War Emperor

Chapter 1763: Third pass

"Earth-level pinnacle?" Su Hao was also shocked instantly, a touch of astonishment covering his face.

He was trained in the family since he was a child, and after very rigorous and hard training, he reached the pinnacle of the human level and looked down upon the juniors of the Nine Wonders.

How could Lin Han, a mountain boy, reach the pinnacle of the prefecture level?

He felt incredible like the sky fell.

The heart is beating crazy.

Zhao Cunshan and Zhao Lao also had a touch of shock in their eyes, even if it was them, they did not have the spiritual power of the pinnacle of the earth.

How could Lin Han's mental power be so abnormal?

Is this still a teenager?

Some people have practiced for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Too freak.

Zhao Mengjie's heart also set off waves, looking at Lin Han with curiosity.

If it weren't for bone age, Lin Han was really only a teenager in her twenties. She really doubted whether this was an old monster.

God, it's horrible to cultivate spiritual power to this point in his twenties.

Lin Mo and Lin Yao'er were also full of ecstasy, they didn't expect Lin Han to give him such a big surprise.

Lin Cong sat down on the ground, a panic of fear.

Only now did he know how tough Lin Han was.

If the spiritual power of the pinnacle of the earth level is displayed, if you deal with him, he will die without moving.

"Su Hao, I won again." Lin Han smiled lightly and said to Su Hao.

Su Hao's face flushed, full of iron blue, and felt uncomfortable.

Take a hit.

"Hand over the Primordial Spirit Pill." Lin Han said.

Su Hao didn't speak, but handed it to Lin Han.

He gritted his teeth tightly and said: "It doesn't matter, there is a third level, I will definitely beat you."

Lin Han didn't care at all.

Next, the competition continued, reaching the target from the previous two hundred people, and only a handful of more than twenty people remained.

These twenty-odd people are all elites.

Some people can't be named, obviously they are relatively low-key masters.

There are more than 20 of them standing on the high platform, like more than 20 monuments of the younger generation, receiving the awe of many people's eyes.

"Well, this third level, you must have guessed it, it is the battle of the ring, no matter how strong the body, willpower, and mental power you have, the final credit is to the battle."

"Only people with strong combat power can beat the heroes."

"In the third level, you can challenge at will. Whoever has defeated enough players and strong enough is the champion. Let's start now."

Zhao Cunshan smiled lightly.

The atmosphere in the square instantly became hot.

Compared with previous tests, real gun combat is indeed the most exciting.

"Hahahaha, Lin Bing, I've finally waited until this moment, come on, I will tear you to pieces, and I will return all the pills I lost to you." Su Hao gritted his teeth and laughed fiercely. .


He jumped to the center of the ring, with a strong aura, so that the ring was cracked with clear gaps.

His eyes are like electricity, sweeping the square, his hair is flying, full of domineering spirit.

Many people are nervous, knowing that there will be a fierce battle.

With the hatred produced by Su Hao and Lin Han, the two of them are likely to be immortal.

Everyone also stared wide-eyed and looked at him curiously, whether this wild boy could really perform miracles and perform unexpectedly.

"You'd better think carefully, you may not be my opponent." Lin Han said lightly.

The long posture stood there, like a javelin.

"Isn't your opponent? Your kid's mind is flooded. I have reached the level of the seventh level of the One Elemental Realm. An ordinary One Elemental Realm powerhouse is like an ant in front of me. Within, I can kill you."

Su Hao sneered, blooming with a powerful aura, it was indeed the seventh level of the One Element Realm, extremely strong, like a big mountain, pressed in their hearts, many people felt a heavy feeling.

"Then you come and see if I was afraid." Lin Han said calmly.

"If I don't see the coffin, I won't cry. I will make you regret today and meet me." Su Hao grinned, shouted, and rushed directly.

The soles of the feet are on the ground, like a giant traveling, every step down makes the ring roar and tremble.

After coming to the front, he took out a purple war knife and slashed it against Lin Han's head.

The violent power caused the void to turn over two huge and incomparable waves, and open it mightily.

"Cracking the sea?"

Many people are surprised that this is a powerful fairy skill of the Su family, created by an ancestor. According to legend, it can be said that the stars are split apart and it is extremely domineering.

The weapon in Su Hao's hand was also a very high-level divine weapon. Together with Sea Splitting, the power burst out was truly terrifying, and many people felt a little difficulty breathing.

However, Lin Han looked at the blow with an indifferent expression, and did not move at all. It wasn't until the blow came close that the light surged between his eyebrows, and a large amount of mental power burst out like a torrent of monsters. , Forming a big transparent hand in an instant, resisting Su Hao's extremely sharp blade at once.

The whole ring was trembling a bit more violently, as if it were about to explode.

It can be seen how powerful the collision between the two is.

"Did you block it?" Everyone was shocked. It was worthy of the spiritual power of the pinnacle of the earth level. It was able to block a powerful attack based on defense power alone.

Many people ask themselves, if they rely on their own, they can't do it at all.

Lin Han has only the pinnacle of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, and having this mental power is indeed a big advantage.

"How is it possible?" Su Hao's pupils shrank. He didn't expect Lin Han to use his mental powers so skillfully that even he might not be able to do it like this.

Right now, he couldn't help paying more attention to it, feeling that Lin Han's fighting ability was good.

"However, these are of no use. Under my strong realm, everything must be surrendered. The whirlpool kills and kills me."

Then, Su Hao gritted his teeth again, his body spinning wildly in the air, the purple long knife in his hand also emitted a brilliant purple light, strangling Lin Han fiercely.

The purple air currents are intertwined, each one is very sharp, just like this, the space is cut into black cracks.

"Break for me!"

Lin Han didn't rush, clenched his fist, and suddenly burst out from the top, an extremely flaming divine light, like a Primordial savage beast resurrecting inside, shaking the earth.

With a punch, violent power poured out, and the sky trembled.

Lin Han's immortal aura and vigorous martial arts spirit are contained in the boxing force.

Even if Su Hao's attack was very fierce, he was still invincible. In the end, all those air currents were broken, exploding cloud after cloud of purple smoke.

Then, Su Hao was shocked by a fierce force, screamed, and his body flew upside down and knocked away from the ring.

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