War Emperor

Chapter 1797: anger

Therefore, Jianguang smashed it, and with a bang, the spiritual formation was instantly collapsed and turned into powder.

Although Lingxuan and Xiaolan were trying their best to resist, they were still far apart. The sword light was on them, puff puff... drew blood marks.

Lingxuan and Xiaolan couldn't help but screamed and wailed.

They fell to the ground, bleeding all over, looking very miserable.

Especially Ling Xuan, there was a sword wound behind him, from the waist to the knees, he looked very hideous, and the blood stained his clothes and skirts.

"Lin Shuaiqi, you are looking for death." Lin Han suddenly let out a loud shout, like a mad beast, his eyes stood up.

Lin Shuaiqi shot too fast, he didn't even react, Lingxuan and Xiaolan had already been recruited.

Both were injured, as much as his heart was hurt, and his heart was a little bit painful.

Both Xiaolan and Lingxuan have a close relationship with him.

He clenched some fists tightly and looked at Lin Shuaiqi, his clear eyes were full of monstrous killing intent.

"I'm looking for death? Can you kill me?" Lin Shuaiqi sneered, and didn't put Lin Han's hatred in his eyes. In his opinion, Lin Han was just a bug for him to handle.

Then he looked full of hostility, and smiled cruelly: "This is just the beginning. Next, I will torture them to death, and then I will scrape you thousands of times, frustrate your bones, and sacrifice the spirit of the sky.

The sound is like a demon.

After speaking, he shot again and cut out three swords, which were even more domineering than before, like the light of extinguishing gods.

The domineering sword aura flooded towards Lingxuan and Xiaolan. If one person and one beast were hit, there was no possibility of surviving, they would inevitably be beheaded and removed from the world.

Lin Han's eyes also smelled of bloodshot, and Lin Shuaiqi's actions completely aroused his anger.

He seldom has emotions and desperately wants to kill someone.

He snapped his teeth, and he was also Leng Sen, and said, "With me, you want to kill them and dream!"

Even if there is a big gap between him and Lin Shuaiqi, he has many hole cards, and he may not really be able to stop Lin Shuaiqi.

At the moment, his mind moved, he took out the dark coffin from the stone pendant of the space, and rushed towards Lingxuan and Xiaolan.

This is the coffin of the suspected ancestor of Daxu.

It seemed that he was also aware of Lin Han's urgency. This coffin, which had never been emotional before, had also increased at a much faster rate now, almost without a thousandth of an instant, so he rushed to Lingxuan and Xiaolan.

On the coffin, a strong black light burst out, and then Lin Shuaiqi's sword light hit it, immediately like a clay cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace.

Lingxuan and Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief and cast grateful glances at Lin Han.

If it weren't for Lin Han to rescue him in time, she and Xiaolan would have no room for escape.

"What is this?" Seeing that Lin Han suddenly displayed the weird coffin, Lin Shuaiqi couldn't help but condensed his eyes and asked in surprise.

The black coffin, like it has been buried in the earth for countless years, has just been unearthed, and has an ancient charm on it.

There are some ancient inscriptions engraved on the entire coffin body, which is very cumbersome and makes people completely unclear about its meaning, and it seems that it contains some secrets.

As he swallowed his sword light, an invisible vortex appeared on the surface of the coffin, completely absorbing his sword light.

This made him very surprised, it seemed that there was a big stomach king in it that could swallow everything.

Many people around him abruptly saw such a coffin, and there was a throbbing color in their hearts.

I only felt that the coffin was full of a strong ominous smell, as if there was a great evil hidden in it, as long as it was released, it would inevitably have a terrifying majesty.

"Lin Shuaiqi, today I will break your corpse into thousands of pieces." Lin Han ignored Lin Shuaiqi's surprise, and flew the coffin back to his side again with a stroke of his palm.

The successful rescue of Lingxuan and Xiaolan also made him feel relieved.

If Lingxuan and Xiaolan are really accidental, he doesn't know how much self-blame and guilt he will have.

Then he looked at Lin Shuaiqi, his voice sounded like a sword rubbing, sonorous and agitated.

Lin Shuaiqi wanted to retaliate against him so seriously, he was really vicious.

"Go to hell!" Lin Han yelled at the moment, his hair standing upside down, and his thin face was slightly hideous, holding the huge black coffin, rushing towards Lin Shuaiqi.

On his body surface, a monstrous black mist erupted, like a demon **** traveling.

There is still the power of time and space flowing under the feet, and the steps of time and space have been displayed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lin Han came to the front, holding the coffin in both hands, as if casting a seal of a mountain, and slammed it down at Lin Shuaiqi's head.

The terrifying force contained in the coffin caused the entire void to set off a huge arc of air collapse.

In the nine heavens, there are still scenes of changing winds and clouds, which are extremely terrifying.

Lin Shuaiqi's eyes also appeared awe-inspiring. He didn't expect Lin Han to have such a fast speed, even if he couldn't react to such a speed.

Looking at the huge coffin, it is getting bigger and bigger on top of his head, and there is also a strong danger in his heart.

The coffin is full of weirdness, it must not be hit, otherwise the consequences will be significant.

"Ancient Dragon Shield, give it to me!" At the moment, he yelled, and at the moment when he was not allowed to send out, endless purple light burst out of his body.

Then a fingerprint was pinched out in his hand, and a purple shield rushed out from the sky spirit cover. This shield was made of special purple gold, glowing with a solid and condensed smell, and shone.

Especially the shield is engraved with a purple dragon coiling around, lifelike, adding a mighty and heavy flavor to the shield.

This is the Gulai Shield, an ancient treasure of the Nine Wonders, with a very good origin.

Although Lin Shuaiqi is a younger generation, even among the core group of the Nine Immortals, the older generation is not easy to break this ancient dragon shield.

Generally, Lin Shuaiqi would only use this shield when his life was in danger.

Now on display, we can see the importance attached to Lin Han's attack.


The huge black coffin finally smashed down fiercely, like the Great Ancient Mountain 33 days away, smashing the earth.

On the ancient dragon shield, a purple spark was stirred up to illuminate the world.

Because the shield bears the unspeakable majestic force, a magnificent roar of real dragon sounded on the shield.

Then, the dragon-shaped pattern on the shield seemed to be resurrected, and endless purple light steamed out, drawing a purple dragon.

The purple dragon entangled the black coffin, and the vigorous dragon's body exerted its strength, as if to smash the coffin into pieces.

"Huh?" Lin Han couldn't help passing a touch of surprise when he saw it. This shield was really weird. Not only could it withstand the impact of the sea, but it could also unleash its power and strangulate the enemy, which really surprised him.

He saw a lot of magical soldiers, such a special shield, it was the first time he saw him.

Looking at the purple dragon, Lin Shuaiqi was also startled, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud, saying: "Lin Han, Lin Han, you are really unlucky enough, this is the hidden power in my ancient dragon shield. Normally, even if I can't perform it, I really thank you this time for stimulating all this ultimate move. Just wait for the purple dragon to be smashed into flesh."

The grade of the ancient dragon shield is very high, and he can only display part of its power.

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