War Emperor

Chapter 1740: killed

"Who are you, there is no place for you to speak here, get out?" Zheng Wei shouted a little angry.

Although Lingxuan was very beautiful, he had noticed it a long time ago, but he could see that Lingxuan and Lin Han had a good relationship.

Looking down on Lin Han in this way, he also wanted to show his intentions in front of Lingxuan and Mu Qiqi.

"I...I'm your aunt's grandmother, you are so arrogant, we just can't bear it, we join the team, and are not obedient to you, why should we accept your orders." Ling Xuan was not angry.

Zheng Wei was angry, okay, this woman dared to toast and not drink fine wine.

With a grinning smile: "Since you are looking for a cut, I will fulfill you. It seems that if you don't show my strength, you don't know how powerful this young hall master is."


After speaking, he slapped Ling Xuan in the face.

The speed was too fast, like a flash of lightning, even Lingxuan did not react.


A clear five-fingerprint appeared on Ling Xuan Qiao's face.

Many members felt distressed, and the spirit announcement came. Many members secretly liked it.

Being slapped in this way, Zheng Wei shot too hard.

"You..." Lingxuan was about to cry aggrieved while covering his face.

She had never been beaten like this before.

Lin Han's face also cooled, causing the temperature nearby to drop rapidly, like a twelfth lunar winter, extremely cold.

"You're looking for death, apologize to me." Lin Han stared at Zheng Wei firmly, looking like a dead person.

"Haha, just rely on you? I just don't apologize, what can you do with me." Zheng Wei laughed, and did not put Lin Han in his eyes. In his opinion, Lin Han is a nasty kid. He can be pinched to death in minutes.

Even if he could defeat Zhao Zhu, he would still be far behind.

"Then you have no need to live." Lin said coldly, and then slapped Zheng Wei's face with a palm, with greater force, and there was a gust of wind around him. If this palm hits, even Zheng Wei's head is made of iron, and it will inevitably burst and cannot be opened.

"Hmph, dare to do it to me, and don't know what you can do." Zheng Wei sneered, completely disregarded. He has reached the seventh level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm. Lin Han hasn't reached this realm yet, and he is far behind him.

Right now, his palm glowed, like an ancient shield, blocking his face, he was about to block Lin Han's slap.

The light on the palm of the hand also brought a rebound.

After the collision, Lin Han will inevitably be shocked by a mighty force.

He could already imagine the scene where Lin Han flew out like a dead dog.


However, in the next moment, a scene that made him startled, Lin Han's palms slammed into his palms.

His hand was immediately like a fragile firewood, and was immediately discounted.

Then, Lin Han slapped his face fiercely, making an extremely loud sound.

The tremendous strength made Zheng Wei also let out a scream like a pig, which was extremely loud.

"Ah, why, how could it be like this." He was terrified and furious. Lin Han's power was too strong. He felt like an ancient tyrannosaurus. When he slapped him, his head was buzzing and his standing was unstable.

Before that, he would never believe that a person with only the 9th floor of the Supreme Void Realm could hurt him like this.

If it weren't for his palm to resist most of the strength, his current head would probably be broken by Lin Han.

"Apologize to me." Lin Lianlin smiled, and said, squeezing Zheng Wei's throat.

The five fingers used force, click, click, and there was a sound of bone frustration. As long as he applied a little more force, he would definitely break Zheng Wei's neck.

Zheng Wei's eyes were almost protruding, and his face flushed.

In the end, he knelt down with a puff, and preached to the spirit: "I was wrong, this lady, I just didn't know Taishan, please forgive me."

He was very scared, and Lin Han felt too frightening for him.

If he doesn't do it, he will definitely die.

The people in the Hunting Wind Team were in a daze, and the distinguished Zheng Wei was just like that.

Still being a teenager.

"Keng." Lingxuan suffocated his stomach and directly took out a sword, the cold light flickered, and he was about to kill Zheng Wei.

She has always been arrogant and naturally can't stand being slapped by others.

"What are you doing, let go of our young master."

"Want to kill our young master, bold."

At this moment, there were many guards beside Zheng Wei, who were all masters. None of them reacted to Shi Cai, and Zheng Wei was taken by Lin Han.

At this moment, they were all angry, it was impossible to watch Ling Xuan general Zheng Wei kill.

Then rushed over, the weapon in his hand exuded a terrible kill.

The people in the Hunting Wind Team are all a little hairy.

As the young hall master of the Great Evil Hall, Zheng Wei, the guards around him are all extremely powerful beings.

Lin Han is going to be bad if he wants to shoot like this.

"There is no doubt that he will die today, and you can't stop it." However, Lin Han's expression was cold and he was not afraid at all. Lingxuan wanted to kill Zheng Wei.

These guards, he alone is enough to resist.

"Nine Elephant Time and Space, obliterate me."

At the moment, he drank heavily, and nine ancient gods appeared, like nine huge stars, all of the guards were enveloped all at once.

Then, the nine gods rotated, and the grand aura burst out. The guards, all like tiles squeezed into pieces, died tragically on the spot and turned into blood.

There was no accident, Lin Han's Nine Elephants Time and Space, the current lethality is too strong, these guards, even if they are extraordinary, are not opponents.

Song Yun and Mu Qiqi both looked shocked.

Only now did they know that Lin Han's strength was much stronger than they thought.

This guy is like a young invincible God of War.

"Lingxuan, kill him." Lin Han said lightly.

Lingxuan nodded, and the iron sword in his hand swept away, drew a terrible sword light, and swept toward Zheng Wei's neck.

Zheng Wei's face turned pale, and he was desperate.

If he knew that Lin Han was so powerful, he shouldn't provoke him.

This made him feel a deep regret in his heart.


Finally, with the spray of blood, Zheng Wei's head was instantly smashed out. The headless corpse, the blood gushing up high, then fell into a pool of blood and lost his life.

"Let's keep going." Lin Han smiled at Song Yun and others.

The people in the Hunting Wind Squad were all in awe of Lin Han.

If they thought that Lin Han was a unique boy before, they didn't pay much attention to it.

Now they have changed their minds. This is the top player of the team.

It is estimated that Song Yun is not an opponent.


At this moment, in the Great Ancient City, the Great Evil Hall Master, Zheng Xiong was cultivating, and his exhales and breaths made the stars dim. If he could absorb the divine power of the heavens, his aura would be terrifying.

Some subordinates reported: "Hall Master Qi, it's not good, Young Hall Master's soul card has been shattered... It is very likely, dead!"

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