War Emperor

Chapter 1855: Anomaly in the Chaos Chart

Lin Han nodded and watched Qi Ling leave.

Determined in my heart, I will definitely work hard, become a master sooner, and be able to control Daewoo Hengzhong.

After the Qi Ling completely dissipated, Lin Han seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but touch his forehead, frowning tightly, and wondering: "By the way, what is the curse of the dead demon? Why did I break this time? Entering the Three Talents Realm, this curse did not break out?"

"It's really strange." Hong Ye said.

The curse that Lin Han planted with the power of the Heavenly Demon Venerable and condensed his life's strength could not be just a gimmick.

Lin Han successfully broke into the Three Talents Realm without causing any reaction. There were indeed some problems.

"Go and see in your mind, what may have happened." Hongdao.

"En!" Lin Han nodded, also a little curious.

Right now, he calmed his mind and began to pry into his mind.

However, when the mind came to his mind, a scene of stunned him appeared.

I saw that in his mind, the originally weird and gloomy curse of death, there was a cyan grinding disc suspended above it. On the cyan grinding disc, wisps of cyan gas flowed down, revealing a very mysterious atmosphere. And the profound taste, so that the Curse of Death Demon was suppressed, without the slightest energy revealed.

"This is... the chaos fate?" Lin Han was startled and said in amazement.

The chaotic natal chart, a forbidden thing that can mobilize the power of fate, is even less recognized by the universe and heaven.

Within the five continents and four seas, it has caused the Dao of Heaven to be killed several times.

After coming to the fairy world, he did not dare to use it easily.

This chaotic fate was in the depths of his mind, and he had been dormant quietly, but he didn't expect it to come here silently, suppressing the curse of death.

It seems that because of this, the Curse of Death did not explode its due effect.

"Yes, this is a good thing, so the hidden danger of the Curse of the Dead Demon can be completely eliminated." Hong laughed and said with pleasure.

It was originally worried about the Curse of the Dead, but now it is undoubtedly solved.

The chaos chart is a very mysterious item in the world. So far, Lin Han hasn't even explored one ten thousandth of it.

If it can suppress the curse of death, it is normal.

After all, destiny is the most mysterious force in the universe since ancient times.

No one can be sure what kind of power it has.

"It seems that as long as I am strong enough in the future to absorb the power of the Curse of Death, it is equivalent to the lifelong strength of an ancestor." Lin Han also laughed excitedly, this is indeed a blessing in disguise.

The life-long power of an immortal ancestor, ordinary people can't even think about it.

There is no doubt that there is a treasure in his mind now.

"Congratulations." Hong nodded with a smile and said. I didn't expect that the death curse would be resolved so quickly.


Lin Han secretly thought that this time he came to Daewoo Hengzhong's interior.

The strength and gains are too much.

Now if he goes out, he will probably surprise everyone.

Lin Lingtian, you wait for me, now I will come out and seek revenge from you.

Lin Han looked at the boundless void, smiled coldly, and then moved away from here.



Outside, in Tianhujian, the scenery remains the same and the sun is shining brightly.

Daewoo Hengzhong, the ancient body surface, is still floating quietly, revealing a sense of heaviness and vigor.

call out!

Suddenly, within the primitive bell body, a stream of light flew out of it.

Then, a young man appeared, with a long figure, bright eyes, and a soft, handsome face.

It is Lin Han.

When he came to the outside world, he felt relieved.

This time, entering the Daewoo Hengzhong, really feels like a world away.

"what happened?"

"Daewoo Hengzhong seems to be moving."

At this moment, some noisy sounds came, and a group of young disciples flew up not far away.

Among them, a red-haired man walked out. It was Lin Baishan, who was ranked fourth among the Ten Wind and Cloud geniuses. He looked at Lin Han and said in amazement, "Lin Han, is it you?"

The other young people also had their eyes on the ground.

Didn't Lin Han enter the Daewoo Hengzhong, has he died? How come out alive now safe and sound.

On the surface of Lin Han's body, there is still a very powerful aura, which seems to be much stronger than when he entered, which makes them a little bit unbelievable.

In the immortal clan, the elders who used to deepen their studies are not immune, how did Lin Han do it?

"Yes, it's me, I didn't die, did you surprise you?" Lin Lianlin smiled, and at a glance he could see that these people were all followers of Lin Lingtian, and Lin Baishan was his cousin and had a very good relationship.

He naturally hated Lin Lingtian's people.

So a bit of murderous aura overflowed in his tone.

"Hahahaha..." Lin Baishan suddenly burst into laughter, and said grimly: "You came out just right. Originally, Brother Lin Lingtian and I regretted that you died in Dayu Hengzhong, and the treasures on your body were lost. Today I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces and grab all the treasures on your body."

If he waits for him to show all the treasures of Lin Han to Big Brother Lin Lingtian, then Big Brother Lin Lingtian will be very happy and reward him.

Because Lin Lingtian is in the immortal clan, the younger generation is too lofty, even if he ranks fourth as a genius of the wind and clouds, he is very respected.

What's more, he and Lin Lingtian are closer by blood, just like brothers.

Therefore, he is very considerate of Lin Lingtian.

Lin Han smiled at the corner of his lips, looking at an idiot, his eyes narrowed, and he said: "You might as well try it. The person who died today must be you. I will make Lin Lingtian pay a heavy price!"

Speaking of the last few words, a terrible cold air overflowed from his body, causing the temperature in the mountains and forests to suddenly drop a lot, as cold as the twelfth lunar winter.

He was almost wiped out by Lin Lingtian before. He was seriously wounded and dying. He entered Dayu Hengzhong and escaped.

His hatred towards Lin Lingtian was very strong.

When Lin Baishan and his followers appeared, he happened to be able to recoup some interest for himself.

Lin Baishan looked mockingly and sneered: "Don't think that you are in Daewoo Hengzhong. It seems that you can get some benefits and you can shake it up. I am the fourth genius of Fengyun. I want to kill you. I still want to kill you. ."

He felt that even if Lin Han had strengthened, it would be extremely limited, and it would not be enough to be put in his eyes.

What's more, Lin Han killed Lin Zimo because Lin Zimo and the blue flood dragon were seriously injured.

Otherwise, it would never be possible to really kill Lin Zimo.

"Stop talking nonsense, come on." Lin Han only looked indifferent, as if he was looking at a dead body, and smiled coldly.

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