War Emperor

Chapter 1752: Buddhism

"What's the matter? His golden light can corrupt the old hall master?"

Many people are shocked.

It seems that what Lin Han is performing here is the Buddhism middle technique, and his rank should not be low.

But not so much restraint on the old hall master.

Now the old hall master, like encountering a nemesis, his whole person is about to melt.

"No... this is the mighty heavenly dragon magical skill, you kid, how can you be the mighty heavenly dragon magical skill?"

The old hall master's face also changed drastically, like a mouse seeing a cat, his voice was sharp, and he shouted.

Dawei Tianlong divine art is the supreme mental method of Buddhism, and it is not weaker than Daburn Prajna.

The many eminent monks in the Buddhist realm of the past dynasties are also very rare. Lin Han has learned that, in his opinion, it is like **** in the day, very unrealistic.

At the same time, what makes him even more uncomfortable is that the reason why he can survive is not because his strength and lifespan increase.

It was because he had once accidentally obtained a magic way, secretly absorbing the blood of many people, so he could live for a few more decades. Lin Han's mighty heavenly dragon divine art would restrain him so much.

In fact, Lin Han dared to come forward because he saw that the old hall master was practicing the magic way.

Otherwise, he is really hard to deal with a person who is really good at the three-level one-level realm.

At the moment, he sneered: "Old Hall Master, are you taking it now? If you don't agree, lend the Starry Sky Teleportation Array to me, don't blame me for being polite and let you die!"

The voice is majestic.

The old hall master gritted his teeth fiercely and said, "Don't think about it, even if I die today, I will let you, a child, be buried with me."

Right now, he roared, condensing all the power in his body, and smashed to Lin Han with one claw.

The terrifying momentum caused the void to fall into a great shock.

Lin Han shook his head and murmured stubbornly. The sign of his hand changed immediately, and a dragon chant erupted from his body, and a golden dragon rushed away.

This is the Dawei Tianlong, condensed by Dharma, powerful and powerful.


Accompanied by a earth-shattering explosion sounded.

The old hall master's body was directly exploded in place, and endless blood mist was sprayed, and then the flesh and blood were purified.

The wind blew, and he left nothing in the air.

There was silence all around.

Many people are dumbfounded.

The old hall master died just like that, and was killed by Lin Han with a powerful Buddhist technique.

Too shocking.

Lin Han didn't care about anything, the other party's practice of the magic way continued his life and met him, and he could only say that he was unlucky.

Next, he searched in the big evil hall, and he saw the Star Teleportation Array.

This is a lake in the big evil hall. Around the lake, there are four thick pillars, each of which is thousands of meters high, covered with dense and cumbersome runes.

The four pillars are arranged in a direction like an array.

"This is the Star Teleportation Array."

Lin Han smiled lightly, he could tell at a glance with his understanding of the formation.

Can transport people over long distances.

"But how to open it?" Lingxuan asked.

This formation is too cumbersome, and it feels like there is no way to start.

Lin Han frowned, and didn't know how to start the Star Teleportation Array.

"Lin Han, even if you find the Starry Sky Teleportation Array, it can't be turned on, you still can't perform the Starry Sky Teleportation."

At this time, some high-level officials in the Great Evil Hall couldn't help but grinned.

"Hmph, do you think a starry sky teleportation array can stump me?" Lin Han couldn't help but sneered after watching it.

Using himself, he can still start this array.

"Lin Han, don't waste your efforts. Only the old hall master and Zheng Xiong know how to open the formation. Otherwise, even if the formation master comes, it won't help. If you mess up, you will just ask for trouble." Those high-level leaders are cold and cold. Tao.

There were also masters of formations who had studied, without exception, they were unsuccessful, and they were even severely injured by vomiting blood.

Lin Han is also starting to play tricks now, in their view, naturally will be robbed, they look forward to it.


However, just as they thought of this, the next moment, a scene that made them dumbfounded appeared.

With a buzzing sound, Lin Han, after studying on the four pillars for a long time, suddenly pinched a cumbersome seal in his hand, connected the four pillars together, and in an instant, the four pillars emitted a monstrous light. , Like the four sleeping behemoths recovering.

The four pillars, trembling lightly, were about to build a huge starry sky teleportation array.

"No, how is this possible, how do you know the law of opening."

Those high-levels, all like a ghost, sat on the ground, staring, and said in amazement.

This is incredible, is Lin Han's formation skills higher than those of the formation masters?

Just look at it for a while, and you can sum up the method to open the formation.

The eyesight is simply shocking.

"You don't know my abilities, there are too many." Lin Lian Lian smiled.

With his understanding, coupled with Hong's teaching, his attainments in formations are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Looking at the runes on the pillars, he deduced a little and knew how to move them.

"Goodbye, Great Thousand Realm..." Finally, Lin Han glanced at the bright starry sky, whispered in his mouth, and then pulled Lingxuan into the bright array light gate.

Not long after, Guanghua flashed, and they disappeared in place.

Everyone sighed and knew that his legend would not go out in the Great Thousand Realm.

This is a young man who admires the older generations.



Lin Han, Lingxuan, and Xiaolan stayed within the space channel for ten days before finally flying out.

This is a strange world.

Between the heaven and the earth, the mountains are continuous, the old trees are towering, the lakes are clear, and the rivers are rushing, full of a primitive and magnificent taste.

In the sky there is also a pterosaur, a bird that resembles a three-legged golden crow, soaring, looking alive.

"where is this?"

Lingxuan looked around curiously.

Lin Han also muttered to himself: "At the beginning of the Space Teleportation Array, the position I adjusted was the Nine Immortal Star in the Nine Wonders. If nothing went wrong, it should be the Nine Immortal Star..."

Nine Fairies Star, the central star of Nine Fairies, is prosperous and bright, and has the most prosperous civilization.

The most obvious sign is that there are nine stars in the sky, arranged in a row, even during the day.

Lin Han looked up and found that there were nine big stars in the sky. Then he smiled relieved, he didn't make a mistake, he had indeed reached the Jiuxian Star.

Mother okay?

Where is the father...

He smelled the air in the sky, and he seemed to be able to feel the smell of his mother and father, kind of kind.

"Hey, get out of the way, you two don't get in the way." At this moment, an arrogant voice came from behind.

A group of teams came from this ancient mountain road.

Everyone in this group was riding a mammoth the size of a low mountain. When they came, they rumbling and shaking the ground.

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