War Emperor

Chapter 1810: Enemies everywhere

As far as he knows, in the town demon tower, Lin Xiao has tortured Lin Xiaoyi, and once lashed her with a whip.

Because Lin Xiaoyi became a saint and defeated his daughter, he hated her.

Therefore, he hates Lin Xiaoyi.

Lin Han bit his teeth tightly, looking at Lin Xiao, wishing to eat his flesh and blood.

This bastard, dare to treat his mother like this.

"Huh? Lin Han dared to show hatred eyes at me, it seems that he knew what I had to his mother, but what about that, what can he do to me?" Lin Xiao also obviously noticed Lin Han's gaze and couldn't help but With a sneer, he showed a playful look at Lin Han.

He seemed to be looking at a young wolf that could not threaten him.

Lin Han restrained himself, not impulsive.

Lin Xiao was about forty-eight or ninety-nine years old, and he looked very young, but his meager lips gave a feeling of cruelty, showing that he was a vicious-hearted person.

"As for the third one, the woman..." Master Liuyun looked at again, the last woman.

She was in her thirties, Yun Temple Gao Wan looked very dignified, and her charm still existed, so that many elderly people showed fiery eyes at her.

Master Liuyun paused before saying, "This woman was named Lin Yan. She was also one of the candidates for the saint. She was also defeated by your mother. When your mother fell in love with your father, it was the immortal she investigated and reported. Clan, she is now the master of Zhemai."

Within the fairy clan, competition is fierce and cruel.

The higher the status, the more people are jealous.

Lin Xiaoyi also knew at the beginning that with Yang Zhentian, he violated the taboo of the immortal clan and kept secretly concealing it.

If it hadn't been for Lin Yan to pay attention to Lin Xiaoyi, people of the fairy clan would not have known.

It can be said that Lin Xiaoyi will fall to this point because of Lin Yan.

Lin Han nodded his head coldly, remembering all the faces of these three people in his heart.

His mother's hatred will surely make these people pay their due price.

"As for the other line masters, the relationship with your mother is not very good. Although they did not do too bad to your mother, but a few years ago, your father came to the fairy clan and it was these people who joined forces with some elders. He was seriously injured, and many people almost killed your father." Master Liuyun looked at the other pulse masters.

In the row on the south side, sitting is the master of the nine main channels, there are males and females, and they are all extraordinary.

Lin Han let out a sigh of relief. It seems that he has done something to hurt his parents. There are indeed many immortal people.

Now he is here.

He will become a nightmare for these people.

"Well, you are welcome to participate in the Fairy Vessel Competition of the Nine Immortals Clan. The Fairy Vessel Competition will be held tomorrow. Today, I will let the outstanding disciples among the various Immortal Veins to show you their talents." At this time, high position Lin Yaotian above said with a chuckle.


There was thunderous applause from below.

Lin Han also narrowed his eyes.

It seems that this is the patriarch, specially arranged to let everyone know the outstanding genius of the nine immortal veins.

"First let Zhemai first, Miss Lin Mengru, perform a piano sound for everyone." At this moment, a deacon in Xianmai stood up and said.

Then, under the gaze of everyone's expectation, beside Lin Yan, a woman in Tsing Yi walked out.

She was twenty-three or four years old, holding a cyan pipa in her hands, if it was polished from sapphire, it was very delicate.

Her body is enchanting, with a beautiful pipa, like a beautiful landscape, so many young talents on the square can't help but show fiery eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Cunshan was beside Lin Han, and explained with a smile: "Lin Mengru has always heard that there is a very powerful pipa sound, which can turn all sentient beings upside down, which is very interesting."

Lin Han nodded, the fluctuations in Lin Mengru's body were very strong, already reaching the three-talent state.

Coupled with the extraordinary sound of the pipa, she made her whole person more unique, and she deserves to be one of the geniuses among the immortals.

He also wanted to see what the other side's pipa sound was.

"Little girl Lin Mengru, everyone showed their ugliness." Lin Meng walked to the center of the square with lotus steps, and smiled and saluted the many guests. His snow-white and tender body struck a moving arc with a sound like a natural sound. It rang in everyone's ears.

Then she sat cross-legged on a futon, with a pretty face that can be broken by blowing, and she used her slender fingers to gently wave the strings on the pipa and began to play.

Ding Ding...

The sound of the pipa is slightly more clattering than the sound of the piano. Once it is played, everyone instantly feels that it sounds like a golden and stone sound, with a sonorous and hard tone.

In this smell, there is another special softness, which makes people listen to it and can't help but indulge in it.

If a person is exhausted during the battle, and when he is free, there are many beautiful women waiting by his side, and the tenderness of the bones makes people want to keep falling.

Lin Han nodded secretly, such a rhythm has indeed reached extremely high attainments.

It's nothing more than to express the spirit with sound.


At this moment, there was a sound of string, with a very charming taste, and it attacked Lin Han.

Unprepared, Lin Han couldn't help but shake his body, feeling a sense of loss of mind.

Like some drug in it, he was a little confused, and his whole body was hot and wanted to take off his clothes.

Lin Wutian, Lin Ke'er and others couldn't help laughing.

Lin Mengru's pipa sound is not only beautiful, but also deceptive.

Lin Han was stunned, so unprepared, he would definitely make a fool of himself in the public.

"It turned out to be overcast!" Zhao Cunshan obviously noticed something was wrong, and was a little angry.

This kind of attack was silent, and he couldn't help Lin Han resist, only anxious.

If Lin Han really did something embarrassing here, his reputation would be over.

Master Liuyun also frowned.

But he hesitated for a while, but did not stop, Lin Han and Lin Mengru will fight each other sooner or later, if they can't stand the sound of the other party's pipa, it is even more hopeless in the Xianmai Competition.

80% of the end was a tragic death.

Instead of this, it's better to see Lin Mengru's methods first.

If it doesn't work, it is wise to retire in time.

Lin Yaotian also frowned, naturally knowing that Lin Meng was deliberate, but he also thought the same.

Want to see if Lin Han has any way to parry.

Lin Jun, Lin Xiao, Lin Yan and the other immortals all laughed, feeling that Lin Han's embarrassment is inevitable.

"Lin Han, let you taste the taste of my phantom pipa, you are ready to lose your reputation." At this time, Lin Mengru also said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

She is Lin Yan's daughter, and she is not used to Lin Han, Lin Xiaoyi's son.

Therefore, I tried to frame Lin Han.

When speaking, the pipa in his hand played a little more magnificently, and his charm was more powerful.

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