War Emperor

Chapter 1707: Taixu

The power of the endless law is gushing, like stars exploding, filling the entire universe.

As soon as Lin Han came here, he felt tremendous mental pressure. He couldn't help but puff, and the soul spewed out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't bear it and was forced to go back.

"What kind of world is this?" Lin Han asked in amazement.

That kind of powerhouse is too terrifying, and each one has the power to destroy the world.

Ordinary characters in the Immortal Emperor Realm, in front of them, are like ants, and can be killed in one breath.

This makes him unbelievable.

The immortal emperor is already synonymous with supremacy in the world today.

It is hard to imagine that there will be so many strong people, so much better than them.

"This is an ancient battlefield, which has been at least three million years ago. At that time, there were many masters, and they were so dazzling, which is not what you can imagine." Chaos Mu replied.

The universe a million years ago was more prosperous than it is now.

Experts in the fairy ancestor realm are not particularly rare.

The current fairy ancestor, as long as one can appear, almost all can rule the universe.

It is precisely because of this level of battle, the spiritual coercion is too vast.

It is a strong temper for Lin Han.

As long as Lin Han's mental power can last for half an hour and break into the Taixu realm, it will be natural.

Lin Han smiled bitterly, this was really a kind of torture. Just going in for a while, he suffered serious injuries.

If you go in a few more times, the pain is beyond imagination.

But there is no way, who would have let him know that cultivation is not easy.

In the end, he only gritted his teeth fiercely, controlled his mental power again, and entered the ancient banner.


This time he insisted on three more seconds longer than before. He stayed for ten seconds in total. He couldn't bear it any more and he returned.

Then, he took some rejuvenating pills and entered again...

Fifteen seconds...

Twenty seconds...

Thirty seconds...

Time is increasing little by little.

In this way, about two months or so passed, he finally held on to half an hour.

At this time, the purple light in his heavenly spirit cover was prosperous, aura was lingering, and the mist was transpiring, as if it contained mysterious good fortune, with unlimited potential.

A prototype of the spiritual world appeared.

Very huge and strong!

Other characters in the Taixue Realm will be very fragile when they first enter.

Lin Han is more powerful than them.

If you are seen by them, you will be shocked, surprised, and envious!

"I succeeded, too virtual realm?" Finally, Lin Han stood up, with a gleaming radiance in his eyes, surprised.

He is now at least ten times stronger than before.

The divine power surging inside is like a vast ocean, unfathomable.

Every inch of cell is full of abundant power.

This is not a concept at all.

Now he has the spirit to block and kill the gods and Buddhas.

"Well, the embryonic form of your spiritual world, even the characters on the fourth and fifth levels of the Taixu realm may not be as strong as you." Chaos Mu smiled, which means that Lin Han's potential is higher.

In a battle at the same level, his rudimentary world will give opponents a more favorable blow.

This is a key indicator of the strength of the strong in the Taixu realm.

Lin Han smiled and nodded.

Next, he dropped his own space stone, many treasures, gave to King Jin, and then left again.

He also needs to return to the fairy world to increase his strength.

He got too many treasures in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Fires, Haoran Authentic Northern Mansion, and East Mansion, and they were enough to cause a **** storm in the fairy world.

Just hand it over to King Jin, the power of the dynasty will definitely increase.

He believes that the next time he returns to the dynasty, the dynasty will definitely increase again.


Xianfan Mountain!

This is five continents and four seas, a high mountain in the sacred land.

According to legend, it was connected to the immortal world in the very long time. At that time, it was ninety-nine thousand miles high. Even a mortal could enter the immortal world by climbing.

However, for some unknown reason, this mountain is broken and it is very difficult to enter the fairy world.

Chaos Wood told Lin Han that this is the most likely way to enter the fairy world today.

Therefore, Lin Han came.

He wanted to return to the fairy world, only in this way.

"Shenhuang Continent, it really is extraordinary."

Looking at this vast mountain and river, Lin Han couldn't help but sigh lightly.

Among the five continents and four seas, he has been to Hongzhou Continent, Lingxiao Continent, and Divine Beast Continent.

Only the West Niu Continent and the Shenhuang Continent, he has never set foot.

West Niu Continent is the birthplace of Buddhism. For Lin Han, there is not much attraction for sentient beings to believe in Buddhism.

Shenhuang Continent made him a little curious.

I finally saw it this time.

I saw that the sacred wilderness continent has very dense vegetation, and there are wild mountains everywhere, like an uncivilized area, a savage beast running between the earth, and some strange birds can be seen everywhere in the mountains, which seem to be very far away.

This kind of scene is almost invisible in Hongzhou and Lingxiao.

Lin Han didn't feel too nostalgic, just took a hurried look and came to Xianfan Mountain.

This mountain, even if it is broken, is very tall, standing on the ground, like an ancient giant.

Halfway up the mountain, it was surrounded by clouds and mist, revealing a misty atmosphere.

Lin Han walked all the way up.

This mountain is a forbidden place. It is said that in ancient times, people from the fairy world were guarded here, and people are not allowed to step into the fairy world at will.

Even after so many years, the guard would have died or left.

For the cultivators of the Shenhuang Continent, this place is still very mysterious.

There was once a mountain village boy from the Desolate Continent who came here without comment and got an amazing inheritance case, which is very legendary.

Lin Han walked for about four hours before finally reaching the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is a huge platform, as if it was cut off by a sword.

Above, faintly seeing the laws of the fairy world surging, it seems that there is still a prototype of a portal.

As long as you cross the portal, you can enter the fairyland.

Obviously, here can really lead to the fairy world!

Lin Han smiled, and was about to fly over now.

"Stop." However, at this moment, an ancient voice sounded.

Then, on a mountain wall, a "stone" moved unexpectedly and opened his eyes sharply.

Lin Han watched carefully and realized that this was a person.

I don't know how long he has been sitting here cross-legged, his body has long been turned into stone, full of wind and rain, very different.

"Are you an envoy guarding here to prevent mortals from entering the immortal world?" Lin Han asked.

The stone man stood up, the stone on his body cracked open, revealing the ancient body.

This is a tall and strong middle-aged man, wearing silver armor, holding a warrior in his hands.

The whole body is very powerful.

"Yes, I am Lord Wu Lang. I have been guarding this mountain for a hundred thousand years. Unexpectedly, someone would dare to trespass into Xianfan Mountain without permission. The younger boy, leave quickly, or die."

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