power.

In a short while, the sturdy body turned into powder and dissipated in the world.

Obviously, the black skeleton is really dead, and it is not an opponent of Chaos Wood at all.

All around, fell into deathly silence.

The faces of the Shangguan Protoss were filled with great fear.

Such an old ancestor was dead in the hands of Chaos Mu, and the other party was too abnormal.

Worthy of being an ancient power, a mysterious existence before the birth of the fairy world.

They felt as if they were facing death.

If Chaos Wood shows off its power, there is no doubt that all of them will die.

In front of each other, they are too weak.

At the same time, they were also full of resentment towards Lin Han. The situation was good, but it was after Lin Han appeared that the black skeleton died.

This guy is really hateful.

Lin Han ignored them, with a palm of his hand, just put away the ancient banner.

This banner is made of unused animal skins, full of ancient meaning, and many complicated runes.

The right talent is the black skeleton, the chaotic wood suppressed with this banner, otherwise even the latter, at the critical moment of recent cultivation, can not exert all the power, it is enough to show the horror of this black banner.

Lin Han would naturally not let it go.

Looking at the banner, he couldn't help but grin. This is really a big gain.

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