War Emperor

Chapter 1722: Imprint of heaven

Even some elders couldn't help but deploy some formations to resist.

Otherwise, such an attack would be a disaster to all the living beings and people under the Tiandao Mountain.

However, Lin Han's expression remained as usual, and now his realm was completely stabilized, and the growth qi in his body could also be used by him to exert some power.

Relying on himself, he can contend with the characters in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm.

"Kill!" Lin Han spit out a fluttering sound of killing, this time he used the Bleeding Falling Emperor Sword, and he blasted away.

Above the sword light, there was also a milky white light, revealing a mysterious and ever-changing taste.

This is the Qi of Longevity, a very advanced power in the world, even if the ancestor level is strong, it must be studied.


When the two collided, Immortal Emperor Heaven's sword light instantly collapsed.

Then, Lin Han's sword light, like an overwhelming beast, unstoppable, rushed towards the Heavenly Emperor Immortal Emperor again.

Immortal Emperor Tiandao suddenly shrank his pupils and his face became bloodless.

Lin Han's swordsmanship was unexpectedly tyrannical.

There is also the legendary longevity.

His heart twitched, wondering if he was dreaming.

This kind of power, almost no one can grasp in ancient times.

Is he the legendary immortal?

Now his heart is full of terrible waves.

More despair!

Under the pressure of longevity, he has no way to survive!

Originally thought that if Lin Han dared to come to the door, he would definitely die.

Now I know that I am still careless.

The opponent's toughness cannot be judged by common sense.

In the end, in the horrified eyes of a crowd, everything ended.

Lin Han's sword light came transversely, splitting half of the head of the Heavenly Emperor Immortal Emperor into two instantly, spraying blood and brain.

The broken body shivered in the same place a few times before it fell straight down.

A generation of immortal emperors fell.

The children and elders of Tiandao Mountain are all very sad.

The people who watched are also hairy.

Lin Han's expression was plain, but he only smiled softly.

He finally avenged the enmity of many people of the Guli Dynasty.

"Lin Han, you have killed people, what do you want to do now?" At this time, an elder who knew Lin Han gritted his teeth.

Lin Han didn't leave, but took a divine sword and wandered around in Tiandao Mountain.

He sneered and said: "Now that the Immortal Emperor Tiandao is dead, this mountain is mine, you all get out of here, and I will be in charge of the Tiandao in the future!"

The other people in Tiandao Mountain were angry, Lin Han killed their head, and now he still holds the heaven to drive them away?

A boy, what **** is in charge, is he worthy?

"Why, do you think I don't have this ability?" Lin Han said, sitting on a stone with thorns.

All those people shrank their necks.

Lin Han is too strong, for fear of causing a murder.

In the end, some elders only smiled bitterly and left with many disciples.

The others are dumbfounded.

Lin Han is really awesome.

In this way, he became the lord of Tiandao Mountain, a model of my generation, a model of a master.

Tiandao Mountain has been in the Great Thousand Realm and has been passed on for hundreds of thousands of years, and would never have imagined that it would end their continuation.

Standing on a towering mountain cliff, Lin Han announced to the people of the entire Great Thousand Realm: "From now on, I will be the Lord of Tiandao Mountain, and the heavenly order here is my rule."

The reason why Tiandao Mountain can dominate a certain range of Tiandao is because there is a mark of Tiandao within this mountain!

As long as this imprint of the Heavenly Dao can be integrated, one can control the Heavenly Dao for thousands of light years.

Lin Han came to the most important place of Tiandao Mountain-Tiandao Hall.

He had already inquired about it, the imprint of heaven is here.


The dusty gate was kicked open by Lin Han.

Sawdust fluttered.

This gate weighed hundreds of billions of catties, but it still couldn't bear Lin Han's kick.

Inside the hall, the atmosphere is solemn.

Lin Han stood in it.

There are no objects around, everything is clean.

Only in the center of the temple, there is a stone platform, on the stone platform, there is a mark made of crystal.

On the imprint, there are wisps of heavenly power flowing.

Lin Han unfolded the time and space of the nine elephants, and put away the imprint of the heavenly path.

"Who is it that dare to touch the imprint of my Tiandao Mountain?" However, at this moment, a majestic voice sounded.

Then, the void wriggled for a while, unexpectedly there was a transparent and luminous figure of an old man appeared and stood in front of Lin Han.

The old man had an unfathomable smell.

"Who are you?" Lin Han asked. The old man was just a soul body, and the breath in his body was majestic. He felt unfathomable, and he must have been an unimaginable master during his lifetime.

"Hmph, I am the remnant soul of the ancestor of Tiandao Mountain. I have been guarding this hall for generations to take care of the Tiandao Mountain imprint. Junior, you are still in the midst of your breasts, trespassing into my Tiandao Mountain heavy ground, and you have a crooked mind about the Tiandao imprint. I'm so bold. The old man looked indifferent.

Lin Han smiled and said, "You are wrong."


"I didn't trespass, but came out openly, because I am now the master of Tiandao Mountain, and Tiandao Mountain was destroyed by me just now."

"What are you talking about, Tiandao Mountain, was destroyed by you, how is this possible?" The old man couldn't believe this fact.

How old is the young man in front of him, in his twenties, he has cultivated from his mother's womb and has limited achievements.

If he could destroy the Tiandao Mountain alone, he would not believe that he would be killed.

"I don't believe it, you see what this is?" Lin Han smiled faintly, and took out a token from his arms.

This is exactly the commander's order he found in the opponent's space ring after killing the Heavenly Emperor Immortal Emperor!

A token that only the heads of the past can have.

The old man kicked...After a few steps back, he finally believed it.

Oh my God, Tiandao Mountain is really destroyed, still by a boy...

This is too dreamy.

"Boy, you destroyed Tiandao Mountain, and I want you to bury him." Then, the old man turned into a ghost, with a scarlet light in his eyes, and he slaughtered Lin Han.

Tiandao Mountain, but his hard work.

After being passed down in the Great Thousand Realm for so many years, he was annihilated by others.

In his body, the aura that burst out came like a sea.

Even a wisp of remnant soul, the might it exerts, is also very powerful.

"I thought how much your kid is capable of. It turns out that it's just a small scum with only five layers of the Supreme Void Realm. Killing you is almost effortless." Seeing Lin Han's realm, the old man couldn't help laughing.

The fifth floor of the Taixu Realm is too weak.

Not to mention the peak period, even if he is now, a strand of remnant soul can be killed at will.

Lin Han looked indifferent, and his methods were not as simple as they were on the surface.

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