War Emperor

Chapter 1731: Farewell

Lin Han frowned, some coldness surged in his eyes, he didn't even know about this, but he became a pretender in the eyes of the other party.

At the moment, he shook his head and said: "I am not pretending to be. This is really in the treasure of time and space. The letter that the old man Tianji handed to me before his death. If you plan to deny this marriage, it does not matter. I have no plan to be with you. marriage."


After speaking, Lin Han turned and left.

There was an inexplicable extra marriage, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Besides, he and Yue'er never knew each other and would not marry her at will.

"You... just left?" Yue'er was taken aback. From her point of view, even if Lin Han is an impersonator, she should have a few more grounds to fight for, and she left decisively. , It's an insult.

Isn't she beautiful in moonlight?

If the other party said to leave, he didn't want to save it at all?

"Boy, who let you go, stop for me." Then, she ran over in a rage, stretched out her hands to stop Lin Han, her chest rising and falling, very attractive.

"Miss, what else?" Lin Han said indifferently.

"Boy, you don’t give this lady a little bit. It’s not easy. You take the old man’s marriage certificate like this, turn around and leave. If it spreads out, you think my Yue’er is so unbearable and unbearable. Would you like to marry." Yue'er sneered.

"Then what do you want?" Lin Han frowned.

"It's easy to say, kneel down to my Yue'er and say it three times loudly. Girl Yue'er looks like a fairy, you don't deserve to marry me, and then you can leave." Yue'er snorted.

"Presumptuous, nonsense!"

Some high-level members of the sacred fortune-telling gate all shouted in a deep voice.

Yue'er is clearly bullying.

Yue'er looked resolute and had no room to stop.

"What if I don't do it?" Lin Han said with cold eyes.

"Hey, don't do it, then I only have to test your ability. I want to marry my Yue'er, at least let me see how many brushes you have." There was a dangerous light flashing in her eyes, it was just a cover. The real purpose is to use force to make Lin Han yield.


After finishing speaking, she couldn't help but rushed over, slapped Lin Han's head with a palm, and the strong force caused a strong wind to rise in the square.

I have to say that she is indeed very powerful, and her strength has reached the level of the fourth level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm.

Even though the master of many big forces is not her opponent.

No wonder he is so arrogant with such strength at a young age.

However, Lin Han sneered. This strength was nothing in front of him.


At the moment, he squeezed his fist mark and hit it with a single punch. The majestic power was like a volcano erupting here.

Behind Lin Han, a huge phantom even rushed out, standing upright, like a god.

This is the manifestation of his spirit and spirit, making this punch more domineering.


After the fists and palms collided, there was a dull and loud noise, and then Yue'er was kicked and kicked by a violent force... After a few steps backwards, her face turned white, and she spouted a mouthful of blood.


Many people are surprised.

They originally wanted to see how extraordinary the juniors that the old man Tianji fancyed were.

I never thought that it would be better than Yue'er.

After all, Yue'er received the most superior training in their magical calculations, but Lin Han was just a young man who came to the fairy world, not even three years.

To top the sky, but also limited achievements.

It seems that Yue'er is not Lin Han's opponent at all.

They all have a feeling of **** in the day.

In more than two years, can you reach this step from a person who has just entered the fairy world?

This is too shocking.

If you give him time, how high his future achievements will be, think about making them feel numb.

The master of the fortune-telling gate couldn't help but smile, and the appreciation in Lin Han's eyes became more intense.

He sighed inwardly, the young man whom the old man of Tianji liked was really different and extraordinary.

He could still perceive that Lin Han's burst of strength was just the tip of the iceberg. If they were to be fully utilized, the surprise to them should be even greater.

However, Yue'er wouldn't be so defeated, so he could explore Lin Han more.

"Miss Yue'er, don't make mistakes, I don't want to fight with you." Lin said coldly.

There are too many masters here, and if he hurt Yue'er, it will only make things worse.

He just wanted to leave.

"You... want to be beautiful, today you can never leave without distinguishing yourself." Yue'er's pretty face flushed, and she was so spoiled in the sect of the fortune teller. No one of her age has ever let her suffer. Under the circumstances, being retreated by Lin Han with a punch, made her very shameless.

She couldn't help but snorted stubbornly, and then she didn't give Lin Han a chance to refute. With a move, she rushed again. This time, the aura that erupted from her body was even more vigorous, like carrying a huge impact.

After coming to the front, she said with a soft voice: "The immortal seal will be destroyed by the sea, kill me!"


I saw that in her palm, endless golden light burst out, like a big round ball, constantly shrinking.

Then, a big seal of one hundred feet long was formed.

Above the big seal, the power of runes is spread, and it is full of a grand taste.

It was as if this was an ancient golden mountain, directly overwhelmed, and the terrifying aura caused the square to vibrate, shaking constantly, as if it was about to collapse.

"I can't destroy the India?"

Some elders were stunned. This Nizi was really ruthless when she started. This is a very powerful fairy skill in the magical calculations. After training, it can shake the starry sky and break the galaxy with infinite power.

Yue'er has practiced this trick for at least a hundred years, and it can be regarded as one of her methods of pressing the bottom of the box.

On weekdays, it will only be displayed when you are discussing with some elder-level characters.

It's really a bit of a bully to show to a teenager who is much younger than her.

"Huh!" However, Lin Han's expression turned cold and wanted to bully him, but it was not so easy.

"Xuantian Great Seal, open it for me!"

At the moment, he drank coldly, put the Heavenly God suit on him, and the breath of the whole body immediately rose, becoming seven or eight times stronger than before.

Then, Lin Han flipped his hand and punched the Xuantian seal.

Above that, the exuberant Xuantian power is like the sea, fierce and mighty, and the momentum is vigorous and shaking the sky.

This is a very advanced power in the universe. With Lin Han's constant research, its power has become more and more powerful.

In addition, Lin Han is now displaying the Celestial Set, and the power is even more extraordinary.

Even though Yue'er's unbreakable seal is very strong, it is not Lin Han's opponent.


When the two collided, Yue'er's immortal seal collapsed instantly.

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