War Emperor

Chapter 1733: Master Taiyun

It's normal for these old guys in the door to want this son-in-law.

In the end, she gave a wry smile, and only said: "Everything is ordered by the master."

I thought to myself: "Lin Han, you stinky boy, don't you want to marry this young lady? This young lady just agreed to make you embarrassed. I see what you do."

At this moment of thought, she unexpectedly felt a sense of revenge for Lin Han, and she felt a little proud.

Lin Han twitched at the corner of his mouth. It was too fast to change his attention this month. Shicai was still dead, and he agreed now, which caught him by surprise.

"Look, Yue'er has already agreed, Lin Han, do you want to let a daughter's family faceless to see people in the future? Just agree to it. Yue'er's appearance in the Great Thousand Realm can be regarded as few people can match. This beautiful woman, marrying her, is also a man's blessing." The magical door smiled and patted Lin Han on the shoulder, like an old fox, trying to kidnap people.

Lin Han was indeed a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Impossible, I don't agree." However, at this moment, Lingxuan couldn't help but raised his head and said.

"You...Who are you?" Many people were puzzled.

"I am Miss Lingxuan from Canggu Sword Mansion, and my grandfather is "Master Taiyun". Lin Han and I are already married, so naturally he can't marry another person." Ling Xuan said.

"Master Taiyun's granddaughter?"

Some of the elders of the fortune-telling sect, all their faces changed drastically.

Master Taiyun has survived since ancient times for at least a million years.

The masters of the great forces in the Great Thousand Realm are all disciples and grandchildren before him.

The Canggu Sword Mansion was so famous in the Great Thousand Realm and the Eighteenth Realm of Immortal Realm because of this old guy who was in charge.

No one thought that he would see his granddaughter today.

"It turned out to be Miss Lingxuan, who was disrespectful before and looked at Haihan." The master of the divine calculation door arched his hands.

According to the seniority of the spiritual declaration, he must be considered by the same generation.

Master Taiyun, likes to travel the universe, no one dares to disrespect this little granddaughter.

"Miss Lingxuan, do you really have a marriage contract with Lin Han?" The master of the fortune-telling sect was somewhat disbelief.

"Of course, he is my future husband. Does this young lady still make fun of her fame?" Ling Xuan hugged Lin Han very intimately, and put his head on his chest.

She knew Lin Han's embarrassment, and only she came forward to stir up pornography.

Lin Han could see her thoughts and couldn't help being moved.

At the moment, I pushed the boat down the river and made some spiritual announcements, and smiled to the master of the fortune teller: "Yes, senior, I do already have a marriage contract. It is not convenient to marry again. Please forgive me."

The master of the divine calculation gate flashed a disappointment in his eyes.

Only a wry smile nodded.



Lin Han finally left the door of the fortune-telling, a cold sweat.

He originally thought that the letter from the old man Tianji was very important.

It was actually this.

He almost became the son-in-law of the fortune-telling gate, which made him feel dumbfounded.

"Lin Han, how do you thank me? Thanks to me this time. If it wasn't for me, hehe, you wouldn't be able to get out." Lingxuan said with a smile.

Lin Han touched Lingxuan, her pretty face, indeed she said thanks.

Lingxuan also made a great sacrifice for him.

However, he relaxed a lot when he thought that this little Nizi was so careless on weekdays. If it was an ordinary woman, his reputation would be ruined by him, and there was a real pressure in his heart.

"Lin Han, where are we going next?" Ling Xuan couldn't help but be at a loss as he looked ahead.

The Nine Wonders Realm is too far away from the Great Thousand Realm. Even if some characters who leave the Three Realms of the Immortal Emperor want to fly, it will take a long time.

They are on the way, too slow.

"Go to the Great Ancient City." Lin Han said, he had already inquired that there was a starry sky shuttle formation within the Great Ancient Great City. With this formation, they could reach the Nine Wonderland more quickly.

This city, on the edge of the Great Thousand Realm, is only about three days away from here.

"Well, I heard that the Great Ancient City is extremely lively. It is an ancient **** city in the Great Thousand Realm. There are many amazing legends. I also want to see it." Lingxuan laughed.

She came out this time, the most important thing is the purpose, is to see the outside world.

After all, the outside is very exciting, she has heard many elders say.

What's more, she felt at ease with Lin Han.

Lin Han nodded, touched Xiaolan's head, moved forward with Lingxuan, and flew away again.



When he was not flying away, there was a group of people behind him, watching him and Lingxuan leave.

"Miss Yue'er, should this be the case?" A woman looked at Lin Han, her eyes full of resentment. It is Yue'er.

"Huh, how could it be possible? I was inconvenient in the door before. He dared to offend me. I won't let him have good fruit." Yue'er snorted and smashed a meteorite with one palm. Being humiliated by Lin Han, she absolutely couldn't swallow this breath.

"Miss Yue'er, let's rush over and fix him fiercely. Don't worry, even if this kid is extraordinary, he is not our opponent. Fixing him is too easy." Several young people laughed. Tao.

They are all true geniuses in the Divine Mathematical Sect.

Yue'er was their goddess and was insulted by Lin Han. After they learned, they couldn't swallow this breath.

"Don't worry, they haven't gotten too far away from Divine Mathematical Star. If they are known by the elders of our clan, they will punish us again. When we go further, we will take action." Yue'er laughed dangerously.

Those young people also agreed.

The elders in the clan are very powerful, and within a single thought, they are familiar with things within a radius of tens of millions of miles.

It was indeed not safe to attack Lin Han at the gate of Shenmaxing Star.

This time, they both made up their minds to perform well in front of Yue'er.

Only in this way can Yue'er be happy, and maybe they will have the opportunity to embrace the beautiful woman.

A young man among them sneered and said, "Lin Han, Lin Han, I don’t know if your kid’s brain is broken, Yue’er is so beautiful, and you don’t agree with the marriage master, so we can only step on you. , Won Yue'er's heart."


In the other direction, behind a huge meteorite, a group of people were also watching Lin Han's back.

Among them was a soldier in black, who reported to a man of great dignity: "My son, that is Lin Han!"

Men are like dragons and phoenixes among people, with an attitude of disregarding everything and not putting everything in their eyes.

The fluctuations in the body were very strong, and naturally spread out, causing some soldiers with extraordinary strength nearby to be frightened and respectful.

He is Aotian!

He was very angry when he was rejected by Shangguan Protoss, and attributed this resentment to Lin Han.

If it weren't for Lin Han, Xi Yun would have taken care of Xi Yun first, and Xi Yun would not disagree with him.

Therefore, after leaving Shangguan Protoss, he came to Lin Han.

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