War Emperor

Chapter 1803: Extraordinary girl

However, those sword lights carry a lot of power, and each path is enough to break ordinary mountains. Even if the tentacles of the big octopus are very strong, they can't bear it after a long time.

Slowly, the scales on its tentacles began to fall off in a large area, the flesh and blood collapsed, and a lot of blood flowed down.

The big octopus's huge body was distorted for a while, and it kept wailing in pain.

Then it became angry, and his eyes were fierce. He who became the overlord in the mountains and forests has always been aloof and has never experienced this kind of treatment.

It roared: "Asshole, I want to smash you into pieces."

It's fighting it out.

A wisp of black flame rose up all over his body, beginning to burn potential.

The tentacles suddenly became more majestic, and they slammed down like this, full of a sense of destruction.

Many fierce insects and beasts in the mountains are worshiping in this direction, and awe.

This is no less than the real gods are taking action.

Lin Han was slightly frightened when he saw this. The big octopus was really shocking. Fortunately, he constructed a yin and yang dipole diagram, otherwise he might not be able to deal with it.

In response, he smiled indifferently and said: "Let you see the power of my yin and yang dipole diagram."

As he said, he pinched a fingerprint in his hand, the yin and yang two-pole diagram, which suddenly spun on top of his head, and the sound of Dafa snails blowing in the sky and angry horns of war came out.

It seems that some kind of scary item has appeared.

The yin and yang two-pole diagram has fixed the "potential" of the entire world and began to strangle.

The eight tentacles of the big octopus were instantly twisted into a twist.

Then the momentum continued to increase, and the flesh of the big octopus was about to be crushed.

It wailed sternly and desperately.

Grandma's, this human kid is too perverted. This yin and yang dipole diagram is like some kind of chaotic treasure between heaven and earth, and he is far from an opponent.

It screamed for a while, and finally persuaded it, and said mournfully: "Big brother, I was wrong, you can spare my life, I am not your opponent at all, I take it."

It is full of bulls.

Its realm has reached the eighth level of the Second Qi realm, plus it is a fierce beast, and the fierce fighting power, even the characters of the second Qi realm and the ninth level will have a lot of fear.

In Lin Han's hands, it was like a bug, kneaded at will, which made it feel very aggrieved.

The opponent is clearly the only one on the second level of the Second Qi Realm.

The gap with it is still big.

This loses the dignity of the "beast".

Upon seeing this, Lin Han only smiled faintly, and retracted the yin and yang dipole diagram.

"The verification is complete, let's see you again." Then he chuckled, turned into a streamer, and flew away from here.

This verification showed that the power of the Yin and Yang Two Qi Diagram did not disappoint him.

He is equivalent to another big hole card, and his heart is happy.

The big octopus slandered in his heart, wishing to yell at Lin Han, who had provoke him? Being in the lake, staying well, could attract such a perverted kid.

After being beaten by him, he just ran away.

It wants to cry without tears.

"Big Yuyu, what's the matter? Who was fighting here just now." At this moment, a young girl's tender voice came not far away.

At the end of the forest, a bright light flew, a young girl, and a cloud of auspicious clouds flew over the driver.

She was eighteen or nine years old, slender and graceful, with snow-like skin, white and tender face, full of youthful beauty.

A pair of big eyes is also very aura.

At this moment, she blinked, long eyelashes, a little puzzled.

The big octopus is her pet. Because of its large size and the harsh growth environment, she put it here.

As its owner, I feel something about things here.

I have to say that such a girl with the spirit and wisdom of heaven and earth just appeared in the wild mountains and forests, and there is really a feeling that this mountain is lit up.

Instantly made her the most beautiful scenery here.

If you are seen by other men, you will definitely admire them.

"Miss, you finally came, woooo, I was beaten." When the big octopus saw the girl, it instantly became docile, like a little cat suffering from grievances, his tone was choked.

Then, its huge body began to slowly become smaller, and after a while, it became only three or four inches long, and it flew into the girl's hand, lovingly arching the girl's palm.

"Who dares to beat you? Even this lady's pet dares to beat him. I think he doesn't want to live anymore." The girl suddenly showed anger on her pretty cheeks, she bit her silver teeth and slapped the ground with her delicate hands, with a thud. The mountain land instantly turned into powder.

Such a mighty power was enough for ordinary people to see, and they were shocked.

People in the Second Qi state are far from able to do this step.

At the time of the shot, three avenue flowers appeared on the girl's head. They were very solid, as if they had communicated the sacred truth in the universe. The girl who set off had a taste of transcendence.

Lin Han would be surprised to see this, three talents!

This girl turned out to be a powerhouse with three talents.

It's not like Lin Shuaiqi, who can barely display the flowers of the avenue with secret methods, but a true and true figure of the three talents.

This is amazing, she is just a little older.

The strength is so terrifying, it is really shocking.

"Woo, I don't know who that person is. He is cultivating here. After he has successfully cultivated, he suddenly rushed over and asked me to feed him tricks." The big octopus had tears in his eyes, no different from a small pet.

"Oh, what characteristics does he have?" the girl asked.

There are not many human experts who can defeat her little octopus near this city of Nine Immortals.

In her opinion, it must be a figure of the Patriarch or elder level in a certain clan.

"A teenager, judging from his bone age, he seems to be only in his twenties."

However, the big octopus hesitated and said, and at the same time another tentacle drew a picture in the void, outlining the pattern of a young man.

The young man in the pattern has a thin and handsome appearance, a pair of shining eyes, and a soft hair draped behind his back, giving a human feeling very comfortable.

In the eyes, at the same time, there is a deep and incomparable taste, which seems to be able to swallow people's souls.

"Juvenile?" The beautiful girl was stunned in an instant, and she couldn't believe her ears.

In the entire Nine Wonderland, in addition to the geniuses among their core ethnic groups, how many of the younger generations will be opponents of the big octopus?

Let alone a teenager?

In her opinion, it was too dreamy.

Then she lifted her beautiful eyes, and she was even more surprised when she saw Lin Han in the portrait.

This is indeed a teenager, and there is a tender color unique to this teenager on his face.

However, like having gone through many hardships, the lines on his face are slightly resolute, and there is a masculine charm invisible.

When I first saw it, she felt a little shocked.

Such a boy, just by looking at it, it is not easy.

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