War Emperor

Chapter 1735: Angry

Lingxuan smiled, feeling Xiaolan let out a sigh of relief.

Yue'er was even more enraged and gritted her teeth and said: "A flat-haired beast, dare to hurt this lady, see this lady, today you will not pluck out your hair and stew it into a pot of bird soup."


The sky spirit cover glowed, and the Xiaguang mirror was displayed by her. This is an item on the artifact list, with great power.

Next, the Xiaguang mirror became powerful, and Xiaolan was no match for him. He was confined within an aperture and could not move.

Yue'er smiled viciously and really plucked Xiaolan's hair. After a while, Xiaolan was bald in some places, revealing **** skin, which was terrible.

"Miss Yue'er, you are too bastard, you have the ability to come to me, don't abuse Xiaolan." Ling declared.

"Okay, this lady will do you well, and let you go to **** directly." Yue'er sneered and stopped keeping her hands.

The Xiaguang mirror shot a killing light, covering Lingxuan and Xiaolan.

If it really landed, Lingxuan and Xiaolan would definitely die.

They couldn't help but feel a look of despair in their hearts.

Yue'er was very cheerful, thinking to herself: Lin Han, Lin Han, if you humiliate me, I will kill the closest person next to you first. When you know, I want to see how painful you are.

"Bastard, you are looking for death." At this moment, a big shout spread, and Lin Han finally woke up in the cave, with a boom, his whole body glowed, and the cave was directly blasted open.

Then, he rose like a round of scorching sun, and his whole body glowed with incomparable glory, rising into the air.


With a punch, the beast roars.

Yue'er was suddenly blown out with a punch, coughing up blood, and her chest collapsed.

"How is this possible, your strength has increased again?" She was a little shocked and amazed.

Lin Han's aura was incomparably surging now, and he had reached the stage of the ninth level of the Supreme Void Realm, which surprised her and was somewhat unacceptable.

You know, Lin Han could defeat her before, let alone now.

She was a little afraid.

"Yes, Yue'er, you must die today, and no one can save you." Lin Han's eyes were cold, and he knew everything outside.

Seeing the torn clothes on Lingxuan's body and the plucked hair of Xiaolan, the anger in his heart has risen to the extreme.

"Hmph, just because you are worthy to say this sentence, you don't look at it, are you qualified?" At this moment, the purple-clothed man sneered and walked out.

The golden lion beast under him is extremely energetic, and a slight shock can cause the starry sky to collapse.

A pair of eyes, like two stars, are bright and frightening.

This is a powerful monster.

The willingness to be tamed by the man in purple shows how powerful the man in purple is.

"Who are you?" Lin Han frowned. The other party was not simple. His strength had reached the peak of the sixth level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, which was far more powerful than Yue'er.

Even the master of some big powers is far from an opponent.

"My name is Zhao Youfeng and Lin Han. It is your honor to die in my hands today. I am the most outstanding genius in the sect of fortune," the man in purple said indifferently.

"watch out!"

He didn't say much nonsense, took out a purple war spear, shot directly, and slammed towards Lin Han.

A terrible light, like a volcano, erupted here.

The attack of the man in purple is very sharp.

Lin Han felt a little pain in his skin.

However, a sneered smile cracked at the corner of Lin Han's mouth.

At the 9th level of the Supreme Void Realm, even a figure at the top of the 6th floor of the Heavenly Void Realm, he can completely contend.

"Jiuxiang Time and Space, give it to me, kill!"

At the moment, Lin Han directly displayed his powerful supernatural powers.

Nine ancient images of gods emerged, like nine vast universes.

The attack of the purple-clothed man disintegrated instantly.

Then, the nine elephants cycled in time and space, bursting out an unmatched general trend, the purple-clothed man was immediately shaken and exited, a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What magical power is this?" Zhao Youfeng said in shock.

Lin Han's realm was far behind him.

With a magical power, it was incredible to be able to shock him back.

And the time and space of nine elephants also made him very scared.

Lin Han bears nine vast stars on his back, with unparalleled pressure.

Yue'er was also in a daze. It turned out that Lin Han still had these methods, which were too powerful.

She also felt that the time and space of the nine elephants was very strong, and when the town was killed, she was likely to be instantly crushed like an ant.

This made her fear of Lin Han stronger.

"The magical power that wants your life, let's get on the road." Lin Han's long hair was flying, his eyes were as cold as electricity, and he said every word.

Taking out the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, directly slashed towards Zhao Youfeng with a sword.

"No..." Zhao Youfeng shouted, taking out an ancient shield to block him.

The aura of the Xueluo Emperor Sword scared him and dared not keep it.

This ancient shield is a treasure, and he rarely displays it.

At this moment, the ancient shield was shining with indefinite rune power, as if it could block a large degree of attack.


Unfortunately, Emperor Xueluo's sword was extremely sharp and invincible.

Cut off with a sword, the ancient shield was instantly cut in half with a smooth fracture.

Then, the sword light flashed, and with a pop, Zhao Youfeng's head was cut in half, and the blood and brain plasma poured out like a fountain.

The sword strength is very strong, so that his body will break directly into blood mist.

Even the golden lion under him wailed, disintegrated and exploded on the spot.

Lin Han now has a sword, with the power of the weeping ghosts and gods, and the aftermath of the light is not such a strange beast, which can be resisted.

"It's over..."

Some of the other geniuses in the fortune-telling are all hairy, oh my god, is this still a person? It's horrible.

Zhao Youfeng died in his hands.

In their eyes, Lin Han was no less than an invincible killer, unable to resist.

Yue'er is also swishing cold.

She originally thought that with so many geniuses, she would have no effort to win Lin Han.

Only now did I know that Lin Han was scarier than she had imagined.

At this moment, being stared at by Lin Han, she felt as if she was being watched by a peerless beast, cold sweat dripping down her forehead like rain.

"Kneel down and apologize." Lin Lenglin said indifferently.


Yue'er was completely involuntary, and she knelt down in shock.

"And you." Lin Han's eyes were electric, and he glanced at other geniuses.

Those geniuses all knelt down, as if death was talking to them and had to kneel.

"When I go to the gate of the fortune-telling, I am considered respectful to you. You have treated me like this. There is nothing to say. Go and die." Lin Han said coldly.

Turning the palm of his hand, the Blood Falling Emperor's Sword drew a terrifying sword light, and he was about to kill Yue'er and the geniuses present.

They all looked bitter.

This time, it really hit the iron plate.

They are really going to die.

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