War Emperor

Chapter 1710: Kill the door

"Xiangui Immortal Emperor, how does it feel?" Lin Han sneered with a hint of joy in his heart.

The opponent appeared strongly at the beginning and regarded him as an ant, but now he is finally injured by him, and he has taken revenge.

"Asshole boy, if it weren't for the ancient banner, what would you be." Immortal Emperor Immortal was furious. It was a shame and shame to be hurt by Lin Han in front of so many people.

"It's my good fortune to get the banner. If you don't, you can't blame others."

Lin Lengchun smiled indifferently, a murderous intent in his eyes.

Today, no matter what, he is going to kill the fairy emperor.

Then, he also displayed the Void Gods and Demons, and together with the ancient banner to show off his power, suddenly there was a smell of chaos.

The terrible breath swelled.

There was a trace of despair in Immortal Guixian Emperor, and he exclaimed: "No..."

When Lin Han displayed the Celestial Suit and displayed two masterpieces, he felt a sense of incomparableness.

Finally, he displayed all the treasures of Xiangui Mountain, the measuring ruler.

But unfortunately, he still couldn't resist the power of the two ancient treasures.

The majestic strength smashed down, and the body of the fairy emperor began to split inch by inch, and endless blood overflowed.

Finally, with a bang, he finally exploded and died between heaven and earth.

In the void, there are visions of golden light falling, seeming to mourn the fall of an immortal emperor.

"Lin Han killed the Immortal Rule Immortal Emperor?"

There was a huge shock all around.

The immortal emperor, the immortal ruler, has been famous for hundreds of thousands of years.

Being beheaded by Lin Han in this way was too shocking.

Everyone felt as if the heart was pinched.

When the news spreads, it will inevitably cause a huge shock in the fairy world.

Lin Han's expression was incomparably indifferent, with long hair raging, and his heart was happy.

He finally reported his grudge.

He not only wanted to kill the Immortal Emperor, but also the patriarch of the Southern Emperor, the Immortal Emperor of Heaven, and the Immortal Emperor Wuliang.

These people beheaded his enemies of the people of the Guli dynasty, and he wants to return them one by one.

Right now, he jumped up and flew into the gate of the fairy world.


The Southern Royal Family is located in the Great Thousand Realm, a prosperous star.

This star is the Southern Emperor's Star!

Among them, the mountains are magnificent, the river is rushing, the ancient beasts roar, and the exotic birds are empty, full of vitality.


Lin Han wore a mad god's battle armor and a cloak of great blood inflammation, and came directly to this star.

"What is he doing?"

"Is it impossible to do something against the Southern Royal Family?"

Countless people are horrified.

Lin Han had already beheaded the immortal emperor, and he didn't want to keep his hands.

"Who is going to trespass to the Southern Royal Clan and find death?"

At this time, a large number of masters flew out of the Southern Royal Clan, and each of them was radiant and calm.

They warned Lin Han.

The Southern Emperor is a powerful place, and others are not allowed to step in at will.

Moreover, they also saw that Lin Han had some bad people.

"It's nothing, the people who destroyed your Southern Royal Family, today I announce that your Southern Royal Family will disappear in the universe." Lin Han said with a cold expression.

The Blood Cloud Sword in his hand was displayed, spreading a scary **** sword aura, making the sky bright red against the sky.

"So courageous, I think you are tired of living and crooked, dare to speak up here."

A big man in armor and a beard smiled angrily.

The Southern Royal Clan has been standing in the universe for so many years, and no one has ever come to daring to say such a thing.

Lin Han, a hairy boy, dare to do this. In his opinion, he really doesn't know how high the sky is.

"Stop talking nonsense, let the Southern Royal Clan chief come out." Lin cold yelled, and the blood cloud sword in his hand slashed out with a bang, and a brilliant sword aura exploded like a river of blood.

The soldiers of the southern royal family suddenly screamed, and their bodies fell from the sky like a radish that had been cut in half.

The incision was smooth and blood flowed long.

The bearded man was shocked, this young man really dared to kill here, so bold.

Then he shouted angrily: "Boy, today you are dead."

As a powerful force in the Great Thousand Realm, how could the Southern Royal Clan be so humiliated?


Right now, he took out a jet-black war knife and slashed it against Lin Han. The terrifying power caused a loud noise to be heard in the void, as if a certain order was touched, and the world was shaken.

The bearded man is also a great master of the Southern Royal Family, and his strength has reached the peak of the fifth floor of the Supreme Void Realm.

It can be said that in the Southern Royal Family, few people are his opponents.

"Humph!" However, Lin Han smiled coldly, without fear, his body shook, and with a bang, the blood cloud sword in his hand burst out with divine light like a rainbow, and the sword was cut away again.

Even Xiangui Xiandi is not his opponent, let alone a gatekeeper of the Southern Royal Family?


The black sword of the bearded man was instantly split in half.

Then there was a flash of blood, and the bearded man uttered a terrible scream, his head was slashed out, and the headless corpse was bleeding crazily.

Surrounded by absolute shock.

No one thought that Lin Han would be so strong.

Many of the soldiers of the Southern Royal Clan were so scared that their scalps became numb. Who on earth was this? It was really abnormal.

Some viewers were also shocked by Lin Han's spirit.

Lin Han was definitely the first person to come to the door in person in the Southern Royal Clan to kill.

"What happened?"

In the southern royal family, alarm bells sounded.

Then, countless high-ranking members of the Southern Royal Family appeared.

One by one, the whole body glowed, like a **** descending from the earth, full of a smell of disdain.

Several old people shouted coldly.

They are obviously strong veterans, with a terrifying aura.

After seeing Lin Han, he couldn't help frowning.

It is really rare for a young man to kill at the door of the Southern Royal Family holding a **** sword.

"Let the patriarch of the Southern Royal Family come out, otherwise I will bloodbath the entire Southern Royal Family today." Lin Han looked cold and indifferent, holding the blood cloud sword across his chest.

Several old people are furious, outrageous.

"Junior, it seems that you don't know how powerful my Southern Royal family is, so let you see and see now."

Several old people looked at each other, all shot, pointed out a finger, and killed Lin Han's head.

They are all veteran powerhouses, with great strength, and they shot together, and the whole star's Tao is in disorder.

However, Lin Han smiled coldly and didn't care at all. At the moment, his body shook, and nine ancient gods erupted from his body, each of which seemed to contain a universe.

Click! Click!

A few finger lights were all shocked into powder.

"What magical power is this?"

Several old people were dumbfounded for an instant, unable to believe their eyes.

This supernatural power is too terrifying.

It gave them the feeling that it was like the nine great figures who threw the sky and the earth, proud of the ancient Lingjin, blessed on the breath of Lin Han, giving them a smell of hairy and trembling all over.

In the **** map, there is still a terrifying space crack energy surging, which is even more daunting.

After all, the space crack is a very powerful force, even some super strong people must be afraid.

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