War Emperor

Chapter 1771: one move

"It's okay, I'm sure." Lin Han just smiled faintly, only Zhao Rong was in the slightest, and it was nothing to him.

"Okay, kid, you really dare to agree, then I'm sorry." Zhao Rong shook his wrist, with a cruel smile on his face, said in a grimace.

Lin Han looked indifferent, stretched out a finger, and said, "One move!"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Rong was startled.

Lin Han calmly said: "One trick, if I can't solve it, I will automatically admit defeat and leave it to your disposal."



Many people were surprised and couldn't believe Lin Han said such things.

Zhao Rong is a half-step two aura powerhouse, Lin Han originally seemed to them to not be Zhao Rong's opponent.

Now it is said that Zhao Rong will be solved with one trick, which is too dreamy.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Rong was also startled, and then a look of anger appeared on his face. Lin Han was simply looking down on him in a typical way.

Unreasonable, an ant who has just broken into the Uniform Realm, dare to say so.

Both Zhao Cunshan and Zhao Mengjie were a little sluggish, and they didn't understand why Lin Han had so much confidence.

Lin Han still looked calm, bent his palm to him, and said, "Come on, you don't have much chance."

Zhao Rong's teeth creaked, his eyes blatantly killed, and he said grimly: "Okay, because you are so mad, I will teach you a lesson."

"watch out!"

As soon as the word "trick" fell, Zhao Rong's body suddenly burst into a monstrous light, and the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, like a golden-winged big Peng, spreading towards Lin Han's arms and slaughtered.

In the center of his eyebrows, a golden long sword appeared, showing an extremely sharp demeanor, slicing through the void.

As soon as Hajime appeared, a vast sword intent immediately flooded the world, alarming the universe.

Everyone felt a chill in the body, a bit cold and biting.

"This is Jin Mingjian?" Zhao Mengjie couldn't help but tremble in her heart, and said in shock.

This sword has a great origin. It was cast by an ancestor in the city lord's mansion, and contained the profound meaning of his life.

In terms of rank, it is enough to rank forty-one on the list of artifacts.

When Zhao Rong came up to show this sword, he was obviously very angry with Lin Han.

The smile on Zhao Rong's face was even more gloomy, and it was already expected that Lin Han would be cut into flesh with a sword next.

Not only did he want to defeat Lin Han, but he also wanted to kill Lin Han.

Zhao Mengjie who dared to **** him, no matter who it is, he must get rid of it.

However, looking calmly at the sword stabbing, Lin Han's face was full of indifferent intentions, breaking into the fifth level of the One Element Realm, an attack of this level, to him, he could not mention the slightest interest.

sulfuric acid!

He put his fingers together and put them in front of his chest. With a movement of his mind, a cold sword sound suddenly sounded.

Then, blood and blood enveloped the sky, making the sky and the earth a scarlet, appearing like some kind of terrifying Xeon Divine Sword, and everyone felt a strong suffocation.

Bloodfall Emperor Sword!

Lin Han displayed this sword.

It is about three feet long and two inches wide. The whole body is flowing with blood and light, and it is cast like the blood of all souls, and there is a strong imperial might hovering on it. This is the emperor of the sword, merged with the lost sword by the prehistoric sword furnace Forged with the blood cloud sword, if the rank is among all the divine swords in the entire immortal world, there are few comparable.

As Lin Han's strength increased, urging this Blood Falling Emperor Sword, the power that erupted was even more terrifying.

Many people around felt that their sabers were trembling, surrendering to the **** emperor sword, it was really like the ants saw the dragon and only worshiped.


Lin Han only spit out such an extremely indifferent word.

The Emperor Xueluo's sword flashed for a moment, and then it drew a brilliant red light and slew towards the Jin Mingjian.

This sword is mighty and domineering, shocking the world and weeping ghosts, like it can cut through the universe and disrupt the order of heaven and earth.


The Xueluo Emperor Sword and the Jin Mingjian collided fiercely first, and a group of splendid sparks burst out between the two, illuminating the world, a splendor.

Then the power carried in the Blood Fall Emperor Sword was too fierce, as if it could crush all the stars, even the Golden Ming Sword, with a click, broke into two pieces and fell.

Then, the Xueluo Emperor Sword cast off its momentum and rushed towards Zhao Rong with a smell of not killing the enemy and vowing to never give up.

"What?" Seeing Jin Mingjian, it broke, Zhao Rong was struck by lightning in an instant, his pupils widened, and his face was shocked.

This is a Xeon Excalibur. He has always been used as a trump card and never used it lightly.

Under Lin Han's Blood Falling Emperor's Sword, it was as fragile as paper, which made him incredible.


There was also a large sound of cold air breathing around, and countless people were also shocked. The power of Lin Han's Blood Falling Emperor Sword was too abnormal.

Is this still a sword of light? It feels like it condenses the laws of the universe and becomes the only one.


Zhao Cunshan was a little shaken, when Lin Han shot, he could already feel Lin Han's realm.

Five levels of the One Yuan Realm!

He actually jumped directly to the fifth level instead of the first level.

This reality also made a terrible wave in his heart.

how can that be?

Others break through the unitary realm and want to consolidate the realm without knowing how much time it will take.

He jumped five small realms in a row, which was too shocking.

"According to legend, only some real ancient evildoers can usher in the "blowout" when they break into the One Element Realm. It seems that Lin Han is such a person." Zhao Lao couldn't help but sigh.

This is because at the time of Tongtian realm, feelings are too depressed.

In history, there are very few people who have experienced a blowout.

Each one is the peak powerhouse of the Nine Wonders in the future.

It seems that Lin Han is definitely comparable to those ancient fierce people.

Zhao Mengjie was also dizzy for a while, and she couldn't think that Lin Han was much stronger than he thought.

Why is this guy so unexpected.

She couldn't help but feel the urge to take a sword and dissect Lin Han to see if Lin Han's body structure was different from others.

Breaking through a single realm, being able to jump so many small realms, is really shocking.

"Ah, no, stop it for me." Zhao Rong was shocked and full of unwillingness. He gritted his teeth and roared fiercely. Lin Han's sword was so powerful that he smelled a threat of death.

If you don't block it, I'm afraid he will definitely be destroyed by this sword.

Therefore, he roared, almost showing all his potential, mobilizing his own energy.

Those energies formed black and white rays of light, intertwined in front of him, forming a yin and yang bipolar picture, vast and magnificent.

This is the "yin and yang bipolar qi", the iconic method of the strong two qi.

However, because he had only half-stepped into the Second Qi Realm, this yin and yang map was not solid and somewhat illusory.

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