War Emperor

Chapter 1769: Breakthrough

"Have you forgotten the difficulties our City Lord's Mansion is facing recently?" Zhao Cunshan sighed lightly, tapping his fingers on the table.

"You mean Zhao Youbin?" Zhao Mengjie frowned slightly, with a hint of worry on her face.

"Yes, Zhao Youbin is my second brother. He fought with me for the seat of the city lord but failed. Over the years, he has always held a grudge against me. Since my city lord mansion has not come near a particularly outstanding genius, Zhao Youbin has been with Jiu several times. The high-level invitation of the fairy clan, I want to revoke my position as the city lord and let his son take it."

Zhao Cunshan shook his head slightly, and slowly said, "I will be in the Nine Immortals in one month. Outer pulse is big. His son "Zhao Tian" won the championship. He will definitely make him more domineering. High-level officials must agree to him, and I will change my position as the city lord."

Zhao Mengjie's expression was a bit solemn. Zhao Tian was indeed a genius. At the age of eighteen, he had awakened the fifth-level immortal bone, and now he reached the stage of the second-qi state. He looked like a big mountain among the outer vein juniors, no one could compare.

The fairy bone is the Nine Wonderland, the different bone that cultivators dream of wanting to awaken.

The higher the level of the fairy bone, the stronger the potential.

Among the foreign relatives of the Nine Immortals like him, there are very few people who can reach the fourth-level fairy bone, not to mention the fifth-level fairy bone.

Zhao Youbin is naturally very proud of having such a son.

"Are you going to let Lin Han fight against Zhao Tian?" Zhao Mengjie seemed to understand something, dazed.

"Yes, although Lin Han is not a member of our clan, he won the tournament and is nominally your fiancé. With this name, he is eligible to participate in the Outer Vessel Competition. After getting a good ranking, Zhao Youbin's threat can be eliminated, and our City Lord's Mansion will still have a more important position in the minds of the seniors of the Nine Immortals." Zhao Cunshan smiled.

The Nine Immortals are a behemoth, the core group, it is difficult for outsiders to squeeze in.

Their Zhao family has a slight blood relationship with the core ethnic group. They can only be called external veins, not even branch veins.

The competition between external veins is also extremely fierce.

If Lin Han is more dazzling at the outside conference, let them squeeze into the core ethnic group, then their status will be different.

"Okay." Zhao Mengjie nodded, knowing the importance of this matter to their City Lord's Mansion, and then wondered: "But why do you believe in him so much? Even if this kid is a little capable, there is still a huge gap between Zhao Tian and Zhao Tian. The other geniuses of the Waimai should not be underestimated. After all, his rise time is too short. It is unrealistic to win a good ranking and overpower Zhao Tian and the other geniuses of the Waimai."

Even if Lin Han defeated her, she still didn't look good at Lin Han.

As the daughter of the City Lord's Mansion, she clearly understands that the geniuses of the Nine Immortals are far more powerful than ordinary geniuses.

This is why she has eyes above the top and disdains other geniuses.

"Haha..." Zhao Cunshan smiled, and said with a slightly mysterious color: "According to the news, when Lin Han walks along the way, how can he not do something unexpected? It's impossible on the face, but who dares? Guarantee, he can't perform miracles this time?"

"Besides, we have no choice, not to let him come forward. The only place for the city lord mansion is to hand in hand."

Zhao Mengjie took a sip of tea and fell silent.

This is indeed the only way.

At the moment, looking at the direction of Lin Han's residence, he muttered: "Lin Han, this time our City Lord's Mansion will let you go and give you enough benefits. I hope you really don't let my father down, otherwise, hum, This lady must be with you forever."



In a magnificent palace, Lin Han was sitting on a bed cultivating.

This is the "Qianhua Palace", the place where the city lord's mansion receives distinguished guests. Lin Han is placed here, which shows the importance he attaches to him.

As you practiced, you can see that the wisps of heaven and earth are madly gathering into Lin Han's Dantian, making the aura around him more vigorous.

After a long while, Lin Han woke up with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Now my condition has been adjusted almost, and I can take the One Yuan Pill and break into the One Yuan Realm."

Lin Han muttered to himself, this time he participated in the martial arts contest and got three treasures.

The first one is the Heavenly Demon Shen Yang Pill, which can increase his physique several times on the original basis.

The second one is the Primordial Spirit Pill, which can greatly enhance his mental power.

The third one is this Yuan Dan.

He didn't plan to take the first two pills for the time being. For him, the most important thing was to break into the Uniform Realm first.

At the moment, he flipped his palm, and a warm, jade-like snow-white pill appeared in his hand, and suddenly a fragrance filled the room.

The light smelled the aroma, and the flesh and blood cells in Lin Han's body made a greedy voice.

Then, Lin Han didn't delay any more, swallowing it in one bite.


Lin Han could feel a warm and cool sensation right away when the pill entered his stomach, along his throat and into his stomach.

Immediately afterwards, the medicinal properties wandered through the meridians, and were broken down into pure and majestic medicinal powers, and gathered frantically towards his Dantian.

Under this circumstance, the divine power in his dantian became more and more majestic.

Not only that, but the divine power was in the pubic area, and it was still steaming crazily, bubbling like boiling water, showing signs of vaporization.

This is exactly the sign to condense one vitality.

Lin Han saw this scene and couldn't help but laughed, knowing that when the divine power in his dantian turned into a unitary energy, it was when he officially entered the unitary state.

That is another world.

It only took about three hours.

He succeeded. The total area of ​​energy in the dantian was reduced by more than 90%. If it was a lake before, it is now just a small pool.

But the quality is not knowing how much higher than the previous supernatural power, one drop at random can be worth tens of millions of drops.

This is the unity of energy.

According to his estimation, the unitary energy of this small pool of water, when converted into energy, is more than five times more than before.

In other words, his combat power increased five times!

Lin Han couldn't help but smiled excitedly.

He can now feel that he has undergone a huge change from before. The energy in his body is rolling, the power is surging, and the random blow has the power of shaking the sky and the earth, which is indeed not comparable to before.

No wonder people who step into the unitary realm will have a high sense of pleasure.

"I'm not at the initial one-level realm, and my realm has almost reached the fifth level of the one-level realm." Lin Han checked the lower realm and muttered to himself.

He has accumulated long enough in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, and he has taken two longevity medicines in his body.

After breaking into the unitary state, it is normal to usher in a "blowout".

After all, the Treasure of Longevity, even a top expert like the Ancient Immortal Ancestor, could only dream of it.

After taking it, there are many benefits.

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