War Emperor

Chapter 1779: Jin Susu

"Get out of here." Lin Han sneered when he flew to the high platform.

On the high platform steps, there are many people, like climbing a mountain, scrambling to climb up, and the atmosphere is fierce.

Lin Han's cold drink was like thunder bursting, causing many people to cough up blood and fly out.

The blood is very vigorous, and even a voice can't bear it.

"Damn, what kind of thing are you kid, do you really think you are invincible here?"

Many geniuses shouted angrily.

Although Zhao Tian is outstanding, he is not invincible. There are still some people who can compete with him.

Coupled with the fact that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, Lin Han has shown amazing combat strength, and everyone has a feeling of unanimously facing him.

"Let’s go ahead and solve this kid first. He has Zhao Tian's fifth-level immortal bones. After killing, everyone will fight by their ability."

Many people shouted angrily.

"Okay, do it!"

At the moment, everyone was aroused **** and fiery, their eyes bloomed, and they attacked Lin Han.


Like a meteor shower, falling from the sky.

Many magic weapons hit Lin Han.

Every magic weapon is shining, there are guns, halberds, swords, towers, knives...

There are thousands of pieces, and the momentum is unparalleled.

Seeing that Lin Han became the target of the public, Zhao Youbin laughed happily and muttered to himself: "Kill it, kill it. It's best to beat this kid into slack to make him die."

In this way, Zhao Tian's hatred, he would even report.

There are seven or eight thousand geniuses who can make shots. He doesn't believe that Lin Han can be so perverted, that one person can compete with so many people.

"Huh, the light of ants shines too?"

However, Lin Han sneered contemptuously.

With his current strength, even these geniuses are extraordinary, and they are not too threatening to him.


Right now, his eyes were cold, and a cold shout was spit out, and the pair of huge golden wings behind him turned instantly.


Like two heavenly swords erupting.

The wings were slashed directly, and golden light spread all over the world.

Numerous magic weapons were immediately damaged like paper.

Then the sky knife cut it, puff puff puff... the blood was sprayed like rain, and those people were chopped by the wings and exploded into blood sludge on the spot like a watermelon.

The power of the wings is too strong, not hacking at all, but breaking.

Those geniuses who shot more than the average died tragically, and the rest were seriously injured and wailed in pain.

Countless people looked at Lin Han with a deep look of fear.

The wings of this golden winged roc are so powerful, seven or eight thousand people are not an enemy of one move.

"Hey, she has been noticed, and Lin Han is about to die." Zhao Youbin was unwilling at first, then he seemed to notice something, and said in surprise.

Not far away, there was a woman in gold sitting cross-legged, exuding dazzling divine light like a round of sun.

All around her, within a radius of several hundred meters, every genius dared to approach.

We must know that the area of ​​the stone forest is limited and the number of geniuses is numerous.

Women can have such a large territory, but they are still relatively close to the central area, which shows how amazing it is.

This woman is-the proud daughter of the Jin family, and the Jin family is also a very powerful family, among the top of the Nine Immortal family.

A genius in the family, any one is enough to run wild.

The woman in gold is the proud one, named Jin Susu!

Legend has it that he had eaten the essence and blood of the Golden Wing Roc since he was a child, and his bloodline was amazing and his talent was a demon.

Now he has only cultivated for a short period of seven or eight hundred years, and he has reached the fourth level of the Second Qi Realm.

And Zhao Tiancai is only at the first level of the second aura, and there is a huge gap between her.

In addition, she has the true blood of the Golden Wing Roc, and an ordinary genius of the same level is far from her opponent.

Seeing that Jin Susu was looking at Lin Han now, it seemed that he had already taken a fancy to Lin Han's secret technique.

After all, she has true blood, coupled with the secret technique, will complement each other.

A gloating smile appeared in his heart, and Lin Han's trouble was coming.

"Hey, the secret technique of the Golden Wing Roc is great, hand it over."

Sure enough, after Jin Susu watched for a while, there was also a fiery color in his eyes, and then his body moved, turning into a golden light and flew, and smiled lightly.

The blood is very vigorous, making the void look like a golden ocean, fierce and mighty.

Such as earthshaking golden goddess spirit.

"It's Jin Susu!"

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being shocked.

This is a woman who is more powerful than Zhao Tian.

She was going to show up, Lin Han was indeed in serious trouble.

At the same time, many people were excited, wanting to see what kind of sparks would be between her and Lin Han.

After all, Lin Han's strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface, everyone feels that he is like a cloud of mist, which makes people unable to see through.

"You have Dapeng true blood?" Lin Han raised his brows and couldn't help but be surprised.

He hadn't heard of Jin Susu's name, but he could feel the other side's extraordinary.

There was the true blood of the Golden Wing Roc in his body. This was indeed a woman much more powerful than Zhao Tian.

"Yes, if I cooperate with your Golden Wing Roc's secret technique, I will be even stronger. Even in the Fairy Vessels Competition, I can get a good ranking. Give it to me. I will thank you. of."

Jin Susu's pretty face is fair, his facial features are well-shaped, and his beautiful long hair is scattered, and his figure is very beautiful.

The sound is also very nice, like a pearl falling on a jade plate.

Such a request, I am afraid that some men with weak minds will directly agree to it.

However, Lin Han smiled slightly and said: "Sorry, this secret technique is also very useful to me, how could I easily give it to you."

He was able to learn the secret technique entirely because there was a mark of the great great dragon in that great great dragon egg.

If there is no Dapeng Mark, this secret technique will be automatically stripped.

So he can't give it to anyone.

"That's nothing to say, there is only one battle between you and me." Jin Susu smiled faintly, and the brilliance of his delicate hands flashed, and a golden sword appeared, flowing with sharp killing light, pointing to Lin Han.

Lin Han felt an astonishing murderous aura permeating in an instant, and his whole body couldn't help but smell of fur.

He sighed in his heart, Jin Susu is really amazing, no wonder many people see her like the goddess Ming.

However, he is also very confident in his own strength and naturally fearless.

At the moment, he smiled indifferently and used the Blood Falling Emperor Sword, and also pointed at the other side remotely, saying: "Come on then."

"Good sword, what is this, why have I never heard of it?" Jin Susu immediately condensed his eyes, exclaimed, and asked curiously.

In fact, many patriarchs of the outer veins are also somewhat confused.

The sword in Lin Han's hand is too strong, and it shouldn't be an unknown sword in the universe.

But they have never seen it, which is very confusing.

"This is the Bloodfall Emperor Sword, I used the fusion of the Blood Cloud Sword and the Lost Sword." Lin Han gently stroked the blood-red sword and smiled.


This was shocking, and once it fell, there was an uproar around him.

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