War Emperor

Chapter 1746: Zheng Xiong is here

Lin Han's strength is too strong, and these people can't compete.

"This..." Song Yun was a little embarrassed.

Really, they really can't ask for anything, after all, they have seen Lin Han make a move.

"Okay, declare the spirit to him and let him go." At this moment, Mu Qiqi's face was cold, she stood up and said.

She seemed to have given up her mind to Lin Han and said, "Lin Han, no one has ever rejected me like this. You are the first one, and you will regret it."

Someone from the side brought Ling Xuan over.

She has also woken up, tied with a rope, and has lost the ability to move.

Lin Han was relieved to see that she was okay.

"Farewell." In the end, Lin Han didn't tell them much, and left with Ling Xuan directly. He had turned his face and had nothing to say.

Song Yun and the others were a little embarrassed, but after some planning, they broke up unhappy.

"Lin Han, kid, get out of here, I want your life." Suddenly, a big shout spread, and the trembling mountains and forests were shaking, and then a group of people flew in.

The leader is a middle-aged man, all over his body, erupting like a sea like a sea, the whole person stands in the air, like a **** descending to the earth.

There is boundless killing intent in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Lin Han found him before he walked far, frowning.

"I am the hall master of the Great Evil Hall, Zheng Xiong, boy, you are Lin Han, right? The one who killed my son Zheng Wei, was it you?" Zheng Xiong looked extremely cold.

Song Yun and Mu Qiqi couldn't help but cried out, Lin Han is in trouble.

"Yes, it's me, what do you want." Lin Han smiled.

"Hahahaha..." Zheng Xiong burst into laughter, his teeth were almost broken, and said: "You killed my son and asked me what I wanted. Naturally, I want you to rub your bones and bury you for my son. Cut this kid into mash for me."

At the moment, he waved.

"Yes!" The masters of the evil hall behind them all showed a cruel look, sacrificed magic weapons, and killed Lin Hanzhen.

The Great Evil Hall is in Taikoo Giant City, doing power and blessing. For so many years, no one has dared to kill their people.

It was a shame and shame that the young hall master was killed by this kid.

They all felt that Lin Han was already dead.

These people are indeed very strong, each of them is in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm.

There were at least twenty people who shot together, smashed majesticly, and smashed together, full of an unbreakable, demeanor of all things.

However, Lin Chong smiled, his body shook, and the celestial suit was worn by him. The slender armor set off his figure with incomparable magic.

Then, he took out the ancient banner and shook it vigorously, rumbling... the entire forest, instantaneous dark clouds rolled, lightning and thunder, as if an ancient battlefield emerged.

The vast breath collapsed, and the magic weapons of those people were all turned into powder.

And the reaction force also shook them, and they wailed one after another and flew out.

"The ancient flag of Shangguan God Race is actually in your hand." Zheng Xiong's expression changed, shocked.

This ancient banner was created by intercepting a certain earth-shaking battle in the ancient times. Once waved, it can be called earth-shaking. Even among the Shangguan Protoss, it is also a rare treasure. This thing actually fell into Lin Han's hands. , Let him unexpectedly.

This is not overwhelming, an ant gets a peerless sword.

"Boy, hand over the ancient banner." Then, he laughed, put a big hand toward Lin Han, and grabbed it.

This is a rare treasure in the world. Even if he is the master of the big evil hall, he will not get it in his lifetime. He is so happy to appear in front of him. If he masters it later, his combat power will definitely increase. .

At that time, why should he stay in a small ancient giant city, the eighteenth realm of immortality, he can soar at will.

Naturally, Lin Han would not sit still, the ancient banner in his hand was shaken, and endless black light burst out, trying to shatter the big hand.

It is a pity that Zheng Xiong's strength is too strong. Even if Lin Han has the ancient banner, he is not an opponent. He was directly blown out, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

"Lin Han..." Ling Xuan's pretty face changed, worried.

Zheng Xiong is so murderous, if Lin Han can't resist it, they are all in danger today.

"The light of the ants shines too? Boy, my strength is not what you can imagine, let me accept my fate with peace of mind." Zheng Xiong sneered, and was a little shocked in his heart. He has been practicing for tens of thousands of years before he reached this point. How old is Lin Han? He was in his twenties, and he was able to explode the power that was about to threaten him. It was really an eternal evildoer. He must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise, he would definitely be a confidant.

At this point, he no longer kept his hand, pointed a finger again, and killed Lin Han's Tianling Gai.

This finger is even more majestic, like a thick divine light, from above the nine heavens, blasting down.

The vastness of the momentum brought the earth to the edge of cracking.

The corner of Lingxuan's mouth was squeezed, a paleness appeared on his face, and he stopped in front of Lin Han with a touch of death.

Xiao Lan also squeaked, bursting out of her own blood, and flew in front of Lin Han.

"You two get out of the way..." Lin Han's eyes were splitting, and he didn't expect that Lingxuan and Xiaolan would be so disregarded for their lives, sad and heartwarming.

Lingxuan didn't move away, just looking at Lin Han, a soft smile appeared in his beautiful eyes.

Like a flower that is about to wither.

"Block it for me." Under Lin Han's grief, he almost burst out of unprecedented potential, struggling to display the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, blocking one person and one bird.

He had suffered a very serious injury from the start, and he used the prehistoric sword-forging furnace to consume more, his face was pale and there was no blood, and his body was shaking.

But now he can't control so much, he must save Lingxuan and Xiaolan.


A loud noise spread, Honghuang Sword-forging Furnace is worthy of being the treasure of the fairy world, blocking Zheng Xiong’s fierce attack, but there is still a strong counter-shock force attacking, so that Xiaolan and Lingxuan are all shaken out. The breath was so sluggish that he almost died.

Lin Han was also full of bones, and was about to fall apart.


Zheng Xiong was also uncomfortable, his face paler, and a mouthful of blood spilled from his mouth.

"I was actually injured. I was injured by an ant?" He couldn't believe it. He had to know that he had escaped from the three realms of Emperor Immortal and reached another realm. Lin Han could hurt him. It was really an ant that bit the dragon. .

Then, he looked at the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, his eyes burst out with boundless fiery color.

Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace is the most precious treasure in the fairy world.

His enthusiasm for it is even greater than that of the ancient banner.

In the prehistoric sword-forging furnace, if there is a boundless aura and charm, it will have shocking benefits if you gain insight.

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