War Emperor

Chapter 1719: Longevity

Does he really have the opportunity to become an "immortal", standing proudly in the universe, overlooking hundreds of millions of years?

This is terrible, even the ancient characters in the fairy ancestor realm do not have this ability.

Lin Han's chance and luck were terrifying.

"The air of growth?" The Demon Emperor, Mo Ke, the King of Greed, and the Sky Sea Dragon King also changed color.

They understand what it means for a young man to possess the aura of eternal life. If the aura reaches a certain level, it is really very possible to become the number one immortal of the ages, and beyond.

At that time, the universe will be destroyed but I will not be destroyed, and time and space will collapse but I will not be destroyed.

This is the realm in the legend, even the fairy ancestors are pursuing.

This kind of symptom appeared in Lin Han, it was too shocking to hear.

"You must kill this kid!" Tianhai Dragon King gritted his teeth and said. This is almost a symbol of the Son of Destiny, must be killed, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Those who possess the aura of longevity can definitely make them look up to their future achievements.

Moko, Demon King, and King of Greed also nodded.

When Lin Han grows up, they will be ants.


At the moment, the attack of the four people increased a lot again, like a majestic star, to crush Lin Han.

Even if Lin Han volatilized the longevity energy, it could block the attack of the four, but it was limited after all.

Lin Han also felt a sense of pain and intolerance under the four people's unfailing blessing skills.

Just like his body, it will be crushed alive.

His meridian bones all showed signs of being unbearable.

This made him hate boundless in his heart, and he made up his mind that if he escaped this disaster, he would definitely make these four **** unhappy.

In order to kill him, so hard.

"Hong, what should I do now?" Lin Han could only ask for help.

On his own, it is impossible to resist.

"Communication with the ancient divine cauldron, which contains the will left by the ancestor of the Canggu Sword Mansion, as long as its awakening is used to help you through this disaster, it should not be a problem." Hong thought for a while and laughed.

If Lin Han is an ordinary person, naturally he does not have this ability.

However, he has longevity in his body now!

This is the king of all qi, even if it is a strong immortal ancestor, the artifacts left behind must be recognized under the qi of growth.

Therefore, it was not a problem for Lin Han to communicate with the ancient gods.

In the desolate ancient gods cauldron, there is the Patriarch of the Canggu Sword Mansion, and a lot of mana and will will surely be able to let the four of Moco drink a pot.

"Okay!" Lin Han nodded. Now that he found a way, he would naturally not back down. He concentrated on the moment, displayed the mental power in his mind, and began to search for the will of Patriarch in the ancient gods.

After searching in this way, one could find that the ancient **** cauldron was faintly glowing, and there was a taste of being slightly close to Lin Han.

"Boy, do you want to communicate with the ancient gods? Dreaming, such a strong treasure, how can you communicate?"

The four demon kings saw Lin Han's attempt and couldn't help but laugh.

This is a generation of strong immortal ancestors, left behind, it is impossible for ordinary people to communicate.


However, the next moment, a scene that caused the four of them to be in a daze appeared, only to see that under the mobilization of Lin Han's longevity, the light emitted by the ancient **** cauldron became more and more brilliant, like an awakened supreme artifact.

Its breath is merging with Lin Han.

Finally, in the heart of Lin Han's eyebrows, there really was a pattern of the ancient gods gleaming, as if he had become the master of the ancient gods.

"No, how is this possible? You really communicated with the ancient **** cauldron?" The four demon emperors shouted, dumbfounded.

This tripod, even a character of their level, is extremely difficult to communicate. There are only characters in the Taixu realm in the cold forest area, how did it do it.

This is incredible.

Thinking of the aura of longevity, they felt a twitch and understood.

The longevity qi is known as the king of all qi, and it seems reasonable for Lin Han to do this with the longevity qi.

This made them gritted their teeth, jealous of why Lin Han was so lucky.

"Yes, let you taste the taste of the ancient gods, right?" Lin Han opened his eyes with a boom, and couldn't help but sneer.

Under the nourishment and communication of the eternal aura, all his injuries have recovered.

Moreover, because the power of the longevity medicine was fully exerted in his body, his current realm was also greatly increased, reaching the fifth level of the Supreme Void Realm.

This kind of progress is not insignificant, even if the other four are characters in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, he has the confidence to contend.


Along with Lin Han's incomparable cold shout fell.

He urged the ancient divine cauldron to slam into the four people.

You know, the ancient **** cauldron is hundreds of thousands of miles long, huge and boundless, just like this, the momentum is beyond words.

Many people were horrified from ear to ear.

Coupled with Lin Han's incomparable strength, he was quite capable of destroying the stars.

Boom boom boom!

The attacks of the four demon kings disintegrated in an instant, and their majestic power shook them all spouting blood, making a scream, and flying out.

The body slammed into some big mountains, and the mountains collapsed, and the smoke rose.

They all looked painful and suffered heavy injuries.

Many people are shocked inexplicably.

The power of the ancient gods is too powerful.

"You four, all of you are going to die today." Lin Han stood up, like an ancient giant, holding a barren ancient **** cauldron in one hand, towering into the starry sky, saying indifferently.

With long hair flying, his eyes are as cold as electricity.

This style is like an eternal picture scroll, imprinted in the hearts of countless people.

The Demon Emperor and others were unwilling.

It was too disgusting, Lin Han really communicated the will in the ancient gods, which was too bad for them.

I feel like sinking into an abyss.

The Heavenly Sea Dragon King also looked bitter, and on the barren ancient divine cauldron, there was a huge and incomparable phantom, standing there, and the vast starry sky was trembling.

It was the appearance of an elderly Taoist leader, with deep eyes, eternal time flowing, and worlds evolving around his body, as if he could overlook the vast universe.

Aogu Lingjin!

This is exactly the will of the Patriarch of Canggu Sword Mansion!

On the ancient **** cauldron, after this momentum broke out, it was too powerful.

He was aware that the enormous pressure was hard to resist.

This time, I'm afraid they will be overwhelmed.

Indeed, Lin Han didn't have the slightest plan to keep his hands. These people actually wanted to kill him, and the crime was unforgivable.

Then, Lin Han carried the huge ancient divine cauldron and once again slew towards Demon Emperor Four-person Town.

The void is like an ocean, violently surging up, creating huge ripples one after another.

The mountains and rivers are broken and trembling in the void.

This blow was quite annihilating.

"Do not……"

Accompanied by the four demon emperor's screams, the ancient **** cauldron was finally completely killed.

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